The Influence of Russia's Regions Socio-Economic Development as Reflected in the Results of the Elections to the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly, Second Convocation
Buzin A.Yu.,
Cand. Sci (Phys-Math. Sci.; Law Sci.), Associate Professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Chairman of the Interregional Association of Voters, Co-Chair of the Public Movement «VOTE»,
For citation:
Buzin A.Yu. The Influence of Russia's Regions Socio-Economic Development as Reflected in the Results of the Elections to the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly, Second Convocation . – Polis. Political Studies. 1996. No. 1
Content No. 1, 1996
See also:
Shcheblanova V.V., Surkova I.Yu.,
Counter-terrorism operations: motivation, estimations and prospects. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No3
Goryainov V.P.,
Empirical Classifications of Russians' Vital Values in the Post-Soviet Period. – Polis. Political Studies. 1996. No4
Klimova S.G., Yakusheva T.V.,
Politicians’ Images in Russians’ Accounts. – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No6
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Pantin I.K., Ilyin M.V., Mezhuyev B.V., Shevtzova L.F., Melville A.Yu., Biryukov N.I., Bogaturov A.D., Volodin A.G., Kortunov A.V., Nikitchenko A.N., Sergeev V.M., Khenkin S.M.,
Is a Pact of Socio-Political Forces of Russia Viable?. – Polis. Political Studies. 1996. No5
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Kara-Murza A.A., Chugrov S.V., Zubov A.B., Rashkovsky Ye.B., , Zhukova O.A.,
Russian liberalism and christian values. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No3