The Condition and Prospects of Political Science Development in Russia (The Polis’ Questionnaire for Russian Political Scientists: First Answers)

The Condition and Prospects of Political Science Development in Russia (The Polis’ Questionnaire for Russian Political Scientists:
First Answers)

For citation:

The Polis’ Message The Condition and Prospects of Political Science Development in Russia (The Polis’ Questionnaire for Russian Political Scientists: First Answers) . – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No. 1

While preparations are under way for the 2nd All-Russia congress of political scien-tists, the Polis journal has addressed members of the science community requesting their answers to 16 questions concerning the present condition of Russian political sci-ence, its achievements and drawbacks, its growing-points, prospects for the develop-ment of its individual branches, as well as of the discipline as a whole. The Polis pub-lishes some answers to the questionnaire that were the first to come, from different re-gions of the country. The formation of political science in Russia, as a self-sustained sci-entific and educational discipline, and its institutionalization, are recognized as the main achievement within the past decade. It is noted at the same time that its status is still peripheral, as related both to the world political science, and to other social sciences in Russia. The publishers think it proper to note that each of the answers published ex-presses exclusively the opinion of the respondent.

Content No. 1, 2000

See also:

Golosov G.V.,
The Limits of Electoral Engineering: Mixed Disconnected Electoral Systems in New Democracies. – Polis. Political Studies. 1997. No3

Kovalev V.A., Meleshkina E.Yu., Lystzov V.V.,
Electoral Process in Russia's Regions (Round Table by Correspondence). – Polis. Political Studies. 1998. No5

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Boyko Ye.A., Lapkin V.V., Lifanov A.V., Moletotov I.A., Shcherbinin A.I., Kolotkin M.N., Olekh L.G., Dubrov A.P., Osipov A.G., Shcherbinina N.G.,
Problems of Teaching Political Sciences. A Round Table, Held in Novosibirsk, of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Political Sciences, and the Polls Journal Editorial Office Nonprofit Partnership. – Polis. Political Studies. 1997. No6

Vostrikov S.V.,
Conflict Management in the Near Abroad (To Elaboration of Russia's Strategy). – Polis. Political Studies. 1999. No5

Plyays Ya.A.,
Russia's Political Science as Reflected in Dissertations.. – Polis. Political Studies. 1998. No2



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