Social Partnership in Federalism: A Problem Raised and Discussed

Social Partnership in Federalism:
A Problem Raised and Discussed

For citation:

Model I.M., Model B.S. Social Partnership in Federalism: A Problem Raised and Discussed . – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No. 2

Sociologists from Yekaterinburg propose that modern federalism be treated as a not purely legal and economic, but also humanitarian phenomenon. In the authors’ opinion, solution of most complicated tasks involved in the constructing of democratic federative relations in post-Soviet Russia might be greatly promoted by inclusion of principles and mechanisms of social partnership into the sphere of regulation of the said relations. Objective and subjective preconditions are characterized, necessary for such inclusion. And the first among these preconditions is maturing of Russian civil society which is too young thus far.

Content No. 2, 2000

See also:

Golosov G.V.,
The Limits of Electoral Engineering: Mixed Disconnected Electoral Systems in New Democracies. – Polis. Political Studies. 1997. No3

Kovalev V.A., Meleshkina E.Yu., Lystzov V.V.,
Electoral Process in Russia's Regions (Round Table by Correspondence). – Polis. Political Studies. 1998. No5

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Boyko Ye.A., Lapkin V.V., Lifanov A.V., Moletotov I.A., Shcherbinin A.I., Kolotkin M.N., Olekh L.G., Dubrov A.P., Osipov A.G., Shcherbinina N.G.,
Problems of Teaching Political Sciences. A Round Table, Held in Novosibirsk, of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Political Sciences, and the Polls Journal Editorial Office Nonprofit Partnership. – Polis. Political Studies. 1997. No6

Vostrikov S.V.,
Conflict Management in the Near Abroad (To Elaboration of Russia's Strategy). – Polis. Political Studies. 1999. No5

Plyays Ya.A.,
Russia's Political Science as Reflected in Dissertations.. – Polis. Political Studies. 1998. No2



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
2 2005

Khenkin S.M.
Federalism: Russian and Foreign Experience

 The article text


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