Dynamics of the Images of G.Yavlinsky and V.Putin in the Presidential Campaign
For citation:
Kikt’eva Ye.A.. Dynamics of the Images of G.Yavlinsky and V.Putin in the Presidential Campaign . – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No. 4
G.Yavlinsky’s and V.Putin’s texts having been analyzed, and these politicians’ speech strategies defined, the author of the article then more closely retraces the ways their images were being formed in the past presidential campaign. Qualitative study of these two candidates’ speeches and interviews is accompanied by partial quantitative analysis illustrating the tendencies revealed.
Content No. 4, 2000
See also:
Shelekasova N.P.,
Unconscious Aspects of a Political Leader’s Image. – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No4
Pishcheva T.N.,
A Politician’s Public Image: Perception Barriers. – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No4
Presn’akova L.A.,
The Structure of Personal Perception of Political Power. – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No4
Ivannikova O.V.,
The Influence of the Situation in a Given Region on the Perception in It of Federal-Level Politicians: Kuban. – Polis. Political Studies. 2000. No4
Smirnova A.G.,
A State’s Depiction as Instrument of Threat Cognition in International Relations. – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No5