Orthodoxy and Education

Orthodoxy and Education

For citation:

Metropolitan Kirill Orthodoxy and Education . – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No. 2


It is on dialogue with the state, with secular society and with traditional religions that the spiritual and moral level of modern humankind depends to a great extent. It is nothing but dialogue that in today’s socio-cultural and political realities is the generally recognized and legitimate method of exerting influence over those who have differing views and persuasions. That method does not bear in it any threat to the preservation of integrity of a multi-cultural society in which people of different nationalities and religions are present, for it presumes respect for people of a different trend of thought.

Content No. 2, 2008

See also:

Zeletdinova E.A., Lagutkin O.Yu.,
Dominants of Social Conscious-ness in the Confessional Sphere in the Astrakhan Region. – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No2

Zubov A.B.,
Christians and Politics: Persecuting Church and Persecuted Church. Why Will All Who Seek Living in Christ, Will Be Persecuted?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No2

Ryabykh Georgy Rd.,
Russian Orthodox Church in the System of Modern International Relations. – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No2

Malinovskaya Ye.A.,
Orthodoxy in Central Asia. The Sources and the Modern Time. – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No2

Schmidt W.V.,
Interpretation of the Personality of Patriarch Nikon in Russia and Abroad (J. Billington’s Research “The Icon and the Axe” as Example). – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No2



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Polis. Political Studies
6 2011

Iordansky V.B.
Contradictory nature of nationalism

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