When Was the Way Chosen? (Russia’s Parties in the Course of the Two Electoral Cycles, 1993-2000)
Mikhaleva G.M. When Was the Way Chosen? (Russia’s Parties in the Course of the Two Electoral Cycles, 1993-2000) . – Polis. Political Studies. 2009. No. 2
It is institutional and non-institutional factors considered in the article, that determined the trajectory of the development of the electoral system and of the party system in the course of the first two Russian electoral cycles. The author analyzes these processes basing herself on the transformation theories and on the parties development theories, answering the question, why the democratization processes that had then begun, failed to get crowned with consolidation of the democratic institutions.
See also:
Balashov A.P., Markhashov Yu.S.,
Staraya Square, No. 4 [The 20s]. – Polis. Political Studies. 1991. No5
Pantzov A.V.,
The Demon of the Revolution or a Proletarian Revolutionist?. – Polis. Political Studies. 1991. No1
Gintzberg L.I.,
An Alternative to the Ultra-Left Course of the Comintern (Trotsky in the Struggle against German Fascism). – Polis. Political Studies. 1991. No6
Kautsky K.,
Terrorism and Communism (Ended from the Previous Issue). – Polis. Political Studies. 1991. No2
Abramov V.F.,
Democratic Practices of the Russian Zemstvo. – Polis. Political Studies. 1995. No3