Municipal reform in the Ulyanovsk region: results, problems, prospects (2000 - 2008)

Municipal reform in the Ulyanovsk region:
results, problems, prospects (2000 - 2008)

For citation:

Dergunova N.V. Municipal reform in the Ulyanovsk region: results, problems, prospects (2000 - 2008) . – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No. 4


Sociological comprehension of the processes of formation of the municipal autonomous bodies in the Ulyanovsk region and perception of the processes by local population are presented in the article. The reflections and conclusions are based on the studies conducted in the region in 2006 to 2010 by the author and with the author’s participation. Comparative analysis of the views of the municipal elite and of the local population as to the objectives and the results of the reform is offered; tendencies of the changes of activity and of the forms of participation of the people in the life of the local communities are considered, as well as interaction of the people with local public bodies.

Content No. 4, 2011

See also:

Nechayev V.D.,
Factors and Preconditions of Local Self-government’s Financial Autonomy. – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No6

Glebov V.A., Makuhin A. V. ,
Role of the Local Government in the Formation of Civil Society in Poland. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No4

Levkov S.A.,
Khabarovsk Krai: Paradoxes of the Municipal Reform. – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No5

Kruzhkov A.V.,
Local Self-government in Russia: the Project Meeting with Failure. – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No6

Nechayev V.D.,
The Functioning of the Two-Level Models of the Local Self-Government Territorial Organization in RF (With the Voronezhskaya and Orlovskaya Regions as Example). – Polis. Political Studies. 2006. No3



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