Israeli ultra-orthodoxes and modern society

Israeli ultra-orthodoxes and modern society

For citation:

Dubson B.I. Israeli ultra-orthodoxes and modern society. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No. 1


Factors determining the social status of the community of ultrareligious Jews in Israel are considered in the article: the low level of legal employment, specificity of their education, and the high birth rate. Prospects of the ultra-orthodoxes’ integration into modern society are estimated.

Israel; ultra-orthodoxes; religious communities.

Content No. 1, 2012

See also:

Zvyagelskaya I.D.,
Religious nationalists in Palestine and Israel. Back to the start?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No6

Krylov A.V., Fedorchenko A.V.,
Israeli-Ukrainian relations in the context of the new geopolitical situation. – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No3

Tokarev A.A.,
Labyrinths of the «Great migration». – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No4

Krylov A.V., Morozov V.M.,
The Ideology of Hamas: From Radical Islamism to Rational Practicality?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No4

Mchedlova M.M., Kazarinova D.B.,
COVID-19 Pandemic Challenge and Religion: Ontology vs Politics. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No4



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