Dialogue of civilizations for the building of peaceful and inclusive societies

Dialogue of civilizations for the building of peaceful and inclusive societies

Yakunin V.I.,

Dr. Sci. (Pol. Sci.), Head of the Public Policy Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, viy@polit.msu.ru

elibrary_id: 489038 |

For citation:

Yakunin V.I. Dialogue of civilizations for the building of peaceful and inclusive societies. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No. 5


The forming of the contemporary multi-polar world has to a great extent taken place in the context of two fundamental theories: of clash and of dialogue of civilizations. A well-known political scientist and politician, in his article, dwells on the basic principles of the “Dialogue of Civilizations” World Public Forum’s activities for the purposes of achieving peaceful intercultural mutual cooperation of different states and societies amidst socio-political and economic transformations going on in the world.

dialogue among civilizations; peaceful inclusive society; intercultural understanding; civilizational approach.


Content No. 5, 2012

See also:

Kulikov V.I.,
The world public forum «Dialogue of civilizations». – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No5

Theme of the issue: Dialogue of civilizations. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No5

Lane D.,
Civilisation and the Globalisation of Capitalism. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No4

Neklessa A.I.,
Northern Romea. Spaces of complex dialogue. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No5

Pantin V.I.,
Studying the prospects of international political developments: problems of a methodological synthesis. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No6



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