Memorizing Vadim Tsymbursky
Khatuntzev S.V.,
Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assistant professor, Russian History department, Voronezh State University,
Khatuntzev S.V. Memorizing Vadim Tsymbursky . – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No. 3
The critical review is devoted to the memory of the Russian political thinker and philosopher of culture Vadim Tsymbursky (1957-2009). It is the publication of the monographic intellectual inquiry into the prominent researcher’s heritage – inquiry realized by B.V. Mezhuyev (Б. Межуев. Политическая критика Вадима Цымбурского. М.: Европа, 2011. – 200 с. – B. Mezhuyev. Vadim Tsymbursky’s Political Critique), that gave a chance to investigate the genesis of Tsymbursky’s concepts – first of all that of “the Island of Russia”. The author of the book has also analyzed many of the scientist’s ideas, in particular: of Russia’s imperial origins as of the product of Russian Europeanism; of adequate attitude toward the changes of early 1990s; of civilizational geopolitics, etc.
See also:
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Spatial distribution of power and strategies of states or what and how geopolitics explains. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No2
Buzgalin A.V., Kolganov A.I., Barashkova O.V.,
Russia: New Imperialist Power?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2016. No1
Isayev B.A.,
Geopolitics: classical and modern. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No2
Balakina J.V., Morozova N.N., Radina N.K.,
Media, culture and popular geopolitics: how imagined spaces and identities are forged. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No6
Klemeshev A.P., Vorozheina Ya.A.,
National-Conservative “Turn” of Poland in Geopolitical Context. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No5