Regional political processes:
how «subjective» are subjects of the RF
Round Table of the «Polis» JournalGaman-Golutvina O.V.,
Dr. Sci. (Polit. Sci.), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Comparative Political Science Department, MGIMO University; President of the Russian Association of Political Science; Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Comparative Politics”; member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 250180 | ORCID: 0000-0002-2660-481X | RESEARCHER_ID: E-4046-2012
Avdonin V.S.,
Dr. Sci. (Pol. Sci.), Leading Researcher, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 646856 |
Sergeyev S.A., sasergeev1@rambler.ruChernikova V.V., victoriacher@ list.ruSidenko O.A., sidenko-olga13@rambler.ruSokolov A.V.Evdokimov N.A., bagsu_opi@mail.ruTupaev A.V., bio-412@yandex.ruSlatinov V.B., slatinov@yandex.ruZhukov I.K., ivzhukov@yandex.ruKozlova N.N.,
Sidenko O.A., sidenko-olga13@rambler.ruSokolov A.V.Evdokimov N.A., bagsu_opi@mail.ruTupaev A.V., bio-412@yandex.ruSlatinov V.B., slatinov@yandex.ruZhukov I.K., ivzhukov@yandex.ruKozlova N.N.,
Evdokimov N.A., bagsu_opi@mail.ruTupaev A.V., bio-412@yandex.ruSlatinov V.B., slatinov@yandex.ruZhukov I.K., ivzhukov@yandex.ruKozlova N.N.,
Slatinov V.B., slatinov@yandex.ruZhukov I.K., ivzhukov@yandex.ruKozlova N.N.,
Kozlova N.N.,
Dr. Sci. (Polit. Sci.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Political Studies, Institute of Economics and Management, Tver State University,
elibrary_id: 346665 | ORCID: 0000-0003-1212-6412 | RESEARCHER_ID: D-5405-2019
Rassadin S.V.,
Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Political Studies, Institute of Economics and Management, Tver State University,
elibrary_id: 418951 | ORCID: 0000-0002-3478-0792 | RESEARCHER_ID: 0AAS-7665-2021
Chugrov S.V.,
Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Sociology, leading researcher, Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University; Editor-in-chief of Polis. Political Studies journal Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 252110 | ORCID: 0000-0002-8307-7606 | RESEARCHER_ID: E-4747-2016
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Gaman-Golutvina O.V., Avdonin V.S., Sergeyev S.A., Chernikova V.V., Sidenko O.A., Sokolov A.V., Evdokimov N.A., Tupaev A.V., Slatinov V.B., Zhukov I.K., Kozlova N.N., Rassadin S.V., Chugrov S.V. Regional political processes: how «subjective» are subjects of the RF. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No. 5
Political scientists and sociologists from different regions of the country took part in the round table. They described political processes now observed in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation. Here are some of the themes that were proposed for discussion: role of structures of the civil society, of the expert community; political regional elites; problems of teaching political science in higher educational institutions etc.
See also:
Sungurov A.Yu., Karyagin M.E.,
Russian Expert Community and Government: Main Forms of Interaction. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No3
Smorgunov L.V.,
Political event analysis and its significance for modern comparative political studies. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No1
Martyanov V.S.,
Federalism: political structure or a pact between elites?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No1
Sungurov A.Yu.,
Expert community, think tanks and power: experience of three regions. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No2
Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N.,
Estimation of effectiveness of public policy institutions in Russia. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No5