Russian opposition as actor of institutional transformation

Russian opposition as actor of institutional transformation

For citation:

Miryasova O.A. Russian opposition as actor of institutional transformation. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No. 5


Analyzed in the article are the present-day situation of the community of Russian political and civil activists, their practices and attitude toward the power. Estimation is presented, of the transformational potential of the activists’ milieu; described are active and inactive citizens’ ideas of desirable moral order. The author comes to the conclusion that activism and interest for politics are in Russia closely connected with oppositional attitude toward the power. In this respect Russia proves to be contrary to the countries of “old” democracies, where activism and interest for politics are typical first of all of loyal citizens.

opposition; power; political practices; civil practices; institutional changes.

Content No. 5, 2013

See also:

Bolshakov A.G.,
Our political transformation: the completion or a pause?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No2

Patrushev S.V.,
The cliquocratical order as institutional trap for the russian modernization. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No6

Gelman V.Ya.,
Regional Power in Today's Russia: Institutes, Regimes, Practices.. – Polis. Political Studies. 1998. No1

Samarkina I.V., Bashmakov I.S.,
Local Identity and Mechanisms of its Conversion into Constructive Socio-Political Practices of Youth. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No2

Nisnevich Yu.A.,
Public power and corruption: socio-anthropological approach. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No6



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