Traumatized society and its phantoms

Traumatized society and its phantoms

Nemirovsky V.G.,

Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology, Siberian Federal Unversity,

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2015.03.13

For citation:

Nemirovsky V.G. Traumatized society and its phantoms. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No. 3.


The subject of this critical review is a new monograph by Zhan Toshchenko (“Phantoms of Russian society.” Moscow: Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing. 2015. 668 p.), which continues a series of his publications analyzing the deformation of the mass consciousness of modern Russian society. The new study is an attempt to overcome inefficiency of a number of approaches used to analyze Russian society in transition. In this case, the original methodology has been used, resulting in reasonable criteria used to select existing in it phantom types: authority, capital, and glory, as well as socio-psychological characteristics of personality. Toshchenko displays the sources of deformations in the public consciousness of the Russian society, which occurred over the past three decades. In the opinion of the author, they are related to a serious trauma of the society and gave birth to its anomie. Today, widely spread are simulation processes that replace real activity in all its forms and at all levels of social organization. It is important that the author of the book explores not only the reasons of the mentioned deformations, but he makes an attempt to forecast the further developments. At the same time the monograph combines academic objectivity with journalistic presentation rich in metaphors and images.

traumatized society; scientific mythology; the mass consciousness; phantom personality types.

Content No. 3, 2015

See also:

Laboratory: Mass consciousness – from manipulation to comprehension. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No4

Tokarev A.A.,
Mass consciousness of Russian youth: image of the future. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No6

Latov Yu.V.,
Dynamics of mass consciousness of Russians: extraordinary situation or beginning of a new cycle?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No6

Raviоt J.-R.,
Types of Nationalism, Society and Politics in Tatarstan. – Polis. Political Studies. 1992. No6

Osokina Ye.A.,
Influence of American Mass Media on Mass Consciousness (With the Conflicts of the USA with Iraq in 1990-1991 and in 2002-2003 as Example).. – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No1



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