The Phenomenon of Euroscepticism in the Context of Electoral Processes in Modern Europe
Yakunin V.I.,
Dr. Sci. (Pol. Sci.), Head of the Public Policy Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
elibrary_id: 489038 |
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2017.05.08
Yakunin V.I. The Phenomenon of Euroscepticism in the Context of Electoral Processes in Modern Europe. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No. 5.
The article is dedicated to the complex consideration of the sociological and demographic portrait of the modern euroscepticism. The author claims that it cannot be explicitly stated that eurosceptics can only form diversified groups, united by the temporal rather than long-term interests. In this context, it is worth mentioning that the very fact of the euroscepticism’s existence as a social and political phenomenon was an unclear topic among the academic society for at least last 15 years. For now it’s clear that in order to understand the logic of the last political events we need to analyze comprehensively the social structure of the phenomenon. In order to evaluate the core trends of euroscepticism the author also refers to the national statistics data on the public preferences and exit polls from different elections in the EU countries. The above-mentioned approach enabled the author to make the following conclusions. Firstly, the electoral support of eurosceptic parties strongly correlates with the economic position of a voting social group. Secondly, euroscepticism is a popular phenomenon among young men and this fact, supposedly, can also be understood in connection with the previous statement. Thirdly, there is a correlation between euroscepticism and the deep traditions of nationalismб which still matter for a part of the EU middle class. The analysis of the eurosceptic parties’ programs showed that there is a huge political division between those parties. For instance, some of them tend to criticize the EU in a comparatively “soft” way, whereas others take a more radical position. At the same time, in some leading EU member states eurosceptics became a significant national force, what puts the question of euroscepticism in the actual agenda of the EU.
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