Russian Federation in the Baltic Region: Political Relations and Economic Development in 1992-2017

Russian Federation in the Baltic Region:
Political Relations and Economic Development in 1992-2017

Fedorov G.M.,

Director, Institute of Environmental Management, Urban Development and Spatial Planning, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,

elibrary_id: 72128 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2018.03.03

For citation:

Fedorov G.M. Russian Federation in the Baltic Region: Political Relations and Economic Development in 1992-2017. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No. 3.


Russia traditionally maintains close political and economic ties with the foreign countries of the Baltic region, which is the key factor connecting the region into a single whole. However, there is substantial difference in the socio-economic landscape of these countries, as well as in the intensity of Russia’s relations with each of them. The contradictions in the relations between Russia and the West are manifested here as well. Strengthening ties is mutually beneficial for all countries in the region, but objective and subjective obstacles often arise for their development. In the article, in the context of the geopolitical changes taking place, the changes in the level and dynamics of GDP and are assessed, as well as the development of trade relations between Russia and countries of the region. Differences in GDP dynamics are shown for the countries of the Baltic region in 1989-1998, 1998-2007, 2007-2016. The changes in the trade turnover of Russia with other countries of the region over the period 1995-2016 are characterized.

Russia; the Baltic region; foreign policy processes; political differences; economic differentiation; gross domestic product; foreign trade turnover.


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Content No. 3, 2018

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