National-Conservative “Turn” of Poland in Geopolitical Context
Klemeshev A.P.,
Rector, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,
elibrary_id: 250687 |
Vorozheina Ya.A.,
Assistant, Institute for Humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,
elibrary_id: 873008 |
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2018.05.03
Klemeshev A.P., Vorozheina Ya.A. National-Conservative “Turn” of Poland in Geopolitical Context. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No. 5.
In historical retrospect, Poland has repeatedly become a participant in geopolitical perturbations, which is largely due to its limitrophic position between the two civilizational spaces (Europe and Russia), as well as the desire to overcome it by either building into one of them or forming an alternative space under its protectorate. Another example of Poland’s “escape” from “limitrophic captivity” was the accession to NATO and the EU. However, the national conservative course taken by Warsaw after the coming to power of the party “Law and Justice” (PiS) is not aimed at deepening Poland’s integration into the EU, but rather has a confrontational character regarding Brussels. This can clearly be seen in the conflict between Warsaw and Brussels, formally caused by the negative reaction of European structures on the judicial reform initiated in Poland. The authors analyze the conflict between Poland and the EU, relying on the ideological views of PiS and highlighting the main features and peculiarities of Euroscepticism of this party. The article points out that the escalation of the conflict encourages Warsaw to dynamize the activities of the Visegrad Group and actualize the geopolitical project “Intermarium”. The authors show that this creates the conditions for Poland’s participation in the launch of the next transformations of the geopolitical layout in the European space, which can have an impact on the architecture of the bipolar system “Europe – Russia”. The article contains four hypothetical scenarios for the development of the situation (considering the factor of U.S. influence).
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&rft.issue=5&rft.spage=17&rft.epage=28&rft.tpage=17-28&rft.number=&rft.year=2018&rft.issn=0321-2017&rft.shorttitle=&rft.subject=Польша; Право и справедливость; национал-консерватизм; евроскептицизм; суверенность; геополитика; Европа; ЕС; Германия; Россия; США& A.P.& Ya.A.">
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