New Phase of Decolonization: From Formal Sovereignity to Real One

New Phase of Decolonization:
From Formal Sovereignity to Real One

Entin M.L.,

Head of Department of European Law, MGIMO University, Moscow; Research Professor, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad,

elibrary_id: 540593 | ORCID: 0000-0001-9562-8340 | RESEARCHER_ID: DVS-0499-2022

Entina E.G.,

Associate Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow; Senior Researcher, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,

elibrary_id: 802154 | ORCID: 0000-0003-4198-4870 | RESEARCHER_ID: M-6192-2015

Torkunova E.A.,

Associate Professor, MGIMO University,

elibrary_id: 453284 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2019.01.09

For citation:

Entin M.L., Entina E.G., Torkunova E.A. New Phase of Decolonization: From Formal Sovereignity to Real One. – Polis. Political Studies. 2019. No. 1.


After the collapse of the bipolar world order, politicians and experts almost everywhere faced the requirement of making corrections in the political concepts and narratives of decolonization as a dominant global development trend. Not a long time before, the United States proclaimed the process of decolonization completed and referred to it as a past era supplanted by imperatives of modernization, Europeanization, westernization, globalization, etc. In reality, however, only two of its phases – attainment of formal political independence and gaining sovereignty over natural resources – have been completed. The process entered the third phase of actual decolonization when China and a large group of rapidly developing economies had turned into the world’s manufacturing and assembly factories. Russia’s reemerging as one of the leading global players bolsters up and further spurs the process of decolonization. The balance of forces on the world stage goes through tectonic shifts and gives additional chances for final success of decolonization. What is expected to come up is the next, and final, phase of practical decolonization. Its purpose is to acquire technological and financial independence as well as the ability to parry military force or threat of the use of force whatever its origin. There exist objective and subjective factors that get in the way of decolonization. These include political destabilization and pressure, redirection of financial flows, sanctions, wars, etc. They will not have a critical impact, however, if all constructive forces around the world pool their efforts towards cooperation. With such an understanding of dominant and latent trends, ongoing worldwide transformations look no longer like unpredictable and dramatic chaotization of international relations but are being taken for what they actually are: the struggle for practical decolonization of the parts of the planet that used to be dependent territories. 

formal decolonization, actual decolonization, comprehensive independence, international law, Russia, China, USA, EU.


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Content No. 1, 2019

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