The Privatization of Future. New Semantics, Concept & Practice of the Global Society

The Privatization of Future. New Semantics, Concept & Practice of the Global Society

Neklessa A.I.,

Head of the “North-South” Group at the Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies, Institute for African Studies; Head of the Commission on Socio-Cultural Issues of Globalization; Member of the Bureau of the Academic Council “History of the World Culture” at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

elibrary_id: 74629 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2020.02.11
Rubric: DIXI!

For citation:

Neklessa A.I. The Privatization of Future. New Semantics, Concept & Practice of the Global Society. – Polis. Political Studies. 2020. No. 2.


The world moves toward new semantics, concept and practice of social interactions. Strategic advantage goes to systems able efficiently operate in situations of novelty and uncertainty. Proactive personality, private institutions, cross-border anthropo-social communities replace Leviathan’s hierarchies, which lose previous bureaucratic certainty. Empowerment of individuals means the greater variability of global practices and gradual reconfiguration from the symphony of nations to polyphonic polities: the process, resulting in a different amount of risks. Geo-economic logic replace geo-political codes of action. Yet in the mobile world with elastic architecture, socio-cultural attraction (geo-culture) is going to dominate over both of them, accelerating in its turn the redistribution of human resources over the planet (geo-anthropology). The geo-economic model of the world demonstrates six areas: Transnational region (global governance), North Atlantic West (high technology), Pacific ring of the New East (industrial production), Tropical South belt (raw materials economy), “land-ocean” of the Northern Eurasia (very specific area) and the Deep South (trophy-economy). Forthcoming world’s cartography involves geo-anthropology as the sum of processes and situations that arise during the deployment and redeployment of human resources on the planet, taking into account their quality. When modeling the new status of global community, Modernity-type regulations become invalid and new categorical apparatus emerges, somehow similar to semantics of quantum mechanics with their principles of uncertainty, complementarity etc. Geo-cultural/geo-anthropological atlas represents clusters of glocal objects with complex architecture organized by social gravity. “Heavy” entities emerge where professional/dynamic anthropological resources – intellectual and human capital of humankind concentrate. Russia demonstrates protective reactions to this new Zeitgeist; the sociocultural and anthropological catastrophe produces a deficit of national elite and active civil society. Such situation is a fundamental obstacle in the evolutionary battle for the future. 

future, evolution, forecasting, methodology, postmodernity, complex society, individuation, geo-culture, geo-anthropology, Russia.


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Content No. 2, 2020

See also:

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