Innovation and Leadership Potential in the Structure of Political Attitudes of Youth (On the Case Study of Altai Krai and Novosibirsk Oblast)

Innovation and Leadership Potential in the Structure of Political Attitudes of Youth (On the Case Study of Altai Krai and Novosibirsk Oblast)

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2021.02.08

For citation:

Aseev S.Yu., Shashkova Ja.Ju. Innovation and Leadership Potential in the Structure of Political Attitudes of Youth (On the Case Study of Altai Krai and Novosibirsk Oblast). – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No. 2.

The study has been conducted with financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, research project No. 18-011-01184 “The Potential of Youth Political Leadership in the Context of Political Socialization and Circulation of Elites in Russian Regions in 2010th (the case study of South-Western Siberia and North-West of Russia)”.


Due to the rate of transformations taking place in the modern world, a demand is being created amongst the public for political initiatives and innovations, although this poses the problem of creating a sustainable system for the younger generation. This demand is usually addressed to young people and their active part-youth political leaders. The article assesses the capacity of youth political leaders and the youth community within the Russian regions to act as innovators in the social and political sphere. The article mainly focuses on the research into young people's ideas about the innovative potential of youth leaders and the conditions for updating and actualizing this. The research has proved that young people have a pragmatic attitude towards their leaders, who are supposed, first of all, to solve problems of the young, acting innovatively if needs must. The main criterion for how effectiveness leaders’ activities are in the minds of young people is their commitment and the presence of visible results. At the same time, the analysis of a mass youth survey in Altai Krai and Novosibirsk Oblast revealed low leadership and innovation potential of the young community. Only a small number of people in this socio-demographic group are ready to become active participants in political processes and take responsibility for making and implementing executive decisions. The authors emphasize that the majority of young people assess the current influence displayed by their leaders on the political process in the country and its regions negatively. Young people see this situation as being caused by both objective and subjective factors – the low political activity taken by the leaders themselves and the restrictions placed on implementing their innovative potential as imposed by political institutions and elites. Based on the survey of members of Youth Parliaments and leaders of youth socio-political organizations in the regions under discussion, the artucke concludes that, within modern Russian policy-making, the innovative potential of youth political leaders cannot be employed; this is because youth leaders have access only to the local government and youth policy, and also due to their lack of experience and resources as are necessary to overcome the longstanding “game rules”. 

youth, political innovations, youth political leadership, political ideas, political attitudes, youth political activity, regions of the Russian Federation.


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Content No. 2, 2021

See also:

Samarkina I.V., Bashmakov I.S.,
Local Identity and Mechanisms of its Conversion into Constructive Socio-Political Practices of Youth. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No2

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Regional political processes: how «subjective» are subjects of the RF. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No5

Tomashov I.A.,
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