The Contemporary World Order: The Adaptation of Actors to Structural Realities

The Contemporary World Order:
The Adaptation of Actors to Structural Realities

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2021.04.03

For citation:

Safranchuk I.A., Lukyanov F.A. The Contemporary World Order: The Adaptation of Actors to Structural Realities. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No. 4.

I.A. Safranchuk’s work on this article was financially supported by MGIMO University, project No. 1921-01-04.


This article develops the concept introduced in The Modern World Order: Structural Realities and Great Power Rivalries (Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No. 3). The core structural element of the current world is defined as a mismatch between material globalization and ideational universalism — the former continuing its ascendance while the latter declines. The material interdependence of actors who are ideationally divergent leads to conflictual relations that are not well explained within realist or liberal narratives of International Relations. These realities are not simply transitional, on the way to a new world order, but are sustainable, and taken together constitute the current world order, with its extremely high risks of international conflict. Hence, new approaches are needed for the stabilization of the international system. This article offers a new interpretation of the civilizational approach. While the very notion of civilizations is vague and debatable, the authors outline key features of civilizations that fit the contemporary structural realities. The authors conclude that ideationally resilient civilizations, nearly irrelevant and indifferent to each other, can stay materially interconnected without inclination for securitization of various agendas of their relations. 

world order, globalization, regionalization, civilizations.


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Content No. 4, 2021

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