Civilization as a Process: Multiplied Subjects of Postmodernity

Civilization as a Process:
Multiplied Subjects of Postmodernity

Neklessa A.I.,

Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

elibrary_id: 74629 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2021.05.04

For citation:

Neklessa A.I. Civilization as a Process: Multiplied Subjects of Postmodernity. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No. 5.


The article is devoted several aspects emerging in the current transit of civilization – the genesis, the problems, and the prospects regarding the development of trans-border innovative enterprises (anthropo- social structures – ASS). Attention is drawn to their growth in number, multiplication, diversity, high adaptability, other specific qualities, and competitive advantages. Civilization is a dynamic concept, a social analogue of evolution, and these ambitious enterprises are subjects of historical competition. Globalization, which expands space for operations and range of communications, is accompanied by the individuation of a significant number of ambitious persons (manterprisers) vs. mass society and inclusive atomization. Crises of modern political structures and the spread of social, technical, and anthropological complexities, as well as the creation of innovative virtual “cloud structures” etc, disrupt the existing balance of power and distort the modern world order. Forecast technics, based on a transdisciplinary approach, global dimensions, and a long-term perspective, are elaborated to predict the future, yet they are not very effective. Methodology for complex systems/operations analysis replaces long-term calculations with nonlinear dynamics, global generalizations with fractality evaluations, and disciplinary approach with attention to breakthrough situations. Deep education is a fusion of core motivation (mission) with the purposes of action (vision), knowledge with exploration, and personal growth. Socially motivated enterprises form ASS-ensembles, which tend to generate a universal Postmodern infrastructure upon the pillars of Modernity. The article also presents typology of social evolution strategies and provides historical examples of their implementation, which vary significantly, depending on the intentions of the main actor of a strategy. New forms of conflict and political alliances emerge. The fight for the future is an asymmetrical co-evolution of entities with interests that are not quite matching yet not quite opposites. In times of crises, competition escalates: someone wins, someone loses, someone goes to the dustbin of history. The search for evolutionary strategy, methods of cognition and technologies of action effective in the hybrid environment of civilizational transit, is on the agenda. 

evolution, civilization, transformation, anthropo-social structures, strategy, enterprise, complexity, management, personality, intangible assets.


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Content No. 5, 2021

See also:

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Kupryashin G.L.,
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Theoretical model of the phenomenon of citizen: socio-cultural approach. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No6



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