The Russian political elite: characteristics and dynamics (based on research materials dating from 2011 to 2021)

The Russian political elite:
characteristics and dynamics (based on research materials dating from 2011 to 2021)

Article received: 2021.09.17. Accepted: 2022.03.25
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2022.04.12
Rubric: Russia today

For citation:

Palitay I.S. The Russian political elite: characteristics and dynamics (based on research materials dating from 2011 to 2021). – Polis. Political Studies. 2022. No. 4.


The article presents the results of a political and psychological analysis of the political elite of Russia. The empirical research was conducted using the psychobiographical method, content analysis of texts and the observation method. In the course of the study, the biographical information of about 556 politicians was collected and processed, including all deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, heads of regions, ministers of the federal government of the Russian Federation. The biographical information formed the basis of the status-role analysis of the modern political elite in Russia, and also made it possible to analyze the dynamics of its main socio-demographic indicators, starting in 2011 (based on previous studies). The 30 political and psychological profiles of representatives of the elite allowed the author to formulate hypotheses about the challenges encountered by representatives of the political elite of modern Russia in trying to realise their potential. The study found that the trend towards rejuvenation is the most visible. However, this only applies to those corps that the federal government recruits. The problem of developing the personal and professional abilities of representatives of the political elite arises from the peculiarities of the current situation and from the demand of the population for specific qualities. An assessment of the current crisis situation has shown that psychological threats are largely rooted in the consciousness and behavior of the political elite itself. Accordingly, the recommendations, first of all, imply serious work with its representatives, especially with the young. They need to be trained to develop leadership skills, the formation of reflective thinking, the ability to develop long-term strategies.

political elite, governors, deputies, ministers, political and psychological analysis, status-role analysis, socio-demographic indicators, personality traits, psychological profile.


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Content No. 4, 2022

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