Russian political science in 2021: a survey

Russian political science in 2021:
a survey

Agafonov Iu.G,

European University at St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia,

elibrary_id: 827100 | ORCID: 0000-0002-1494-7540 |

Sokolov M.M.,

European University at St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia,

elibrary_id: 234420 | ORCID: 0000-0002-4102-7117 |

Article received: 2022.04.30. Accepted: 2022.11.18

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2023.02.05

For citation:

Agafonov Iu.G, Sokolov M.M. Russian political science in 2021: a survey. – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No. 2. EDN: UUNUAI

The research was supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 21-18-00519).


The paper presents the results of a survey of 1062 Russian political scientists, conducted in 2021. It provides data on their demographic characteristics, employment, interests, intellectual authorities, methods and languages used, as well as on their views on science and politics. A model Russian political scientist is a woman, 30-39 years old, PhD (kandidat nauk), teaching at a university between 800 and 900 contact hours a year, but finding time to consult state and municipal authorities, interested in international relations, considers Samuel Huntington’s work exemplary, holds that Vladimir Gelman is the most important political scientist in Russia, uses historical methods and thinks that history is the most important discipline for a prospective political scientist, reads in Russian and in English in equal shares, believes that Russian political scientists should cherish their own national intellectual tradition, at the same time impartially and objectively observing political processes, gives comments in press, votes in all elections and self-identifies politically as an etatist (state-minded).

political science in Russia, sociology of social sciences, surveys of scientists, academia, academic ratings, academic organizations, public role of scientists.

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Content No. 2, 2023

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