Transformation of the political media space within the framework of the noospheric paradigm (to the 160th anniversary of V. Vernadsky)
Sharkov F.I.,
MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 478189 |
Kirillina N.V.,
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 788358 |
Kireeva O.F.,
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 796894 |
Article received: 2020.03.02. Accepted: 2023.04.10

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2023.04.13
Sharkov F.I., Kirillina N.V., Kireeva O.F. Transformation of the political media space within the framework of the noospheric paradigm (to the 160th anniversary of V. Vernadsky). – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No. 4. EDN: FCWJDQ
Our century in the political, social and humanitarian context has revealed the urgent need to identify both the dysfunctions in the field of communication, and their possible causes and consequences. The study tests the authors’ hypothesis about the growing duality of the ongoing processes, which, on the one hand, are determined by the global communicative imperatives to expand the interaction space, ignoring national borders, and, on the other hand, by quite obvious centrifugal processes, which are caused, among other factors, by the desire to erect barriers along the lines of regional and territorial division. Observing the growth of antagonistic contradictions in allow for the possibility that the obvious polarization of opinions is not a consequence of the aggravation of real conflicts, but often their source. Taking into account the noted duality and complexity of the processes taking place during the transformation of the modern political media space, the authors offer general principles for diagnosing current political challenges from the standpoint of the noospheric paradigm, which goes back to the ideas of Vladimir Vernadsky, in combination with classical methods of studying communications.
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