The transformation of the world order: the evolutionary aspect

The transformation of the world order:
the evolutionary aspect

Lapkin V.V.,

Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

elibrary_id: 43429 | ORCID: 0000-0002-0775-2630 | RESEARCHER_ID: AAB-9386-2021

Article received: 2024.05.08 17:21. Accepted: 2024.05.29 17:21

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2024.04.11

For citation:

Lapkin V.V. The transformation of the world order: the evolutionary aspect. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No. 4. EDN: EELNCG (In Russ.)


Within the framework of the methodology of system modeling and concept analysis, as well as by using a previously developed model of evolutionary cycles of the world political and economic system, supplemented by a model of transmission of leadership and its dysfunctions in the vicinity of the “singularity” of global development, a hypothesis has been formulated to explain the features of the current degradation of the unipolar world order, clarifying its time frame and possible cumulative geo-economic and geopolitical consequences. The possibility of evolutionary transformation of the unipolar world order into a different kind of global order, built on fundamentally different organizational principles, which are not hierarchical, but rather structured like a network, is explored. Among the systemic reasons for such degradation, the most important are, firstly, the evolutionary dead end of the monopolar design of a complex system. Within the framework of such a system, both organic transmission of leadership and institutional and normative-value continuity between the elites of the old and new leader are impossible. Under these circumstances, the hegemon of the monopolar world order is forced, driven by the interests of self-preservation, to destroy the foundations of the system it itself created. Another no less important systemic reason pointing to the inevitability of “creative destruction” of the traditional hierarchically organized world order is the inertia of the prospects for global development for the subjects and actors of world politics operating today, as well as the structural and functional “poverty” of mainstream models of world socio-political and economic changes in the coordinates of global ordering/disordering. Based on the analysis of the primary symptoms of the widespread awakening of actors to subjective activity that has swept the entire modern world, qualitatively new communities have been identified – growth points of new orders, proto-institutions, norms and value orientations, potential structures of political subjectivity.

world order, social evolution, political evolution, hierarchies, networks, transformation, conceptualization, global leadership, actors, subjects.


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Content No. 4, 2024

See also:

Bolshakov A.G.,
Our political transformation: the completion or a pause?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No2

Baranovsky V.G.,
Transformation of Global World Order: Dynamics of Systemic Changes. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No3

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STATE GOVERNANCE AND POLITICAL NETWORKS. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No4

Lapkin V.V.,
Nation vs Empire in the Modern World Order. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No4

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Introducing the section. The human dimension of politics. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No6



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