Practice of international relations: potential for transfer to other spheres

Practice of international relations:
potential for transfer to other spheres

Article received: 2024.04.05 20:44. Accepted: 2024.05.27 20:45

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2024.05.11

For citation:

Lebedeva M.M., Chipizubova, P.A., Kurbatov D.M. Practice of international relations: potential for transfer to other spheres. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No. 5. EDN: BHABQL (In Russ.)

The reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation grant No 23-18-01045. The authors express their gratitude to Т.А. Alekseeva and M.V. Kharkevich for the suggestion to consider the possibility of exporting theoretical concepts from international studies to other subject areas, as well as to N.V. Gavrilenko, M.A. Kucherov and D.S. Zakharov for their valuable ideas and comments.


In today's world, there is a close intertwining of academic disciplines and spheres of practical interaction. To identify a potential for transfer of international practices, the authors of this study attempt to elicit cases of successful transfer of practical experience from International Relations and world politics to other fields, as well as provide illustrative examples of parallel development of similar practices. As one of the most extensive practices in the realm of International Relations, diplomacy appears to contain a large number of relevant cases. Transfer and parallel development of negotiation techniques and mediation technologies manifest themselves both in the related sphere of domestic politics and in corporate culture. Another example of business borrowing international practices is the institution of industrial espionage, which nowadays might be compared to the institution of political-military espionage in terms of its scale and organization. The study also focuses on the phenomena of parallel development of social practices, namely emancipation. While it is regarded as a process of gaining legal independence in the sphere of law, in International Relations it denotes a rejection of the idea of domination of a certain order or ideological stance. The final part of the study is dedicated to the consideration of typologies of behavior, as well as analogies and metaphors, in various social spheres. Metaphors and analogies unite such seemingly distant disciplines as International Relations and folklore studies. In addition to allusions to foreign policy events, which appear with a certain frequency in mass culture, the authors also present possible parallels between the structure of fairy tales and that of political conflict. On the grounds of the case studies, the paper highlights the diversity of areas of international engagement that have directly or indirectly contributed, or could contribute, to the emergence and/or development of other practice areas.

International Relations potential for transfer, international practices, diplomatic protocol, international negotiations, political metaphors, parallel development, mediation, espionage, emancipation.


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Content No. 5, 2024

See also:

Lebedeva M.M., Zinovieva E.S.,
Methods of neuroscience in studying world politics. – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No5

Alekseyeva T.A., Lebedeva M.M.,
What Is Happening to the Theory of International Relations. – Polis. Political Studies. 2016. No1

Lebedeva M.M., Gavrilenko N.V., Zakharov D.S., Kucherov M.A.,
Theory of world politics: assessing the potential for transfer. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No2

Baranovsky V.G.,
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Baranovsky V.G.,
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