GR-management and public policy
Smorgunov L.V.,
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia,
elibrary_id: 208776 | ORCID: 0000-0002-2581-2975 | RESEARCHER_ID: H-4986-2013
Article received: 2024.04.25 22:49. Accepted: 2024.06.06 22:49
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2024.06.12
Smorgunov L.V. GR-management and public policy. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No. 6. EDN: QSNVYP (In Russ.)
The basis for thinking about the current state of interaction between business and public authorities is the monograph “GR-management of business organizations in modern Russia. Complex analysis and applied technologies” (Degtyarev, A.A., & Teteryuk, A.S. (Ed.). Moscow: Prometej, 2024). The paper notes the consonance of the contents of the book with the trends in the development of the professional sphere of GR (Government Relations) in a modern society with a market economy. Methodologically, the book deals with the concept of interest groups in politics, when the interaction of business with public authorities is described in the system of political governance functionally-strategically (lobbyism), microtactically (lobbying) and technologically-procedurally (GR-management). The monograph includes ideas about conflictual interaction between business and the state and the orientation of GR management towards achieving company profitability and obtaining political rent. However, this interpretation of the axiology of business, as shown in the paper, is insufficient and contradicts the modern understanding of capitalism as “stakeholder” oriented and “inclusive”, in which profit, although the goal of business, is subject to public values. Hence, it is not lobbying (unilateral influence on the public decision-making process), but corporate public policy (socially responsible and partner behavior of business) that constitutes the strategic orientation of GR-management. With such interaction between business and authorities, communication comes to the fore as a search for mutually agreed positions in public policy.
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Degtyarev, A.A., & Teteryuk, A.S. (Ed.). (2024). GR-menedzhment biznes-organizatsii v sovremennoi Rossii. Kompleksnyi analiz i prikladnye tekhnologii [GR management of business organizations in modern Russia. Complex analysis and applied technologies]. Moscow: Prometej. (In Russ.)
Issledovanie klyuchevykh tendentsii i osobennostei raboty GR-spetsialistov [Research of key trends and features of the work of GR specialists]. (2024). Moscow: Baikal Communications Group. (In Russ.)
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Smorgunov, L.V. (Ed.). (2018). Publichnaya politika: instituty, tsifrovizatsiya, razvitie [Public policy: Institutions, digitalization, development]. Moscow: Aspekt Press. (In Russ.)
See also:
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Evolution of the concept of public policy: attention for «motive forces» and for governing entities. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No3
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