Energy security community: conceptualization using the Caspian region as a case study

Energy security community:
conceptualization using the Caspian region as a case study

Aliyev R.A. ,

Doctor of Economics, MGIMO University; UNA-Russia, Moscow, Russia,

elibrary_id: 258070 | ORCID: 0000-0003-2258-3588 | RESEARCHER_ID: AAE-1140-2020

Article received: 2024.12.02 16:21. Accepted: 2025.01.20 16:21

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2025.02.07

For citation:

Aliyev R.A. Energy security community: conceptualization using the Caspian region as a case study . – Polis. Political Studies. 2025. No. 2. EDN: JZHYCY (In Russ.)


The article explores the concept of ‘security communities' in the context of energy security, applying Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett's theoretical framework to the Caspian Sea region. The integration of Vital Energy Systems (VES) into this theory reveals the potential of energy interdependence as a foundation for building a collective identity and trust among states. Particular attention is given to the Caspian Five - Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan - as the energy core of the Greater Eurasian Partnership, positioned as a key element for regional stability and integration. The analysis highlights major infrastructure projects such as the Caspian Pipeline Consortium and the Trans­Caspian Gas Pipeline, while also addressing the region's ecological challenges. Barriers to integration, including political disagreements, competition over export routes, and the absence of a unified climate strategy, are critically examined. However, the article emphasizes that strengthening institutional mechanisms and advancing joint energy projects could facilitate the development of an energy security community. The article concludes that energy security, beyond its practical dimension, serves as a symbol of collective responsibility for the region's future. Framing the Caspian Five within the context of the Greater Eurasian Partnership underscores the role of energy as a tool for regional integration, capable of fostering peace and stability amid global challenges.

energy security, security communities, Caspian region, regional integration, vital energy systems.


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Content No. 2, 2025

See also:

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