The problem of Russian voters' perception of democratic values in the context of attitudes to the West

The problem of Russian voters' perception of democratic values in the context of attitudes to the West

Feoktistov N.M. ,

Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

elibrary_id: 1279387 |

Article received: 2024.10.31 19:37. Accepted: 2025.01.09 19:38

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2025.02.09

Rubric: Laboratory

For citation:

Feoktistov N.M. The problem of Russian voters' perception of democratic values in the context of attitudes to the West. – Polis. Political Studies. 2025. No. 2. EDN: ORTGLC (In Russ.)


This article critically examines the prevailing discourse surrounding Russian political culture within the context of modern Russian history. A prominent strand within this discourse posits a “genetic” predisposition of Russian voters towards authoritarianism. However, the author argues that this assumption is unfounded, citing the rich empirical evidence provided by the analysis of election campaigns at both the federal and regional levels. These campaigns demonstrate a more nuanced and dynamic political consciousness among Russian voters, characterized by fluctuations between openness and democracy on the one hand, and a more closed, authoritarian orientation on the other, depending on the historical context. The author emphasizes that while attitudes towards the West - whether perceived as friendly or hostile - significantly influence political consciousness, they do not constitute the sole determinant. Furthermore, the article criticises the tendency to assess the quality and development of democratic institutions in Russia solely through the lens of Western standards. Such assessments, the author argues, often rely on simplistic and mythologized assumptions about Russian political culture. The author concludes that the primary focus for Russia's future development should be the cultivation of authentic and “original” democratic traditions within Russian society, independently of its relationship with the West.

political culture, authoritarianism, democratic institutions, election campaigns, archetypes, historical cycles.


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Content No. 2, 2025

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