Digital public diplomacy in social media era:
evolution and current trends
Ordovsky D.,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia,
Kozhemyakin E.A.,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 346124 | ORCID: 0000-0003-2991-1011 | RESEARCHER_ID: S-5985-2017

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2025.02.11
Ordovsky D., Kozhemyakin E.A. Digital public diplomacy in social media era: evolution and current trends. – Polis. Political Studies. 2025. No. 2. EDN: OOLICR
The analysis of related concepts ofmovement-dynamics-changes-evolution-development was carriedout, which allowed us to formulate criteria for developmentas a special type of movement (change) and to apply theidea of development to the social (including political) andpersonal spheres.
Within the framework of the author'sformulation of the problem of conceptualization ofdevelopment, sociality (including its political aspects)was considered from the standpoint of a systems approachwith an emphasis on the study of the elements of the binarystructure of complex, developing systems. As a result ofthe study, it was shown that the idea of the binarity ofsocial and political systems is of decisive importance inmodeling political change and political development. Indeveloping these ideas, a model of a modern complex societyas an ensemble of social artifacts, as well as theinteractions formatted by them, was studied. Particularattention is paid to the quality of reflexivity of suchensembles and the organization of cooperative interactionand information exchange within the supersystemconglomerates they form, as well as the opportunities forforecasting previously unknown risks and threats to theglobal community that open up within the framework of thedeveloped model. Within the framework of the concept ofdynamic stability of the political organization of society,an approach to the structural analysis of politicalstrategies as a toolkit of political development isdeveloped. A new approach to the classification andmodeling of political development strategies as formed bycomplexes of components of a number of polar dispositionsof political development practices is offered.
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