Polis. Political Studies

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Id    Im    In    IN    Ir    Is    It   

 Ideals and Idols – through Years and Centuries
Fadeyeva L.A.
No 3, 2007

 Ideas and Values as a Method of Constructing Symbolic Space of the National Identity
Pushkaryova G.V.
No 5, 2017

 Ideas as independent variables in political studies: in search of adequate methodology
Malinova O.Yu.
No 3, 2010

 Ideas living in the time
Khoros V.G.
No 1, 2014

Ideas on Constitutional Statehood, Incited by the New French Constitution (From a Letter to a Friend, August 1791)
Humboldt W.
No 5, 1993

Identification of a Warlike Conflict (Methodological and Theoretical Reference Points)
Smulsky S.V.
No 4, 1995

 Identity as an academic agenda of worldview
Andreev D.A.
No 3, 2013

 Identity in the system of coordinates of the world development
Semenenko I.S., Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I.
No 3, 2010

 Identity Policies in Rural Local Community Development in Russia
Morozova E.V., Miroshnichenko I.V., Semenenko I.S.
No 3, 2020

 Identity Politics and Identities in Politics: Interethnic Perspectives in a European Context
Semenenko I.S.
No 4, 2016

 Identity «with Chinese Specificity»
Korsoun V.A.
No 3, 2008

 Ideological component in the evolution of European Union
Baykov A.A.
No 1, 2013

 Ideological Pluralism and the Transformation of the Public Sphere in Post-Soviet Russia
Malinova O.Yu.
No 1, 2007

Ideologies as Determinant of Modem Politics
Matz U.
No 1, 1992

 Ideology and Civilizational Discourse
Chebankova E.A., Dutkiewicz P.
No 4, 2021

Ideology and culture
Musikhin G.I.
No 1, 2012

Ideology in the USA
Herson L.J.R.
No 6, 1993

 Ideology in the world undergoing transformation: traits to present a new vision
Krasin Yu.A.
No 6, 2014

Ideology with No Trenches and Barricades
Matveyev V.A.
No 1, 1991

Image of Authority in Russia: Desires and Reality (Politico-Psychological Analysis)
Shestopal Ye.B.
No 4, 1995

 Image of China as an anti-Muslim “Other” in the Indonesian media
Kyrchanoff M.V.
No 1, 2024

 Image of Russia in the discourse of political elite and of the homeless
Kasamara V.A., Sorokina A.A.
No 4, 2011

 Image of the russian power and of political leaders in the conceptual space of demotivation posters
Bukreyeva O.V.
No 5, 2011

 Image of «the Other» in the structure of modern identity of russian society
Krestinina Ye.S.
No 4, 2011

 Images of EU in Russia: Problem of Perception
Shestopal Ye.B., Gubchenko V.A., Dzhamaludinov Sh.Z., Dzhgamadze K.B., Tumysov I.A.
No 3, 2016

 Images of Europe in the discourse of German left- and right-wing populists: between solidarity Europe and fortress Europe
Svirchevskii D.A., Fomin I.V.
No 2, 2023

 Images of Russia: Reflecting on the Eras of Change
Zarubina N.N., Noskova A.V.
No 2, 2019

 Images of Russian Tolerance
Romanenko L.M.
No 6, 2002

 Images of the cold war: projection of the confrontation politics on the screen
Fyodorov A.V.
No 4, 2010

 Immigrants as social agents: allochtones and autochtones
Malakhov V.S.
No 1, 2015

 Immigration as problem of national security of the RF
Ponamaryova A.M., Tatuntz S.A.
No 4, 2010

 Immigration regimes in the states of the West and in Russia: the political theory aspects. Part I
Malakhov V.S.
No 3, 2010

 Immigration regimes in Western States and in Russia: the political theory aspects. Part II
Malakhov V.S.
No 4, 2010

 Imperialization (The Notion of Empire and the Modern World)
Magun A.V.
No 2, 2007

 Implications of the rise of «confucian» East Asia
Tu Weiming
No 1, 2012

Imposed Ethnicity
Dragunsky D.V.
No 5, 1993

 In Defence of Russian Liberalism
Zaytzeva T.I.
No 1, 2006

 In Memory of Aleksey Mikhaylovich Salmin (1951 — 2005)
Editorial Introduction
No 5, 2005

In Memory of G.Kh.Shakhnazarov
Editorial note
No 3, 2001

In Memory of M.A.Persitz (1914 — 2000)
Editorial note
No 2, 2001

 In Memory of M.I.Novinskaya (1927 — 2002)
Editorial note
No 3, 2002

In Memory of Samary Velikovsky (Apologia of Sisyphus)
Lebedev A.A.
No 1, 1991

 In search of a lost subject: feminine and masculine determinants of belonging to the category of subject in modern Russia
Gnedash A.A.
No 5, 2010

 In search of a new methodological paradigm in political science: the identity approach
Tkhagapsoyev Kh.G.
No 4, 2013

In Search of an Integral Image of Man
Nalimov V.V.
No 4, 1992

 In Search of Another Mainstream
Martyanov V.S.
No 4, 2021

In Search of National Interests: State Building in Ukraine in the Context of World Experience
Kotelnikov V.S.
No 6, 2000

 In Search of National Model of Development: Appealing to Archaization
Stepanyants M.T.
No 6, 2016

 In Search of Nationalism with a “Plus” Mark?
Malinova O.Yu.
No 6, 2002

 In Search of New Russian Styles (Fifteen Years of the Polis Journal and of Our Country’s Political Science)
Editorial Introduction
No 1, 2006

In Search of Political Russia
Lapkin V.V.
No 6, 1998

 In Search of the Origins of Multinational Federalism
Mochalov A.N.
No 1, 2021

 In the footsteps of what we read: a small book on a big problem
Baev V.G., Marchenko A.N.
No 1, 2022

 In the Scientific Genre of “Sociology of a Region” (Russia and the Baltic Countries: A Comprehensive Monographic Study)
Suslov D.V.
No 1, 2004

 In the Search of Politics (Materials of a «Round Table» Discussion in Honour of the H. Arendt Centenary)
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Blyakher L.Ye., Golik N.V., Gutorov V.A., Dakhin A.V., Lantzov S.A., Markov B.V., Mishkinene U.B., Smorgunov L.V., Tugashev E.A.
No 3, 2007

In the Soviet Association of Political Scientists
Yegorov V.K.
No 4, 1991

 In-Group and Out-Group in Russian Political Cartoons: Research of the Latent Meanings of Narrative Conflict between Russia and the West
Melnikov S.S.
No 2, 2018

 Incorporation of Russian Federation Regions: Institutional and Social Consequences
Okunev I.Yu., Oskolkov P.V., Tislenko M.I.
No 2, 2018

 Incumbents-businessmen in the regional legislatures within the Central Federal district in the years of 2000 to 2011
Rastorguev S.V.
No 4, 2012

Independent Candidates and Dependent Electors: the Influence of Social Networks on the Electoral Politics in Russia.
Golosov G.V., Shevchenko Yu.D.
No 4, 1999

 Indetermination, isomorphism, resilience: a system model of political process under the conditions of digital transformation
Kondratenko K.S.
No 3, 2023

 Index Analysis of Semi-Presidential States of Europe and of Post-Soviet Expanse
Zaznaev O.I.
No 2, 2007

Indian Experience May Be Useful to Perestroika
Gonsalves A.
No 2, 1991

 Indicators of Innovative Potential of Political and Economic Development
Sergeev V.M., Artyushkin V.F.
No 6, 2016

 Individual experience of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and political support in Russia: evidence from the Values in Crisis survey
Sokolov B.O., Zavadskaya M.A.
No 4, 2023

 Individual security and the problem of counteracting criminality
Kozyreva P.M., Smirnov A.I.
No 6, 2012

 Individual, group, collective and general rights under the conditions of multiculturalism
Glushkova S.I.
No 6, 2010

Individualism Old and New (Individual in Post-Soviet Socium)
Diligensky G.G.
No 3, 1999

Industrial Relations: toward Trilateral Social Partnership
Gordon L.A., Klopov E.V.
No 1, 1992

 Influence of American Mass Media on Mass Consciousness (With the Conflicts of the USA with Iraq in 1990-1991 and in 2002-2003 as Example).
Osokina Ye.A.
No 1, 2008

 Influence of Cultural Context on Formation of Science Policy (French Experience)
Romanova M.D.
No 5, 2015

 Influence of Economic, Political, and Cultural Factors on the Processes of Formation of Nations in Modern Times Europe.
Arshin K.V.
No 1, 2008

 Influence of political institutions on economic growth in the countries of the world
Parma R.V., Rastorguev S.V., Tyan Yu.S.
No 1, 2022

 Informal Economy in the Mirror of Ideologies 39
Barsukova S.Yu.
No 4, 2003

 Informal Practices of the Russian Elite (An Approbation of Cognitive Approach) 26
Daugavet A.B.
No 4, 2003

 Informal Structure in the Center of the Counter-Terrorism Financing Regime: Effectiveness Issues
Melkumian K.S.
No 2, 2019

Information and Intellectual Resources at the Service of Free and Democratic Elections
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Pivovarov Yu.S., Bol’shakov C.V., Vinyukov I.A., Smirnov V.V., Ilyin M.V., Chubays I.B.
No 5, 1999

 Information policy and the changing of public opinion
Mamonov M.V.
No 5, 2011

Information Society: Possibilities and Realities
Moiseyev N.N.
No 3, 1993

Information Technologies of Political Struggle under Russia’s Conditions
Grachyov G.V.
No 3, 2000

Information-Analytical Technologies and Political Consulting (1)
Yakovlev I.G.
No 2, 1998

Information-Analytical Technologies and Political Consulting (II)
Yakovlev I.G.
No 3, 1998

Informational Security of a Political System
Morozov I.L.
No 5, 2002

 Innovation and Leadership Potential in the Structure of Political Attitudes of Youth (On the Case Study of Altai Krai and Novosibirsk Oblast)
Aseev S.Yu., Shashkova Ja.Ju.
No 2, 2021

 Innovation and tradition in the interpretation of democracy in the modern CCP ideology
Lomanov A.V.
No 5, 2023

Innovations, Democracy and the Logic of Competition
Sergeev V.M.
No 1, 2000

Inspiration and Adult Citizenship.
Welling Hall B.
No 3, 1992

 Institute of Philosophy and Law, RAS Urals Department
No 4, 2006

 Institutional Conditions of Setting Up Governmental Departments in Russia and in the USA (With Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry and the U.S. Homeland Security Department as Example)
Streltzina M.M.
No 4, 2004

 Institutional Construction and Informal Institutions in Modern Russian Politics
Gelman V.Ya.
No 4, 2003

 Institutional Development of Cross-sectoral Partnership in Russia
Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N.
No 5, 2016

 Institutional Foundations of Ethnic Federations
Farukshin M.Kh.
No 2, 2017

 Institutional Mechanisms of Autocracy Maintenance: the Case of the Genoese Republic on the Threshold of New Time
Makarenko S.A.
No 3, 2006

 Institutional Possibility Frontier and Total Factor Productivity: Towards a Theoretical Synthesis
Akhremenko A.S., Lokshin I.M., Petrov A.P.
No 6, 2016

 Institutional Roots of «New Centralism» in Contemporary Russia
Ilchenko M.S.
No 5, 2008

 Institutional Trust as a Social Capital in Modern Russia (on the Results of Monitoring)
Latov Yu.V.
No 5, 2021

 Institutionalism(s): Explanatory Models and Casuality
Panov P.V.
No 3, 2015

 Institutionalization of Coordinating the Interests of the RF Subjects: the Changing of Legislation and New Political Realities
Kakabadze Sh.Sh.
No 4, 2008

 Institutionalization of the Russian national school in the field of politics (case Sakha- and Tatar-speaking schools of the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Tatarstan)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
No 3, 2023

 Institutionalization of the State Duma and the Third Convocation Deputies’ Participation in the 2003 Parliamentary Elections
Shevchenko Yu.D.
No 1, 2005

 Instruments of subordination and the quality of public goods provision: case-study of Petrozavodsk, 2016-2021
Turchenko M.S.
No 3, 2023

 Integrating the Humanities: Semiotics or Memetics?
Fomin I.V.
No 3, 2015

 Integration Capacity of Ethno-Cultural Diversity in European Societies
Tsapenko I.P., Monusova G.A.
No 4, 2017

 Integration of Immigrants with Different Cultural Background: the German Experience
Bardin A.L.
No 6, 2017

 Integration of the Diversity. Formation of the Civic Nation in Russia
Klimenko E.V.
No 6, 2015

 Integration Processes in the Focus of Andrey Baykov’s Research
Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
No 2, 2016

Intellectuals and Authority
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Pomerantz G.S., Tolstykh V.I., Buzgalin A.V., Anninsky L.A., Saraskina L.I., Ozhogin V.I., Solovyov E.Yu., Mezhuyev V.M., Alekseyeva T.A., Boroday Yu.M., Kantor K.M.Stepin V.S.
No 3, 1992

Intellectuals' Identity in the Light of Interests.
Ushakin S.A.
No 4, 1998

 Intelligentsia and Structural Innovations in Political Expanse (An Essay of Comparative Analysis)
Kazantzev A.A.
No 1, 2007

Intelligentzia Consciousness as Forerunner of Totalitarian Mentality
Smirnova N.M.
No 4, 1993

 Intentions and Consequences in Politics (To the Analysis of Cognitive Elements of Democracy)
Makarenko V.P.
No 4, 2002

Inter-Ethic Relations in Northern Bukovina
Turchenkov D.I., Nemirovsky D.E.
No 2, 1994

Inter-Ethnic Concord in Dagestan: Problems and Prospects
Gasanov N.N., Zachyosov K.Ya., Kazimov A.K.
No 3, 1993

Inter-Ethnic Conflicts in Transcaucasia: Conditions of Emergence and Tendences of Development
Yamskov A.N.
No 2, 1991

 Inter-Party Competition and Federalism in Germany
Koss M.
No 6, 2004

 Interactivity as quality of public politics
Yevdokimov V.A.
No 5, 2011

 Intercultural Policies and Practices: Perspectives for Implementation in Russia
Pain E.A., Fediunin S.Yu.
No 1, 2020

 Interest for Politics, Russian Variety: Motives Manifest and Ulterior
Kertman G.L.
No 1, 2005

Interest for Russia: Trial by Historic Change
Ioffe G.
No 5, 1997

Interest Groups
No 6, 1992

Interest Groups and the Political Aspect of Russian Economic Reforms (A Critical Version)
Nelson L.D., Kuzes I.Yu.
No 6, 1995

Interethnic Distance in the Caucasus and Politics (A Historical Excursus)
Demetradze M.R.
No 4, 2000

 Interface Between Political Science and Political Discourse: Conflict Dimension
Gaman-Golutvina O.V., Nikitin A.I., Arteev S.P.
No 2, 2021

 International assistance and sanctions pressure: geometry of interlinkages
Bartenev V.I.
No 6, 2022

 International bureaucracy as the stratum of transnational political elites
Shebanova M.A.
No 1, 2012

 International Cooperation in the Field of Combating Glocalized Corruption
Kravchenko S.A., Okhotsky Ye.V.
No 1, 2018

 International Development Rhythms as Factor of Russia’s Political Modernization
Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I.
No 3, 2005

 International Image of Modern Russia: Deficit of Attractiveness or Deficit of Ideas?
Solovyov E.G., Smirnov A.N.
No 5, 2008

 International norms in the face of technological change: challenges for constructivist theory of arms control
Istomin I.A., Crowley-Vigneau A.
No 4, 2023

 International Relations and World Politics Research in Germany: History and the Present-Day Condition
Mielke K.
No 4, 2005

 International relations theory: on the threshold of new «Great Debates»?
Konyshev V.N., Sergunin A.A.
No 2, 2013

 International sanctions legislation in the U.S., EU and UK: a comparative study
Arapova E.Ya., Kudinov A.S.
No 6, 2022

 International Security: New Approaches and Concepts
Sergunin A.A.
No 6, 2005

 International Studies: Chaos or Pluralism?
Torkunov A.V.
No 5, 2019

 Internationalization: a Challenge and a Fair Chance for a Provincial Higher Educational Institution
Latypov R.A.
No 3, 2004

 Internet as an alternative to politically engaged mass media
Ilyin A.N.
No 4, 2012

 Internet fragmentation and the formation of digital borders: an analysis from the standpoint of critical geography
Zinovieva E.S.
No 2, 2022

 Internet in Russian Politics: Utopia and Reality
Peskov D.N.
No 1, 2002

 Internet shutdown as a theoretical problem of political science, or what we do (not) understand about network protest mobilization
Akhremenko A.S.
No 2, 2024

Interpretation of Nation from the State Interpretation and from Ethnic Positions: Contradictions and Similarities
Yan E.
No 1, 2000

 Interpretation of Social Space – Time in the Context of Civilizational Process
Tkhagapsoyev Kh.G.
No 2, 2015

 Interpretation of the Personality of Patriarch Nikon in Russia and Abroad (J. Billington’s Research “The Icon and the Axe” as Example)
Schmidt W.V.
No 2, 2008

Interpretation of the Ukrainian Presidential Elections of 1999
Tolpygo A.K.
No 6, 1999

 Interpretations of “diplomacy for science” by Russian scholars and diplomats
Raynkhardt R.O., Panov A.N.
No 2, 2022

 Interpretative Approach Towards Voting Behavior. Evidence from Russia
Mitropolitski S.
No 4, 2016

 Interrelations of Russia with South Ossetia and with Abkhazia in the Comparative Perspective
Kazin F.A.
No 1, 2009

Lapteva M.P.
No 3, 1992

Ilyin M.V.
No 3, 1992

Chilton P.
No 3, 1992

 Introducing the section. The human dimension of politics
Shestopal Ye.B.
No 6, 2013

 Introducing the «MGIMO-University Bulletin»
No 6, 2009

Introducing the «Moscow University Bulletin. Series 25. International relations and world politics»
No 1, 2010

 INTRODUCTION by Co-editors and Contributors of the Special Section Elena Chebankova and Piotr Dutkiewicz
Editorial Introduction
No 4, 2021

Introduction to Political Philosophy
Frenkin A.A.
No 1, 1994

Introduction to the rubric
Editorial Introduction
No 3, 2015

 Introduction. New ways to explore mega-regions and evolving localities
Ilyin M.V.
No 3, 2022

 Inversion as a Reactive Social Development
Terin V.P.
No 6, 2007

 Iranian Atomic Bomb. To Be or Not to Be?
Sarukhanyan S.N.
No 4, 2005

Irony of History and Political Will
Kholodkovskii K.G.
No 2, 1999

Is a Pact of Socio-Political Forces of Russia Viable?
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Pantin I.K., Ilyin M.V., Mezhuyev B.V., Shevtzova L.F., Melville A.Yu., Biryukov N.I., Bogaturov A.D., Volodin A.G., Kortunov A.V., Nikitchenko A.N., Sergeev V.M., Khenkin S.M.
No 5, 1996

 Is it possible to regulate democracy? Part I.
Pshizova S.N.
No 6, 2013

 Is it possible to regulate democracy? Part II.
Pshizova S.N.
No 1, 2014

Is It Possible Today to Outline the Future?
Moiseyev N.N.
No 3, 1991

 Is It Time for Lottery-Based Authorities?
Alekseyeva T.A., Loshkariov I.D., Parenkov D.A.
No 6, 2018

Is It Time to Rehabilitate Geopolitics?
Baykov A.A.
No 1, 2017

 Is other democracy possible?
Lukin A.V.
No 1, 2014

 Is Russia Ruled by an Oligarchy?
Fortescue S.
No 5, 2002

Is the Conservative Revolution Conservative? (On a Chronological Scale of Political Theories)
Sokolskaya I.B.
No 6, 1999

 Is the Fight Against Illegal Immigration Effective (Experience of the USA, European Union and Russia)?
Ryazantsev S.V., Ochirova G.N.
No 2, 2021

 Is the rule of law possible in geopolitics?
Rozov N.S.
No 1, 2023

Is the Third Wave Over?
Diamond L.
No 1, 1999

 Is There a Chance for Global Social Democracy?
Fedotova V.G.
No 3, 2015

 Is There a Non-Western Political Science? (Political Theory by Takashi Inoguchi)
Chugrov S.V.
No 4, 2016

 Is there a way out of the bubble? Motives for the consumption of ideologically diverse news by doomscrollers
Kazun A.D.
No 4, 2023

Islam and a Nation: the Near East and Central Asia
Mirsky G.I.
No 2, 1998

Islam in Uzbekistan, 1989 to 1995
Ponomaryov V.A.
No 2, 1996

Islamic Revival in the Post-Soviet Central Asia
Abazov R.F.
No 3, 1995

 Israeli ultra-orthodoxes and modern society
Dubson B.I.
No 1, 2012

 Israeli-Ukrainian relations in the context of the new geopolitical situation
Krylov A.V., Fedorchenko A.V.
No 3, 2023

 It Did Not Work and Will Not Work? On the Reasons of the Failure of Anti-Missile Cooperation Between Russia and the United States
Arbatov A.G.
No 2, 2016

 Italy’s Contemporary Foreign Policy Ideology
Barabanov O.N.
No 6, 2002



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
1 2015

Zagladin N.V.
The new world and old paradigms of its cognition

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