Polis. Political Studies

Articles in Open Access

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Te    Th    Ti    To    Tr    Tu    Tw    Ty   

Technologies of Administering: Political Reverberations in the Power System of Modern Russia
Solovyov A.I.
No 6, 2004

Teenagers political consciousness: prosperous children vs street children
Kasamara V.A., Sorokina A.A.
No 6, 2009

Telegram channels in the electoral battle: the peculiarities of civic activism development in the context of Belarus’s political crisis in 2020
Zuykina K.L.
No 5, 2022

Tendencies of political development of modern Ukraine: basic risks and alternatives
Pantin V.I., Lapkin V.V.
No 5, 2013

Territorial Heterogeneity of Globalization and the New Types of Conflicts
Sergeev V.M., Kazantzev A.A., Medvedeva S.M.
No 1, 2020

Territorial Organization of Local Self-Government in Russia’s Regions (Comparative Analysis of the Instances of the Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts)
Nechayev V.D.
No 2, 2004

Territorial state and complex society: the imperative of co-evolution in the space of politics
Lapkin V.V.
No 5, 2023

Terrorism as a Theoretical and Historical Problem: Some Aspects of Interpretation
Gutorov V.A., Shirinyants A.A.
No 3, 2017

The 2012-2014 Party Reform and the Structure of the Electoral Divides in Russia’s Regions
Korgunyuk Yu.G.
No 4, 2015

The 20th anniversary. interim results (interview)
Fridlyanov V.N.
No 5, 2014

The 6th All-russian congress of political science. Report
No 1, 2013

The Ability of Consumerism to Absorb Anticonsumer Ideological Content
Ilyin A.N.
No 3, 2017

The Afghan crisis: a global and regional problem for the world community
Kokoshin A.A., Kokoshina Z.A.
No 2, 2022

The Afghan migration crisis and U.S. policy
Tsapenko I.P.
No 1, 2023

The Anthropological Aspect of Global Education Models: Problems and Solutions
Kasatkin P.I., Silantieva M.V.
No 6, 2017

The Balkans. Between the Cross and the Crescent
Vishnyakov Ya.V., Smirnova P.E.
No 3, 2022

The Baltic States and the Disintegration of the USSR
Simonyan R.Kh.
No 6, 2002

The birth of the deep state
Koktysh K.E., Sergeev V.M.
No 1, 2024

The bluest sea in the world: reading Steve Dobransky
Babko N.A.
No 1, 2013

The book on happiness and unhappiness of states
Solovey V.D.
No 5, 2009

The Burden of Reflection, or A Revolution which Never Took Place...
Blyakher L.Ye.
No 6, 2006

The Causes and the Political Form of the Dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian Union
Isayev M.A.
No 6, 2005

The challenges of modernity in the Mongolian world
Litvinova T.N., Zheleznyakov A.S., Chuluunbaatar G.
No 4, 2022

The Changing Role of the State in the Context of the Reforms of the State Government
Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
No 4, 2007

The changing sociality: outlines of the future
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Fedotova V.G., Pantin I.K., Kolpakov V.A., Fedotova N.N., Sizemskaya I.N., Korolev S.A., Oleynikov Ju.V., Kanarsh G.Yu., Vlasova V.B., Kuznetsov D.A., Petrenko N.S., Verjaskina V.P.
No 1, 2011

The Chinese Angle in the World-system Management
Bogaturov A.D.
No 5, 2019

The Choice Facing Russia: Character of Changes and Dilemmas of the Future
Pantin I.K.
No 4, 2007

The church and modernization in Russia: in search of new value foundations
Chimiris Ye.S., Dontzev S.P.
No 6, 2010

The Church, the State and Politics in the Catholic World
Salmin A.M.
No 6, 2005

The CIS: Between the Past and the Present
Kertman G.L.
No 6, 2005

The Civil War in Russia as Viewed from the Angle of Political Conflictology.
Posadsky A.V.
No 3, 2002

The cliquocratical order as institutional trap for the russian modernization
Patrushev S.V.
No 6, 2011

The collapse of hegemonial normality: migration and the politics of memory in the U.S., UK and France
Malakhov V.S., Letnyakov D.E.
No 1, 2023

The Commemoration in Russia of the Centenary of the 1917 Revolution(s): Analysis of Strategies of the Key Mnemonic Actors
Malinova O.Yu.
No 1, 2018

The Commemoration in Russia of the Centenary of the 1917 Revolution(s): Comparative Analysis of Rival Narratives
Malinova O.Yu.
No 2, 2018

The concept of deliberative policy in modern political process
Nazarchuk A.V.
No 5, 2011

The concept of identity: movement from the abstract to the concrete
Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
No 3, 2024

The concept “innovations” as a political instrument: from the linear innovation model to the knowledge triangle
Konnov V.I., Talagayeva D.A.
No 5, 2023

The conceptualization of power in the contemporary scientific discourse of domination
Nedyak I.L.
No 1, 2022

The Contemporary World Order: The Adaptation of Actors to Structural Realities
Safranchuk I.A., Lukyanov F.A.
No 4, 2021

The Convergence of the Elements of Political Media
Sharkov F.I.
No 3, 2017

The Council of the State Duma: Real Veto Player or a Technical Executive?
Pomiguev I.A.
No 2, 2016

The Crises of History. The World as an Unfinished Project
Neklessa A.I.
No 1, 2018

The crisis in the mirror of political psychology
Round Table Of The Political Science Faculty, Moscow State University, Shestopal Ye.B., Urnov M.Yu., Komarovsky V.S., Mezhuyev B.V., Fedosov P.A., Salutskiy A.S., Solovyov A.I., Shtukina T.A., Gulbinskiy N.A., Nesterova S.V., Zverev A.L., Selezneva A.V., Titov V.V., Streletz I.E., Rogozar-Kolpakova I.I.
No 5, 2009

The crisis of capitalism and the order of society in new Russia
Dzarasov R.S.
No 4, 2011

The Crisis of Constructivism and Methodological Problems of Studying International Relations
Sergeev V.M., Kazantzev A.A., Medvedeva S.M.
No 5, 2019

The Crisis of Contemporary U.S. and EU Party Systems: Causes and Characteristics
Sergeev V.M., Kazantzev A.A., Petrov K.E., Medvedeva S.M.
No 2, 2018

The Crisis of World Order: Russia’s Impasse and Resistance
Sakwa R.
No 6, 2016

The Crisis Reality and Prospects of Political Transformation of the Russian Society
Petukhov V.V.
No 5, 2016

The culture of russian political actors: a variant of typology
Bolshakov I.V.
No 5, 2011

The Cyclic Character of Russian Political History as a Disease: Is Recovery Possible?
Rozov N.S.
No 3, 2006

The Dalai Lama XIV – without politics. «Asia in need of the West, and the West in need of Asia»
Dalai Lama XIV
No 5, 2012

The Dark Well of Power (on the Boundary between the Private Sphere of the State and the Person’s Private Sphere)
Alekseyenkova Ye.S., Sergeev V.M.
No 3, 2008

The Debates about “Great Debates”: How to Structure the Theory of International Relations
Alekseyeva T.A.
No 6, 2016

The demon of law. Russian law as escaping reality
Pastukhov V.B.
No 2, 2011

The Destiny of Geographical Knowledge in Political Science and Education
Busygina I.M.
No 1, 2003

The Development of Political Science in Japan
Inoguchi T.
No 4, 2019

The digital socio-political agenda and its conceptualization within the new media ecology framework
Timofeyeva L.N., Ryabchenko N.A., Malysheva O.P., Gnedash A.A.
No 2, 2022

The digital socio-political agenda: theoretical model tested on the Russian case “Coronavirus-2020”
Timofeyeva L.N., Ryabchenko N.A., Malysheva O.P., Gnedash A.A.
No 5, 2022

The dual state in Russia: paraconstitutionalism and parapolitics
Sakwa R.
No 1, 2010

The Duverger Equilibrium as Checked under the Conditions of Limited Competition: the 2003 Duma Elections
Liechtenstein A.V., Yargomskaya N.B.
No 1, 2005

The Dynamics of Civil Identity Transformation in Modern Armenia: Factors and Subjects
Sarkisyan H.L., Dunamalyan N.A.
No 2, 2020

The Earliest Scientific Work by M.Ya.Ostrogorsky
Andreyev I.V.
No 5, 2005

The early 20th century russian revolutions: the lessons for the present
Mironov B.N.
No 5, 2011

The effect of “falsification of preferences”: the rise and fall of mass support for M.S. Gorbachev
Babich N.S.
No 2, 2024

The Effectiveness of Regional Power: from Theory to Measurement (Case Study of the North Caucasus Federal District Republics)
Litvinova T.N.
No 2, 2020

The Election Results and the Evolution of Russian Political Consciousness
Sergeev V.M.
No 1, 2004

The emergence of the synergistically complex power in digital era: challenges to human capital
Kravchenko S.A.
No 2, 2024

The End of the Great Russian Revolution?
Kozhokin E.M.
No 6, 2017

The Ethnic and the National in Political Science Discourse
Kuznetsov А.М.
No 6, 2007

The EU's energy policy and its driving forces
Borovsky Yu.V., Shishkina O.V.
No 3, 2022

The EU’s Migration Dilemma: Legal and Political Dimensions
Malakhov V.S., Kascian K.
No 4, 2020

The Event of Liberty: the Experience of Deconstruction
Koktysh K.E.
No 2, 2020

The Evolution of Global Politics
Modelski G.
No 3, 2005

The Evolution of Global Politics (II)
Modelski G.
No 4, 2005

The Evolution of Russian Citizens’ Views on the Law: Law Abidance or Justice?
Kozyreva P.M., Smirnov A.I.
No 5, 2020

The evolution of the presidential role in Poland’s political system since 1989
Putintsev I.S.
No 2, 2023

The First Sovietologist among the Russian Emigration: Semyon Osipovich Portugeys
Kara-Murza A.A.
No 1, 2006

The formation of a Black sea community
Dobransky S.
No 1, 2013

The formation of the cognitive code of modernity
Koktysh K.E.
No 6, 2022

The formats of russian power
Kryshtanovskaya O.V.
No 1, 2010

The Forthcoming Summit in Johannesburg: What Can Russia Do?
Shvartz Ye.A.
No 2, 2002

The Fortune of the Modernity is the Fortune of Russia
Fishman L.G.
No 6, 2007

The Fortunes of Democracy in Russia.
Khrustov G.F.
No 1, 2008

The Foundations of European Integration
Griffiths R.T.
No 4, 2002

The Functioning of the Two-Level Models of the Local Self-Government Territorial Organization in RF (With the Voronezhskaya and Orlovskaya Regions as Example)
Nechayev V.D.
No 3, 2006

The Future of Nuclear Deterrence: Discussions and Realities
Fenenko A.V.
No 5, 2004

The generation of the «2000s»: ideological orientations and political participation
Petukhov V.V.
No 4, 2012

The Geopolitics of Images and the Structuring of Meta-Expanse
Zamyatin D.N.
No 1, 2003

The Georgian-South-Ossetian Conflict. Reflections of a Conflictologist
Svetlov V.A.
No 3, 2009

The Gifted Youth, and Development of New Educational Technologies as a Political Problem
Shmeleva E.V.
No 2, 2018

The Global Modern, postmaterial values and periphery capitalism in Russia
Martyanov V.S.
No 1, 2014

The Global Socio-Political Destabilization Wave of 2011 and the Following Years: A Quantitative Analysis
Korotayev A.V., Shishkina A.R., Lukhmanova Z.T.
No 6, 2017

The global “green imperative”: Russia’s place in the international climate regime
Maslova E.A.
No 1, 2022

The Globalizing and Interdependent World
Lukin A.V.
No 5, 2004

The globalizing world and political modernization
Kulpin E.S.
No 3, 2013

The granting of suffrage to aliens: tendencies and practices
Shaparov A.Ye.
No 1, 2011

The Great Mediterranean as a Multi-Dimensional Object of Political Research
Chikharev I.A.
No 3, 2021

The Great Patriotic War - an Unfinished War?
Oganisyan Yu.S.
No 3, 2015

The Greater Mediterranean as a macroregion: spatial analysis
Okunev I.Yu., Zakharova I.A.
No 3, 2022

The human capital’s conception by Alexey Podberezkin
Makulov S.S.
No 3, 2012

The human rights political science and political rights in Russia
Smirnov V.V.
No 6, 2010

The Idea of Mongolian Civilization as a Concept of a Multipolar World Order
Litvinova T.N.
No 5, 2017

The Idea of the Country’s Unity and the Reform of Russian Political System
Shestov N.I.
No 6, 2004

The Ideology and the Discursive Practices of Nashism in Modern Russia
Fadeicheva M.A.
No 4, 2006

The Ideology of Hamas: From Radical Islamism to Rational Practicality?
Krylov A.V., Morozov V.M.
No 4, 2018

The Image of China in Russian Social Consciousness: Continuity and Evolution
Lukin A.V.
No 6, 2004

The image of Russia through prisms of political communications
Pishcheva T.N., Vinogradova N.S., Nedova A.D.
No 4, 2010

The image of Russia: deficit of «soft power»?
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Medoeva Z.G., Vasilenko I.A., Malysheva E.M., Hawer-Tukarkina O.M., Chugrov S.V.
No 4, 2013

The Image of V.V.Putin in Russian Citizens’ Consciousness
Shestopal Ye.B., Pishcheva T.N., Gikavy Ye.M., Zorin V.A.
No 3, 2004

The Images of States in International Relations: Mechanisms of Transformation
Kiselyov I.Yu.
No 3, 2003

The Images of the USA and of the USSR in Zbigniew Brzezinski's Concept of World Politics
Yevgenyev V.A.
No 1, 2003

The Impact of Geopolitical Factors on International Energy Markets (the US Case)
Simonia N.A., Torkunov A.V.
No 2, 2016

The impact of streaming on the film industry and soft power strategies in China, South Korea and Japan
Paksiutov G.D.
No 2, 2023

The imperative of changing russian national mentality
Rozov N.S.
No 4, 2010

The Imperative of Transition to a New Model of Socioeconomic Development
Entin M.L., Entina E.G., Braterskiy M.V.
No 6, 2021

The influence of group loyalty on democratic transit in non-Western societies
Grafov D.B.
No 4, 2022

The Informational-Communicative Revolution and the New Scope of Military-Political Conflicts
Turonok S.G.
No 1, 2003

The Institute of Prime Minister and the Future of the Party-Political System of Great Britain
Khakhalkina E.V.
No 3, 2020

The Institution of Citizens’ Addresses to Government Bodies and Transformation of the Russian Political System: Possibilities of Emergence of a New Channel of Political Influence
Podyachev K.V.
No 5, 2007

The institution of civil participation: checking up by the entities activity
Kakabadze Sh.Sh., Zaytzev D.G., Zvyagina D.G., Karastelyov V.G.
No 3, 2011

The Institutionalization of Ethnicity in the Identity Policy of Russian Republics: Conceptual Analysis
Nazukina M.V.
No 3, 2020

The Integration of Europe’s Muslims in its Political Aspects
Khenkin S.M., Kudryashova I.V.
No 2, 2015

The intelligent power, public diplomacy, and social networks as a factors of international politics
Kostyrev A.G.
No 2, 2013

The Internet-Space: Pre-Modernity Condition?
Peskov D.N.
No 5, 2003

The Last of the Utopians? (M.Ya. Hefter: Ad Memoriam)
Kozhokin E.M.
No 4, 2015

The latest foreign policy courses of the PRC in the era of Xi Jinping as a legacy of ancient Chinese ideas: interpretations and guidelines
Dikarev A.D., Fan Xuesong
No 5, 2023

The Lazarev Institute: Cradle of Russian Oriental Studies
Torkunov A.V.
No 6, 2015

The Left vs. the Right Wingers Opposition: Anachronism or Change of Coordinates?
Kholodkovskii K.G.
No 6, 2006

The legitimacy of postrevolutionary power: principles and criteria
Rozov N.S.
No 5, 2014

The Logic of Protest Campaigns: From Empirical Data to Dynamic Models (and Back)
Akhremenko A.S., Belenkov V.E., Petrov A.P.
No 3, 2021

The Logic of the Development of Civic Organizations in Modern Russia
Salmenniemi S., Borodina A.V., Borodin D.Yu., Rautio V.
No 1, 2009

The Loss of the Future
Yavlinsky G.A.
No 5, 2017

The meaning of power and the power of meaning: pragmasemantics of the relationship between political power and meaning making
Tulchinskii G.L.
No 6, 2023

The Middle East in search of a new regional center
Sergeev V.M., Sarukhanyan S.N.
No 2, 2012

The Modern World Order: Structural Realities and Great Power Rivalries
Safranchuk I.A., Lukyanov F.A.
No 3, 2021

The Modern World’s Arrangement. What We Have Learned and What We Should Like to Learn in the Epoch of Csisis. Listing One Book’s Pages
Patrushev S.V.
No 3, 2009

The Moment of Truth: Archaic Behavior Patterns in Russian Political Life
Linetsky A.I.
No 1, 2018

The National-Cultural Profile of the Political Language of CDU/CSU Leaders
Chigasheva M.A., Elizar’eva M.A., Larina T.S.
No 4, 2020

The Nature of «Russian Power»: from Metaphors to a Conception
Dubovtsev V.A., Rozov N.S.
No 3, 2007

The new social media: chance or challenge for dialogue?
Köchler H.
No 4, 2013

The new world and old paradigms of its cognition
Zagladin N.V.
No 1, 2015

The new world and Russia NATO relations
Oznobishchev S.K.
No 3, 2011

The Notion of Foreign Policy Mentality and Methodology of Its Study
Chugrov S.V.
No 4, 2007

The Notion of the Political in the Context of Phenomenological Critique of Philosophy of History
Fyodorova M.M.
No 4, 2007

The notion of transformism in Gramscian theories and its application to social movements studies
Kulaev M.A.
No 2, 2024

The notion of “independence” in the official speeches of Central Asia presidents
Alimdzhanov A.A.
No 3, 2023

The Official Historical Narrative as a Part of Identity Policy of the Russian State: From the 1990s to the 2000s
Malinova O.Yu.
No 6, 2016

The Ontology of Russian Destiny: to Keep Forever?
Polyakov L.V.
No 3, 2016

The Orange revolution: «People’s revolution» or Revolutionary coup?

No 2, 2010

The Paradox of Democratic Regimes: Fragility and Transformability (I)
Eisenstadt S.N.
No 2, 2002

The Paradox of Democratic Regimes: Fragility and Transformability (II).
Eisenstadt S.N.
No 3, 2002

The Party Component of the Russian Regions’ Legislative Assemblies
Glubotzky A.Yu., Kynev A.V.
No 6, 2003

The Path to Democracy: Brazilian Experience
Shestopal A.V.
No 4, 2009

The peculiarities of the subjectness phenomenon in the context of contemporary technological transformations
Volodenkov S.V., Fedorchenko S.N.
No 5, 2022

The Perils of Democratism
Sakwa R.
No 2, 2023

The Perm Oblast: Political Picture of a Region and Development of Political Science
Neganov S.V.
No 5, 2005

The Personality of the President as a Factor in Shaping the Foreign Policy Agenda of the United States (the Case of Obama)
Kasatkin P.I., Ivkina N.V.
No 1, 2017

The Phenomenon of Constituency Boundaries Commissions: Development and Prospects
Grishin N.V.
No 4, 2018

The Phenomenon of Euroscepticism in the Context of Electoral Processes in Modern Europe
Yakunin V.I.
No 5, 2017

The Phenomenon of Phenomenology
Podvintzev O.B.
No 4, 2006

The philosophy of politics – political philosophy – political science: articulation of the problem area
Levytskyy V.S.
No 1, 2024

The Place of Myth in Political Ideology 175
Shcherbakov A.Ye.
No 4, 2003

The Policy in the Sphere of Local Taxation in Russia
Fyodorov K.G.
No 4, 2003

The Policy of the European Union in International Conflicts: with the Attempted Settlement of the Relations between Serbia and Montenegro as Example
Chimiris Ye.S.
No 4, 2007

The Policy of “Mainstream” and Its Alternatives in the Modern Western World: on the Way from the World Economic Crisis to “Impossible Politics?”
Sergeev V.M., Kazantzev A.A., Petrov K.E.
No 3, 2017

The Political Dimension of Social Inequality and Poverty (Comparative Experience)
Lyublinsky V.V.
No 5, 2015

The political in a turbulent world space
Gaman-Golutvina O.V., Smorgunov L.V.
No 1, 2023

The Political Philosophy of Freedom in the Christian Axiology of Republicanism
Sardaryan G.T.
No 4, 2021

The Power and Business: New Rules of the Game
Barsukova S.Yu.
No 6, 2006

The power curse: the paradox of power in world politics
Gallarotti G.M.
No 3, 2011

The Power of Discourse (What the Discourse-Pi Captivates with)
Gritzenko V.P.
No 4, 2006

The Power Party
Glebova I.I.
No 2, 2004

The Power Vertical in the Estimation of Regional Elites: Dynamics of Changes
Chirikova A.Ye.
No 6, 2008

The presence of absence: ethnicity policy in Russia
Rutland P.
No 2, 2011

The Presidency Institution in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe as Indicator of the Process of Political Transformation
Kynev A.V.
No 2, 2002

The President of Kazakhstan on Topical Problems of National, Regional and Global Existence
Sukharev A.Yu.
No 6, 2004

The Principle of Historicity and the A Priori Knowledge: Politico-Analytical Retrospective of the Russian Revolution
Khoros V.G.
No 6, 2018

The Privatization of Future. New Semantics, Concept & Practice of the Global Society
Neklessa A.I.
No 2, 2020

The Problem of Centralization and the Models of Russian Regional Politics in the 13th to 16th Centuries
Turovsky R.F.
No 1, 2004

The Problem of Correlation of Politics and Morals in Hanna Arendt’s Philosophy
Malikova Yu.O.
No 5, 2003

The problem of identity in modern comparative political science
Fadeyeva L.A.
No 1, 2011

The Problem of Migrant Integration into the Receiving Society in Post-Industrial Countries and in Russian Federation
Konstantinov V.V., Zelev M.V.
No 6, 2007

The Problem of Migration in German Academic Discourse
Bardin A.L.
No 6, 2016

The Problem of Power
Sergeev V.M.
No 2, 2008

The problem of subject of anti-system activity in modern philosophical thought
Maksimov M.A.
No 4, 2010

The Proportional Electoral System and Dangers of Presidentialism: the Russian Case
Anokhina N.V., Meleshkina Ye.Yu.
No 5, 2007

The real man of russia’s politics? (to the question of gender discourse as power resource)
Ryabova T.B., Ryabov O.V.
No 5, 2010

The realist paradigm of international order: the past and the present
Panchenko M.Yu.
No 5, 2009

The reform of the Common European Asylum System in the context of the implementation the EU principle of solidarity
Voynikov V.V.
No 1, 2024

The Regime Factor in External Policies of Post-Soviet States
Kulagin V.M.
No 1, 2004

The Request for Change: Political and Value Dimension
Petukhov R.V.
No 6, 2020

The Revolution, Which Will Never Happen Again
Yerokhov I.A.
No 6, 2016

The Rhetoric of the Political Leaders of Russia and the U.S.: a Comparative Analysis
Kasatkin P.I., Romanenko A.V.
No 5, 2019

The Right for Development: Innovations as the Global Common
Ibragimova K.A., Barabanov O.N.
No 2, 2020

The Right to Lie as a Trap for Freedom
Myasnikov A.G.
No 5, 2017

The Rise of Anti-Islamic Protests in Europe under the Refugee Crisis (Case of “Pegida” Movement in Germany)
Bolshova N.N.
No 3, 2016

The role of a personality in politics (with the EU as example)
De Landtsheer C., Middlehof J.
No 2, 2011

The Role of China in Settlement of the North Korean Nuclear Problem
Chan Yang
No 2, 2008

The Role of Parties in the Formation of Political System of Post-War Germany
Bube M.
No 6, 2004

The rule of the «Open Window». On human rights in Russia and in today’s world
Petrovsky V.Ye.
No 1, 2010

The Russian International Relations Science: to Acquiring the Image of Its Own
Kosov Yu.V.
No 5, 2005

The Russian mentality and the world civilization process
Konchalovsky A.S.
No 5, 2010

The Russian National Unity: Analysis of the Political Style of a Radical-Nationalist Organization
Sokolov M.M.
No 1, 2006

The Russian political elite: characteristics and dynamics (based on research materials dating from 2011 to 2021)
Palitay I.S.
No 4, 2022

The Russian Revolution and Modernization Traps
Grinin L.Ye.
No 4, 2017

The Russian Society’s Confidence in the Local Governments as a Problem
Petukhov R.V.
No 6, 2017

The Russian-French Dialogue on the Crisis of European Civilization (The 5th Berdyaev Readings in Paris)
Mikhailov R.V.
No 3, 2017

The Russians and the «Russian World»: the historical context and the contemporary interpretation
Petukhov V.V., Barash R.E.
No 6, 2014

The Scales and Rhythms of Democratization
Chikharev I.A.
No 3, 2009

The second Karabakh war: background, causes, consequences
Lantzov S.A.
No 3, 2022

The Second Kirghiz Revolution: how authority itself creates a revolutionary situation
Larin A.Yu.
No 6, 2010

The Share of Youth in the Total Population as a Factor of Intensity of Non-Violent Protests: A Quantitative Analysis
Romanov D.M., Meshcherina K.V., Korotayev A.V.
No 3, 2021

The Sociological and the Historical in the Societal Process
Kholodkovskii K.G.
No 6, 2008

The Sources and the Essence of the Russian Revolution
Pivovarov Yu.S.
No 5, 2007

The South of Russia as the Object of Complex Socio-Political Analysis
Yurchenko V.M.
No 5, 2007

The Sovereignty, the secessions and the fortune of the de facto states
No 4, 2010

The Space of the Ideological Discourse of Post-Soviet Buryatia
Amogolonova D.D., Skrynnikova T.D.
No 2, 2005

The specificity of «russian power» as determined by mental structures, by ritual practices, and by institutions
Rozov N.S.
No 1, 2011

The Stanford Model of Development Crisis
Okunev I.Yu.
No 3, 2009

The state and the anthropologies of the state
Skalnik P.
No 6, 2011

The state and the citizen: tragedy or drama?
Shestopal Ye.B.
No 6, 2011

The state and the society: shifts in the power field
Krasin Yu.A.
No 5, 2013

The State as Manufacturer of Policy
Solovyov A.I.
No 2, 2016

The State between People and Business
Delyagin M.G.
No 3, 2008

The state family policy in West European Countries (the 1990s – the 2000s)
Stepanova N.M.
No 5, 2010

The State in Times and Spaces: Diversity and Variability
Lapkin V.V.
No 6, 2020

The State Power and Processes of Societal Self-Organization (To the Question of the State Construction in Modern Russia)
Kulinchenko A.V.
No 6, 2004

The state youth policy in contemporary Russia
Tartzan V.N.
No 3, 2010

The State, hosting socium and migrators: conflicting dimension of interaction practices
Dmitriyev A.V., Pyadukhov G.A.
No 6, 2009

The State’s Impact upon Development of Small Business: Harmful or Beneficial?
Kondrachuk V.V.
No 3, 2005

The Status of a Party in Russian Political Culture
Kertman G.L.
No 1, 2007

The Strategic Empathy in the World Politics: Is It Possible to Overcome the Rashomon Effect and Fundamental Attribution Error?
Chugrov S.V.
No 5, 2021

The Structuring of the Electoral Space in Russia’s Regions (Factors-Analysis of the Parliamentary Elections of 1995 to 2003)
Akhremenko A.S.
No 2, 2005

The Study of Chronopolitics at Russia’s Higher Educational Institutions
No 3, 2005

The Study of Electoral Behaviour: an Outline of the Cognitive Model
Pushkaryova G.V.
No 3, 2003

The subjective space of youth policy: theoretical model and regional projections (the case of the Krasnodar territory)
Samarkina I.V., Miroshnichenko I.V., Borisko O.A.
No 5, 2022

The Swing-of-the-Pendulum Mechanism of State Decision Making: to the Substantiation of a Cognitive Model (I)
Solovyov A.I.
No 5, 2005

The Swing-of-the-Pendulum Mechanism of State Decision Making: To the Substantiation of a Cognitive Model (II)
Solovyov A.I.
No 6, 2005

The Ten Aporias of Our Time. The Theory and Practice of Nuclear Deterrence
Arbatov A.G.
No 4, 2021

The terrorism and the problems of the Basque Country
Sergeev V.M.
No 2, 2013

The Theory of Political Regimes’ Transformation and Nature of Neopatrimonialism
Rozov N.S.
No 6, 2015

The Third Electoral Cycle in Russia
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
No 1, 2004

The Third Reich (Introductory article and comments by S.G.Allenov)
Moeller van den Bruck A.
No 5, 2003

The transformation of the world order: the evolutionary aspect
Lapkin V.V.
No 4, 2024

The Trust and Spatial Interaction of Social Nets
Sergeev V.M., Kuzmin A.S., Nechayev V.D., Alekseyenkova Ye.S.
No 2, 2007

The Two-Party System in the USA: Continuity and Renovation
Sogrin V.V.
No 3, 2003

The U.S. and Russia under Trump and Putin: One Against the Other, Apart, or Together?
Tretyakov V.T.
No 6, 2017

The U.S. Sanctions Against Iran: Experience and Eventual Implications
Timofeev I.N.
No 4, 2018

The Ukrainian crisis and strategic stability
Arbatov A.G.
No 4, 2022

The USA: Poitical History in the Key of Historical Political Science
Ashin G.K.
No 2, 2002

The Vector of Russian 1917 Revolution: Modernization or Counter-Modernization?
Rozov N.S.
No 2, 2017

The versatile triangle: EU relations with the USA and China
Arbatova N.K.
No 6, 2023

The view of offensive realism and liberalism on U.S. foreign policy
Borovsky Yu.V.
No 1, 2024

The Way of China’s and Russia’s Mutual Comprehension - through the Study of Confucianism and Orthodoxy
Liu Zaiqi
No 6, 2007

The West and the “Eurasian Quadriga” (Russia, China, India, Iran)
Khatuntzev S.V.
No 6, 2015

The West in Russian Public Opinion before and after September 11, 2001.
Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I.
No 6, 2002

The World Politics: Tendencies of the Development
Lebedeva M.M.
No 4, 2009

The world public forum «Dialogue of civilizations»
Kulikov V.I.
No 5, 2012

The Worlds of the Political and of the Supra-Political in the Iranian Leaders’ Views (As Appearing from the Analysis of Texts by Imam Khomeini and by President Katami)
Kulyushin N.D.
No 5, 2002

The XXI Century Liberalism – Crisis or Rejuvenation?
Peregudov S.P.
No 4, 2015

The year of 2012: russian politics and political professions
Tomashov I.A.
No 3, 2012

The Young Generation of the Russian Political Elite: Status and Personal Characteristics
Palitay I.S.
No 5, 2020

The “Conservative Revolution” of the 1920s to Early 1930s in Germany (Problems of Interpretation) 94
Allenov S.G.
No 4, 2003

The “enemy” and neutrality in Chinese caricatures
Balakina J.V.
No 4, 2023

The “Europe” Concept in Modern Political Discourse
Petrov K.E.
No 3, 2004

The “Funnel of Causality” in Electoral Studies
Meleshkina Ye.Yu.
No 5, 2002

The “Funnel of Causality” in the Research of the World Political Processes
Lebedeva M.M.
No 5, 2002

The “Funnel of Causality” Methodology as Intermediary Synthesis of “Structure and Agency” in the Analysis of Democratic Transitions
Melville A.Yu.
No 5, 2002

The “North Dimension” Program and the Interests of Russia
Derkach M.A.
No 1, 2002

The “Orange Revolution”: a Reconstruction of the Context
Mezhuyev B.V.
No 5, 2006

The «Caspian» school of political science

No 6, 2014

The «New Regionalism» of East Asia: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
Sevastyanov S.V.
No 4, 2009

The «Russian Question» in the context of ethno-national relations in Russian Federation
Peregudov S.P.
No 3, 2013

The «Russia» Brand
Solovey V.D.
No 4, 2009

The «Thaw» on the pages of A.Tvardovsky’s «Novy Mir»
Golubitzky Yu.A.
No 1, 2010

Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Political Elites’ Institutionalization in the Baltic States
Smirnov V.A.
No 5, 2017

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the Western sanctions policy research
Entin M.L., Entina E.G., Davranova S.B., Nadzharov A.M.
No 1, 2024

Theoretical model of the phenomenon of citizen: socio-cultural approach
Fan I.B.
No 6, 2010

Theory and politics of innovative development and the innovations in politics
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Galkin A.A., Nikovskaya L.I., Krasin Yu.A., Pantin V.I., Veber A.B., Danilevich I.V., Podyachev K.V., Patrushev S.V., Fadeyeva L.A., Kuryukin A.N., Glukhova A.V., Lapkin V.V.
No 2, 2010

Theory and Practice of Modern Criticism (About the Book “A Time for Critique”)
Meshcheryakova N.N.
No 2, 2021

Theory of a Complex Social System’s Dynamics (I)
Lyubarsky G.Yu.
No 2, 2004

Theory of a Complex Social System’s Dynamics (II)
Lyubarsky G.Yu.
No 3, 2004

Theory of Constitutional Cycles
Medushevsky A.N.
No 2, 2006

Theory of nation-building by Svyatoslav Kaspe
Polyakov L.V.
No 2, 2012

Theory of Political Decision Making in the Structure of Social and Policy Disciplines
Degtyarev Andrey Alekseevich
No 2, 2002

Theory of world politics: assessing the potential for transfer
Lebedeva M.M., Gavrilenko N.V., Zakharov D.S., Kucherov M.A.
No 2, 2024

Theory, Discourse and Political Reality
Shvyrkov A.I.
No 5, 2016

Theses on political philosophy
Kapustin B.G.
No 2, 2010

Thinking of A.S. Akhiyezer
Kulpin-Gubaydullin E.S.
No 3, 2010

Third «Berdyaev Readings» Forum - 2015. Kaliningrad
Editorial Introduction
No 3, 2015

Thirty Three Angles of Political Reality
Oznobishchev S.K.
No 3, 2019

Threats to Strategic Stability – Imaginary and Real
Arbatov A.G.
No 3, 2018

Three Scenarios of a “Coloured” Revolution in Russia (Modelling the Net Dynamics of the Russian Polity)
Kazantzev A.A.
No 1, 2006

Through comparison to cognition (the presentation of journal «the comparative politics»)
No 4, 2010

Time to Change Names
Magun A.V.
No 2, 2002

To Be Unsealed in 25 Years
Varga Ye.S.
No 3, 1991

To Be Unsealed in 25 Years (Foreword by M.Ya. Gefter)
Varga Ye.S.
No 2, 1991

To Break out of the “Bermudas Triangle”: On Methodology of the Research of Post-Communist Transformations
Yeliseyev S.M.
No 6, 2002

To Know or to Call: Metaphor as Cognitive Resource of Social Knowledge
Pecherskaya N.V.
No 2, 2004

To Paradoxical Character of Modern Political Knowledge
Sulimov K.A.
No 5, 2005

To study oneself – a task with infinite number of outcomes
Pivovarov Yu.S., Ilyin M.V.
No 4, 2010

To the methodology of diplomatic correspondence: analysis of K.N. Leontyev’s notes and reports
Litvak N.V.
No 4, 2014

To the Notion of Political Violence
Kapustin B.G.
No 6, 2003

To the Question of Russian Discourse of Justice
Kanarsh G.Yu.
No 5, 2008

To the question of the character of the October revolution
Pantin I.K.
No 6, 2013

To the Question of the Concept of “National Community” and Its Applicability to Russia
Lipkin A.I.
No 6, 2008

To the question of the origin of state: paradoxes and anomalies of modern interpretations
Gutorov V.A.
No 3, 2014

To the Question of the Political System of Modern Russia
Kholodkovskii K.G.
No 2, 2009

Tolerance and the Strengthening of Ethnocentric Consciousness
Ilyinskaya S.G.
No 6, 2003

Toleration and Political Violence
Ilyinskaya S.G.
No 3, 2004

Topical Problems of Russian Political Science
Plyays Ya.A.
No 2, 2008

Toward an Accurate Assessment of Russian Elite Transformation
Rivera D.W., Rivera Sh.V.
No 5, 2009

Towards a Polycentric World Order
Gadzhiev K.S.
No 4, 2007

Tradition and innovation in politics and in development policies: dialectics of compatibility
Semenenko I.S.
No 5, 2023

Tradition: a Model or a Perspective (Josиphe de Maistre and Edmund Burke)
Degtyareva M.I.
No 5, 2003

Traditions and innovations in development policy of rural territories in Russia: the potential of Cossacks
Morozova E.V., Miroshnichenko I.V.
No 5, 2023

Trajectories of regime transformations and types of state consistency
Melville A.Yu., Stukal D.K., Mironyuk M.G.
No 2, 2012

Trans-border Cooperation as a Lever to Be Applied for the Development of Russian Far East
Shinkovsky M.Yu.
No 5, 2004

Trans-Border Regional Cooperation: the North-West of Russia
Kosov Yu.V.
No 5, 2003

Transcellular Structures as Form of Construction and Source of Self-Development of the State
Solovyov A.I.
No 6, 2006

Transformation of Exclave Territoriality under Political Globalization
Klemeshev A.P.
No 4, 2005

Transformation of Global World Order: Dynamics of Systemic Changes
Baranovsky V.G.
No 3, 2017

Transformation of Images of Power and Political Leaders of Great Britain Under the Influence of Brexit (on Materials of European and American Media, 2014-2017)
Palitay I.S.
No 2, 2018

Transformation of Russian-American Relations: Objective Causes and Subjective Motives
Oznobishchev S.K.
No 1, 2009

Transformation of the political media space within the framework of the noospheric paradigm (to the 160th anniversary of V. Vernadsky)
Sharkov F.I., Kirillina N.V., Kireeva O.F.
No 4, 2023

Transformations of Political Institutions in Russia: Cross-Temporal Comparative Analysis
Panov P.V.
No 6, 2002

Transformations of Regional Elites (With Nizhegorodskaya Oblast as Example) 108
Dakhin A.V.
No 4, 2003

Transformations of the political regime in Ukraine before and after the «Orange revolution»: institutional interpretation
Matsiyevsky Yu.V.
No 5, 2010

Transforming of Political Spaces: Toward Polycentric World Order
Pantin V.I., Lapkin V.V.
No 6, 2018

Transition to Mixed Elections in the Regions: “Compulsory Transformation”
Kynev A.V.
No 2, 2004

Transitology – scientific theory or ideological construct?
Achkasov V.A.
No 1, 2015

Transitology: the Lingering Farewell?
Shirikov A.S.
No 2, 2005

Transnational Corporations on the Way to Corporate Citizenship
Peregudov S.P.
No 3, 2004

Transnational Policy Networks and Change Through Internationalization (The Record of Project 5-100)
Crowley-Vigneau A., Istomin I.A., Baykov A.A., Kalyuzhnova Y.
No 5, 2021

Transregional Integration as a New Phenomenon of World Politics: Nature and Prospects
Lebedeva M.M., Kuznetsov D.A.
No 5, 2019

Trapped in Hybridity: Ukraine’s Regime Transformations after the 2014 Revolution
Matsiyevsky Yu.V.
No 1, 2018

Trauma Society: Between Evolution and Revolution (The Invitation to Debate)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
No 1, 2017

Traumatized society and its phantoms
Nemirovsky V.G.
No 3, 2015

Trends of the Transformation of Power Relations in the World Politics: Smart Power?
Stoletov O.V.
No 4, 2009

Tripartist Institutions in the West and in Russia: Problems of Updating
Peregudov S.P.
No 3, 2007

Trump Factor in Russia – US Relations
Arbatov A.G., Arbatova N.K.
No 3, 2017

Trust as an Object of Political Sociology. Part I
Satarov G.A.
No 1, 2016

Trust as an Object of Political Sociology. Part II
Satarov G.A.
No 2, 2016

Trust in Unstable Russian Society
Kozyreva P.M., Smirnov A.I.
No 5, 2019

Tu Weiming and the «New Confucianism»
Karelova L.B., Chugrov S.V.
No 1, 2012

Turkey, Russia and Europe from the Perspective of “Civilizational Realism”
Mezhuyev B.V.
No 6, 2019

Twenty years of reforms as perceived by Russians
Analytical Report by the Institute of Sociology, RAS
No 6, 2011

Twists of European Integration
Fadeyeva L.A.
No 5, 2018

Type of socio-political access within a society and the space of the world politics (historical evolution of the world system)
Voskressenski A.D.
No 2, 2013

Typology of Forms of Government: Rectification of Mistakes
Zaznaev O.I.
No 1, 2006



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