Trust in Unstable Russian Society

Trust in Unstable Russian Society

Kozyreva P.M.,

First Deputy Director of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of the Center for Longitudinal Studies at the Institute for Social Policy of the National Research University Higher School of Economics,

elibrary_id: 346897 | ORCID: 0000-0002-3034-8521 | RESEARCHER_ID: F-2538-2014

Smirnov A.I.,

Senior researcher, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

elibrary_id: 678594 | ORCID: 0000-0001-7078-6203 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2019.05.10
Rubric: Russia Today

For citation:

Kozyreva P.M., Smirnov A.I. Trust in Unstable Russian Society. – Polis. Political Studies. 2019. No. 5.

The article uses the results of projects carried out as part of the NRU HSE Basic Research Program. It is a continuation of the previous publication of the same authors: Kozyreva P.M., Smirnov A.I. Business and the Population: A Lack of Trust – Reasons and Consequences. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No. 1. P. 53-69. (In Russ.)


This article is focused on analyzing dynamics of levels and issues of developing trust within modern Russian society, based on data from the RLMS-HSE. The main objective was evaluating peculiarities in the formation and distribution of generalized trust, which have been observed throughout the last decade of crisis. While performing the analysis, certain new positive shifts were revealed in levels of generalized trust, which have been observed within various socio-demographic groups, despite an increase in uncertainty in all areas of social life. The authors emphasize factors which contribute to and hinder the spread of trust. It is stressed that the most critical factor which contributes to Russian people’s increasing trust towards others is an increased sense of personal security. Analyzing a vast range of empirical data leads to the belief that generalized trust appears to be the most important condition necessary for consolidating the foundations of democratic life and further developing civil society. However, participating in the activities of democratic institutions and voluntary organizations of civil society do not necessarily become a source of increased trust towards other people.

crisis, instability, generalized trust, social and political activity, rationality, social interaction, social capital.


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Content No. 5, 2019

See also:

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Institutional Trust as a Social Capital in Modern Russia (on the Results of Monitoring). – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No5

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Covid-19 Pandemic and the World Order. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No2

Selezneva A.V., Rogozar-Kolpakova I.I., Filistovich Ye.S., Trofimova V.V., Dobrynina Ye.P., Streletz I.E.,
Russian political elite: analysis from the perspective of the human capital concept. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No4



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