Balkanization vs Europeanization: conceptual deconstruction

Balkanization vs Europeanization:
conceptual deconstruction

Article received: 2024.03.24 19:33. Accepted: 2024.06.13 19:34

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2024.05.10

For citation:

Maleshevich A.V. Balkanization vs Europeanization: conceptual deconstruction. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No. 5. EDN: IYJOVZ (In Russ.)


The article is dedicated to the deconstruction of the binary opposition between the concepts of “Balkanization” and “Europeanization”. The initial phase of deconstruction entails a critical examination of conventional conceptualizations that reflect power relations between Balkans and Europe. A particular emphasis is placed on the dominant perception of balkanization as a process of fragmentation and barbarization, which is a representation commonly depicted within Western strategic discourse. As an alternative, the authentic concept of balkanization, formulated by Yugoslav avant-guardists during the early twentieth century, is analysed. The avant-guard movement Zenitism proclaimed the slogan of the Balkanization of Europe and featured the figure of Barbarogenious-Decivilizer. This approach not only represents an inversion of the Western perspective on the Balkans, but also draws upon ideas of internationalism and class struggle, deriving inspiration from the experience of the Russian revolution. The concept of Europeanization is examined in both broad and narrow senses - as a notion of modernization and as transformations caused by the institutional influence of the European Union. The concept of europeanization, positioned as a positive project and vision of a better future, stands in contrast to the Balkan past ofthe region. With such as interpretation, the successful implementation ofthe europeanization agenda would entail the complete erasure of Balkan subjectivity and identity. Europeanization is conceptualized as a process of debalkanization. In the concluding phase of deconstruction, during the stage of“reassembly”, an alternative perception ofbalkanization is put forward. In accordance with the ideas of Zenitism and the political experience ofthe Balkan peoples' struggle for independence and the establishment of a common stated, balkanization is perceived as, on the one hand, resistance and rebellion; on the other hand, as a desire to overcome borders and internationalization. Accordingly, europeanization is perceived as a process of construction of homogeneous modern nation-states. It can be argued that fragmentation is indeed a consequence and essence of europeanization.

balkanization, europeanization, deconstruction, balkanism, eurasianism, avant-guarde, civilization, barbarianism.


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Content No. 5, 2024

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