Politico-Psychological Analysis of the Conservative Values in Contemporary Russia

Politico-Psychological Analysis of the Conservative Values in Contemporary Russia

Rubric: Russia today

For citation:

Blinov V.V. Politico-Psychological Analysis of the Conservative Values in Contemporary Russia . – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No. 5. P. 153. (In Russ.)


The article presents the results of politico-psychological analysis of the rank-and-file active members of political parties who were reckoned among the members of the State Duma of the 3d and 4th convocations. In the course of the analysis, psychological properties of activists of parliamentary political parties were compared with psychological invariants of conservatism as exposed in the works of leading Western political psychologists and sociologists. The article acquaints the reader with analysis of psychological features and value positions of supporters of the main ideological currents and describes the specificity of ideological messages of the political parties of the period of V.V.Putin’s presidency.

Content No. 5, 2008

See also:

Solovyov A.I.,
Contradictions of Conciliatory Processes in Russia. – Polis. Political Studies. 1996. No5

Kuvaldin V.B., Malyutin M.V.,
From an “Electoral Pyramid” to the “Power Party”. – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No1

Tikhonova N.E.,
Russians’ Perceptions of the Relationship between the Individual and State Interests: an Empirical Analysis of Dynamics. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No6

Rogozin D.M.,
Family Citizenship of the Youth in the Northern Caucasus. – Polis. Political Studies. 2007. No1

Shestopal Ye.B.,
Quarter of a century of russian political reforms from a psychological point of view. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No1



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