Perception of Europe by Young Generation in the Context of New Reality of World Politics (The Case of Krasnodar)

Perception of Europe by Young Generation in the Context of New Reality of World Politics (The Case of Krasnodar)

Samarkina I.V.,

Associate Professor, Kuban State University,

elibrary_id: 186730 | ORCID: 0000-0002-0205-8543 | RESEARCHER_ID: A-4728-2017

Morozova E.V.,

Professor of the Department for Public Policy and Public Administration, Kuban State University,

elibrary_id: 388085 | ORCID: 0000-0002-1369-7594 | RESEARCHER_ID: R-9250-2016

Miroshnichenko I.V.,

Associate Professor, Head of Department for Public Policy and Public Administration, Kuban State University,

elibrary_id: 384930 | ORCID: 0000-0002-2650-6662 | RESEARCHER_ID: Q-7280-2016

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2018.03.08
Rubric: Russia Today

For citation:

Samarkina I.V., Morozova E.V., Miroshnichenko I.V. Perception of Europe by Young Generation in the Context of New Reality of World Politics (The Case of Krasnodar). – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No. 3.


In the context of large-scale geopolitical changes, the study of the subjective space of politics and mechanisms for its design takes on great importance. It can define the images of political actors and the results of their perception by different social communities. The article presents results of the study aimed to define how young people perceive the image of Europe. The model of social perception of the object consists of several key components: the content of image (objective parameters), the factors influencing the perception of this image (contextual, communicative and subjective), and the functions of image that affect the national identity formation. The main method of collecting empirical data was discussion in focus groups formed by people from various segments of youth from Krasnodar and the region. To stimulate discussion, a number of techniques were used: projective drawing, methodology of unfinished sentences, mapping, semantic differential technique, scaling. To assess and conceptualize the data obtained, the results were discussed with experts. The explanatory model of the image of Europe proposed in the study allows us to cover the complexity, multidimensionality and interdependence of its structural elements. Being part of subjective space of politics, the image of Europe consists of rational and unconscious components that have verbal and visual projections in a system of cognitive, affective and behavioral attitudes and are changing under the influence of a complex of structural and dynamic factors. The image of Europe in the notions of modern youth is represented by a multi-level and multi-component dynamic design. Due to the impact of a system of external and internal factors, mechanisms and institutions of socialization, targeted and spontaneous influences, components of the image of Europe are structured into a system of basic constants and variables. Our study showed that the constant parameters of the image are formed, as a rule, under the influence of structural factors, while variable parameters – under the influence of dynamic factors. The most important “perceptual screen” affecting the “core” of the image of Europe in the perception of our respondents is the education system. As for peripheral components, Internet resources play a crucial role in their formation, especially such as social networks, blogs and online games. The study also showed existence of a generation gap in the youth’s perception of the image of Europe, which is mainly based on personal experience of acquaintance with the European countries.

identity; image of Europe, perception; youth; Other / Stranger; personalized images; generation gap.


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Content No. 3, 2018

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