The Chinese Angle in the World-system Management

The Chinese Angle in the World-system Management

Bogaturov A.D.,

Chairman of the Editorial Board of the International Trends Journal,

elibrary_id: 276291 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2019.05.07
Rubric: DIXI!

For citation:

Bogaturov A.D. The Chinese Angle in the World-system Management. – Polis. Political Studies. 2019. No. 5.


China moved to the forefront of world politics, which resulted in a rearrangement of the balance of forces between the five nuclear powers represented in the U.N. Security Council. Russia has taken a benevolent stance towards China’s new status, France pronounced to remain neutral, whilst the United States and Britain have refrained from expressing any clear opinion. The rest of the states are watching with interest or anxiety. The United States under Trump maintains an offensive position in all conflict-prone areas. Beijing, on the other hand, maintains a balanced point of view: not to join any ‘alliances’ and not to back any of the great powers. Moscow opposes the U.S.A., trying to abstain from any military coalescing. The continental E.U. is concerned with resolving the conflict in Ukraine and, at the same time, seeking opportunities for new beneficial relations in the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. The author, on the basis of a comparative analysis of these international relations dynamics, shows the inconsistencies of the policies of ‘nuclear countries’ at the intersection of changes stemming from the greater ‘free hand’ of the United States, Russia and Britain. The countries of the Nuclear Five in the U.N. adhere to the policy of ‘keeping a balanced position’ in potentially explosive situations.

world system, five-party regulation, nuclear powers, U.N., China, Russia, U.S.A., E.U., balance of forces, world politics.


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Content No. 5, 2019

See also:

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China-Russia-US Relations and Strategic Triangles. – Polis. Political Studies. 2020. No6

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