The evolution of the presidential role in Poland’s political system since 1989

The evolution of the presidential role in Poland’s political system since 1989

Article received: 2022.09.28. Accepted: 2023.01.16

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2023.02.11

For citation:

Putintsev I.S. The evolution of the presidential role in Poland’s political system since 1989. – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No. 2. EDN: BODIFQ


This article deals with the evolution of the presidential role in the Polish political system. Poland has a specific form of government that cannot be defined as semi-presidential or purely parliamentary. That creates uncertainty, enhancing the impact of situational factors and political practice. The principal goal of this research is to rank the Polish presidents according to their power and political influence with the use of specific criteria and to detect the dominant tendency. One of the aims of this article is to summarize the opinions on the Polish type of government, to analyze the legal base that defined the presidential role in different periods and identify the political conditions that influenced its evolution, to research the interaction of presidents with other state institutions and parties, to reveal the hierarchy of this interaction and the most important precedents, to evaluate the president’s influence in different spheres, including foreign policy. This article has a chronological structure. The activities of the six heads of state are considered not in general but in how they influenced the evolution of president’s institutional role. The main conclusion of this work is that the influence of the president in Poland has significantly fallen over the last 15-20 years. The ranking based on the author’s criteria has proven this conclusion. With the exception of the veto and certain appointment powers, the president has few effective mechanisms to exert power. The political practice has also developed in his disfavour: the head of state has little influence on parties and paradoxically commands less political authority if he or she belongs to the same political camp as the cabinet and parliamentary majority. The president plays a less important role than the ruling party’s leader and the prime minister, though his/her role is not ceremonial.

Poland, president, semi-presidentialism, parliamentarism, Jaruzelski, Wałęsa, Kwaśniewski, Kaczyński, Komorowski, Duda.


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Content No. 2, 2023

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