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   01/11/19 Congratulations to Professor Elena Borisovna Shestopal with the 25th anniversary of her author's project

The editorial team congratulates Professor Elena Borisovna Shestopal – member of the editorial board of the journal, Head of Sociology and Psychology Chair of Politics, Faculty of Political Science, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University – on the 25th anniversary of the grand author's project to study the images of power and leaders in post-Soviet Russia and with a personal jubilee and publishes her article "Quarter-Century-Long Project: Study of the Images of Authorities and Leaders in Post-Soviet Russia (1993-2018). 

   12/27/18 Aleksander Solzhenitsyn and Politics

On December 11, 2018 the Russian intellectual class celebrated a centenary since the birth of Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, an outstanding writer, politician, and Nobel Prize winner. In the first issue of 2019 we publish an article devoted to his memory, “Aleksander Solzhenitsyn and Politics”, authored by Evgenii Mikhailovich Kozhokin, Doctor of Historical Sciences and vice-rector of MGIMO University.  

   10/29/18 200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies

Congratulations on the remarkable 200th Anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founded in 1818 by Emperor Alexander I, as well as to scientific director of the Institute, Academician Vitaly Naumkin!

   08/29/18 No. 5 - 2018

No. 5 was put into print August 29, 2018. Theme of the issue: Baltic accent of the Russian political science.

   08/24/18 A.V.Torkunov on Challanges to Social and Human Sciences in Russia

В связи с тем, что Московский государственный институт международных отношений (университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации (МГИМО МИД России) пополнил список учредителей нашего журнала, редакция обратилась к Ректору университета академику Анатолию Торкунову с предложением прислать статью на актуальную тему - задачах отечественных общественных наук. Статья "Вызовы социогуманитарной науке в России" в бумажной версии появится в № 5 "Полиса" , который выйдет в конце сентября. Мы делаем статью достоянием научной общественности на месяц раньше, разместив ее в открытом доступе здесь на нашем сайте. Пользуясь возможностью, редакция "Полиса" поздравляет Анатолия Васильевича с днем рождения (26 августа). Многая лета!

   07/25/18 No. 4 - 2018 is published

No. 4 - 2018 is published. Theme of the issue: Stability and Transformation – Conflicting Imperatives of Contemporary Politics. Content

   06/27/18 No. 4 - 2018

No. 4 was put into print June 27, 2018. Theme of the issue: Stability and transformation – conflicting imperatives of contemporary politics.

   06/26/18 Founders of the Journal

The founders list of "Polis. Political Studies" has been extended and now includes Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation.

   06/25/18 Article by academician Andrei Kokoshin

Expert opinion on the burning issue of international relations: article by academician Andrei Kokoshin on the problems of strategic stability from the upcoming issue of "Polis. Political Studies". To the article


   05/23/18 No. 3 - 2018 is published

No. 3 - 2018 is published. Theme of the issue: Political Science for Bringing Russia and Europe Closer to Each Other.

   03/28/18 No. 2 - 2018 is published

No. 2 - 2018 is published. Theme of the issue: Russia – Problems and Solutions. Content

   02/28/18 No. 2 - 2018

No. 2 was put into print February 28, 2018. Theme of the issue:  Russia — Problems and Solutions 

   01/24/18 No. 1 - 2018 is published

No. 1 - 2018 has been published. Theme of the issue:  Intangible factors of Russian politics. Content

   12/27/17 No. 1 - 2018

No. 1 was put into print December 27, 2017. Theme of the issue: Intangible factors of Russian politics



   11/14/17 Web od Science

Polis. Political Studies Journal has been accepted for coverage in the Emerging Sources Citation Index. Coverage will begin with the 2017 issues 

   10/26/17 No. 6 - 2017

No. 6 was put into print October 26, 2017. Theme of the issue: Russia and Europe. Capabilities and limits of understanding


   09/25/17 No. 5 - 2017 is published

No. 5 - 2017 has been published. Theme of the issue: Russia of the Seventeenth – Version XXI. Content

   08/28/17 No. 5 - 2017

No. 5 was put into print August 28, 2017. Theme of the issue: Russia of the Seventeenth – Version XXI 

   07/26/17 No. 4 - 2017 is published

No. 4 - 2017 has been published. Theme of the issue: Old trends and new meanings of politics. Content

   06/26/17 No. 4 - 2017

No. 4 was put into print June 26, 2017. Theme of the issue: Old trends and new meanings of politics. 

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Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
3 2019

Oznobishchev S.K.
Thirty Three Angles of Political Reality

 The article text 


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