Polis. Political Studies

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 | 1991 |


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Afanasyev V.V.
 Oswald Spengler’s Conservative Ideology
No 5, 2005

Akhremenko A.S.
 The Structuring of the Electoral Space in Russia’s Regions (Factors-Analysis of the Parliamentary Elections of 1995 to 2003)
No 2, 2005

Alekseyenkova Ye.S.
 Genesis and Evolution of Hierarchically Structured Terrorist Nets (With the Italian “Brigate Rosse” as Example)
No 6, 2005

Alyushin A.L.
 Breaches of Legal Continuity in 20th Century Russia’s History
No 3, 2005

Amogolonova D.D.
 The Space of the Ideological Discourse of Post-Soviet Buryatia
No 2, 2005

Andreyev I.V.
 The Earliest Scientific Work by M.Ya.Ostrogorsky
No 5, 2005

Axenov K.E.
 City — Region — Russia: Dynamics of Electoral Behaviour at Parliamentary Elections
No 2, 2005


Barabanov O.N.
 Evolution of Italy’s Regions as Actors of World Politics
No 4, 2005

Bukhovetz O.G.
 On Time Resources of the Post-Soviet Ethno-Nationalism
No 2, 2005


Chikharev I.A.
 World Politics’ Multidimensionality (To Current Discussions)
No 1, 2005

Chikharev I.A.
 Chronopolitics: Development of a Research Program
No 3, 2005

Chikhichin V.V.
 Politico-Geographical Images of RF Subjects: Factors of Formation (With Stavropol Territory as Example)
No 2, 2005


Editorial Introduction
 Presenting This Issue
No 1, 2005

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting This Issue
No 2, 2005

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting This Issue
No 3, 2005

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting This Issue
No 4, 2005

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting This Issue
No 5, 2005

Editorial Introduction
 In Memory of Aleksey Mikhaylovich Salmin (1951 — 2005)
No 5, 2005

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting This Issue
No 6, 2005


Fadeyeva L.A.
 Problems of Developing the Universitarian Political Science in Russia’s Regions in the Context of the Bologna Process
No 5, 2005

Fatenkov A.N.
 Who Should Rule: People or Laws? Masses or Personalities? (Apologia of Existential Autocracy)
No 2, 2005

Feldman D.M.
 Political Interaction of the CIS Countries’ Elites
No 4, 2005

Filippov A.F.
 Space of Political Events
No 2, 2005


Galkin A.A.
 Globalization and Political Shocks of the 21st Century
No 4, 2005

Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
 On Collision of Moral and Morality Principles in Russian Politics
No 3, 2005

Gelman V.Ya.
 Lessons of Ukrainian
No 1, 2005

Golosov G.V.
 A Manufactured Majority: Vote–Seat Conversion in the 2003 Duma Elections
No 1, 2005


Ibragimov M.-R.
 Alien, but Loyal: the Reasons of “Unstable Stability” in Dagestan
No 3, 2005

Ilyin M.V.
 Phenomenon of Political Time
No 3, 2005

 Political and State Governance: in Search of Disciplinary Attributes
No 1, 2005

 Political Science Chronicle
No 1, 2005

 Political Science Chronicle
No 2, 2005

 The Study of Chronopolitics at Russia’s Higher Educational Institutions
No 3, 2005

 Public Politics in Russia
No 3, 2005

 Political Science Chronicle
No 3, 2005

 Political Science Chronicle
No 4, 2005

 Political Science Chronicle
No 6, 2005

Isayev M.A.
 The Causes and the Political Form of the Dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian Union
No 6, 2005


Kaspe S.I.
 Apologia of the Center: On a Forgotten Methodological Resource of Political Science
No 1, 2005

Kaspe S.I.
 Empire Substitute: On the Nature and Origin of the Federative Political Form
No 4, 2005

Kazantzev A.A.
 Central Asia: Institutional Structure of International Interactions in a Region in the Making
No 2, 2005

Kertman G.L.
 Interest for Politics, Russian Variety: Motives Manifest and Ulterior
No 1, 2005

Kertman G.L.
 The CIS: Between the Past and the Present
No 6, 2005

Khenkin S.M.
 Federalism: Russian and Foreign Experience
No 2, 2005

Khudaykulova A.V.
 Contemporary International Relations: Implications of the New Context of Interdependence
No 6, 2005

Kiryanov I.K.
 Failure of the Premiere of a Liberal Play: First Essay of Russian Transit
No 5, 2005

Kjellen R.
 On Political Science, Its Correlation with Other Spheres of Knowledge, and on the Study of Political Space. (Foreword by M.V.Ilyin)
No 2, 2005

Klemeshev A.P.
 Transformation of Exclave Territoriality under Political Globalization
No 4, 2005

Kolmogorova D.M.
 Russia’s and Germany’s Experience of Consolidating Regions: Publications on the Subject
No 5, 2005

Komarovsky V.S.
 Administrative Reform in Russian Federation
No 4, 2005

Kondrachuk V.V.
 The State’s Impact upon Development of Small Business: Harmful or Beneficial?
No 3, 2005

Kosolapov N.A.
 World Politics as Phenomenon and as Subject of Science (To the Discussion on the Pages of the Polis and the Mezhdunarodnyje Protzessy Journals)
No 6, 2005

Kosov Yu.V.
 The Russian International Relations Science: to Acquiring the Image of Its Own
No 5, 2005

Koval Ye.I.
 From the Monarchist Idea to the Conservative One: F.R.Châteaubriand and the Development of Russian Political Thought in the First Half of the 19th Century
No 5, 2005

Kovalev V.A.
 Specialist in Teaching Methods Bound to Be a Researcher as Well (Ethnopolitical Science: Valuable Essay of a Manual)
No 5, 2005

Kuznetz Yu.L.
 Party Studies and Life
No 1, 2005

Kynev A.V.
 Effects of the “Maidan”: Political System of Ukraine after the Crisis of 2004
No 1, 2005

Kynev A.V.
 Pending New Electoral Offer (The Elections of the End of 2004 to the Beginning of 2005 to the Regional Legislative Assemblies)
No 3, 2005


Lapkin V.V.
 Assimilation of Institutions and Values of Democracy by Ukrainian and Russian Mass Consciousness (Preliminary Conclusions)
No 1, 2005

Lapkin V.V.
 International Development Rhythms as Factor of Russia’s Political Modernization
No 3, 2005

Liechtenstein A.V.
 The Duverger Equilibrium as Checked under the Conditions of Limited Competition: the 2003 Duma Elections
No 1, 2005


Martyanov V.S.
 Post-modernity: Revenge by “the Accursed Side of Modernity”
No 2, 2005

Mielke K.
 International Relations and World Politics Research in Germany: History and the Present-Day Condition
No 4, 2005

Modelski G.
 The Evolution of Global Politics
No 3, 2005

Modelski G.
 The Evolution of Global Politics (II)
No 4, 2005


Nechayev V.D.
 Decentralization, Democratization, and Efficiency (Reform of Federative Relations and of Local Self-Government in the Light of the Theory of Efficient Decentralization)
No 3, 2005

Neganov S.V.
 The Perm Oblast: Political Picture of a Region and Development of Political Science
No 5, 2005


Panov P.V.
 Reform of Regional Electoral Systems and the Development of Political Parties in Russia’s Regions (Cross-Regional Comparative Analysis)
No 5, 2005

Pastukhov V.B.
 Ukraine Not with Russia (Causes and Consequences of Strategic Errors of Russian Policy towards Ukraine)
No 1, 2005

Pastukhov V.B.
 One Back Step, Two Steps Forward (Russian Society and State within an Intercultural Span)
No 6, 2005

Peskov D.N.
 World Politics, or Running on the Spot
No 1, 2005

Podvintzev O.B.
 Psephology as the Science Studying Elections
No 5, 2005

Ponomaryova Ye.G.
 Chronopolitical Dimension of Modernization Processes in Contemporary Serbia
No 3, 2005


Rakhshmir P.Yu.
 Conservatism and Liberalism: Metamorphoses of the Consensus
No 5, 2005

Rasskazov S.V.
 Geographical Ideas of the Parties in the Process of Settling Ethno-Political Conflicts in the Commonwealth of Independent States
No 2, 2005

Ritter K.
 On Spatial Relations on Earth’s Surface and Their Impact upon the Course of Historical Development of Mankind. (Foreword by D.N. Zamyatin)
No 2, 2005

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
 World Politics: Agenda for Tomorrow (Virtual Round Table)
No 4, 2005

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
 “We in the World — the World in Us”: 50 Years of the Integration of Our Country’s Political Science into the World One (Virtual Round Table)
No 6, 2005


Salmin A.M.
 The Church, the State and Politics in the Catholic World
No 6, 2005

Sarukhanyan S.N.
 Iranian Atomic Bomb. To Be or Not to Be?
No 4, 2005

Semenenko I.S.
 Corporate Citizenship: Western Models and Prospects for Russia
No 5, 2005

Sergunin A.A.
 International Security: New Approaches and Concepts
No 6, 2005

Shestopal Ye.B.
 New Tendencies of the Perception of the Power in Russia
No 3, 2005

Shevchenko Yu.D.
 Institutionalization of the State Duma and the Third Convocation Deputies’ Participation in the 2003 Parliamentary Elections
No 1, 2005

Shirikov A.S.
 Transitology: the Lingering Farewell?
No 2, 2005

Skogorev A.P.
 At the Approaches to Public Policy
No 6, 2005

Smirnov A.N.
 Ethnicity and Cultural Pluralism in the Context of the State Policy
No 4, 2005

Smorgunov L.V.
 Political Decision Making: Theory and Methodology
No 4, 2005

Sokolov M.M.
 Class as Ethnic: Rhetoric of the Russian Radical Nationalist Movement
No 2, 2005

Solovyov A.I.
 The Swing-of-the-Pendulum Mechanism of State Decision Making: to the Substantiation of a Cognitive Model (I)
No 5, 2005

Solovyov A.I.
 The Swing-of-the-Pendulum Mechanism of State Decision Making: To the Substantiation of a Cognitive Model (II)
No 6, 2005

Solovyov E.G.
 Foreign Policy Priorities of the Liberal Russia
No 2, 2005

Sukharev M.V.
 Movement of Civilizations: Russia and the West
No 1, 2005

Sulimov K.A.
 To Paradoxical Character of Modern Political Knowledge
No 5, 2005


Titov K.V.
 “Contrat social” à la Khrushchev (The Report “On Personality Cult and Its Consequences” as Supreme Power’s Contract with Nomenclature)
No 5, 2005


Vasilenko Yu.V.
 An Essay of Typology of Spanish Conservatism
No 5, 2005


Yushkova-Borisova Yu.G.
 Russia and Her Population
No 3, 2005


Zaznaev O.I.
 Mixed Forms of Government, or How Oil Will Mix with Water
No 4, 2005



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
1 2013

Dobransky S.
The formation of a Black sea community

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