Polis. Political Studies

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 | 1991 |


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Akayev A.A.
 A Mathematical Model Should Be Good Help for Politicians
No 3, 2009

Akhremenko A.S.
 Dynamics Aproach to Mathematical Modelling of Political Stability
No 3, 2009


Bezvikonnaya Ye.V.
 Systemico-Synergetic Model of a Political System
No 3, 2009

Biberman Ye.
 Political science and the rules of causal inference
No 6, 2009


Chikharev I.A.
 The Scales and Rhythms of Democratization
No 3, 2009

Chumikov A.N.
 Political communicativistics: topical tasks and technologies of application
No 5, 2009


Dakhin A.V.
 System of Power in Russia in the 2000s and the Models of Political Government of the Regions
No 2, 2009

Davydov A.P.
 The faustian complex and Russia
No 6, 2009

Dmitriyev A.V.
 The State, hosting socium and migrators: conflicting dimension of interaction practices
No 6, 2009


Fedorovsky A.N.
 Common history and different destinies of the two Korean states
No 5, 2009


Gerbach J.V.
 Gender Transformation in Modern Russian Army: Social Prerequisites
No 1, 2009

Glukhova A.V.
 Russian society facing the challenge of modernization
No 6, 2009

Grinin L.Ye.
 Urbanization and Political Instability: to the Development of Mathematical Models of Political Processes
No 4, 2009

Gusev A.A.
 Ecological Problems in the Draft Constitution of the European Union
No 1, 2009


Ilyin M.V.
 Are There General Principles of Evolution?
No 2, 2009

 Introducing the MGIMO-University Bulletin
No 6, 2009


Kasamara V.A.
 Teenagers political consciousness: prosperous children vs street children
No 6, 2009

Kashirskikh O.N.
 Political Parties of Germany in the Context of the Modernization of Political Communication
No 2, 2009

Kazin F.A.
 Interrelations of Russia with South Ossetia and with Abkhazia in the Comparative Perspective
No 1, 2009

Khalturina D.A.
 Russias image in the world: quantitative and qualitative analysis
No 5, 2009

Kharkevich M.V.
 Rogue States as the Image of Other in the World Politics
No 4, 2009

Kholodkovskii K.G.
 To the Question of the Political System of Modern Russia
No 2, 2009

Kokoshin A.A.
 Notes on Creation of a Russian Innovative Army
No 1, 2009

Kortunov S.V.
 Dialectics of National and International Security: Some Methodological Problems
No 1, 2009

Kosorukov A.A.
 Globalization: the Trend and the Evolution
No 4, 2009

Kulpin E.S.
 Russian modernization alternatives, or Meiji restoration, Russian Style
No 5, 2009


Lapkin V.V.
 Enter into New Epoch of Great Shocks: the Attempt of the Outstripping Theoretical Reflexion
No 1, 2009

Lapkin V.V.
 Russia and Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective: Factors of Sociopolitical Polarization
No 2, 2009

Lebedeva M.M.
 The World Politics: Tendencies of the Development
No 4, 2009

Liu Zaiqi
 Soft Power in Chinas Development Strategy
No 4, 2009

Lukin A.V.
 Myths about Russian Political Culture and Russian History. Part I.
No 1, 2009

Lukin A.V.
 Myths about Russian Political Culture and Russian History. Part II
No 2, 2009


Makarenko V.P.
 Political conceptology
No 6, 2009

Malinova O.Yu.
 Pondering over the phenomenon of community
No 5, 2009

Melville A.Yu.
 Political Atlas-2: World Crisis Megatrends
No 3, 2009

Melville A.Yu.
 Russian Foreign Policy as Seen by the Expert Community
No 4, 2009

Mikhaleva G.M.
 When Was the Way Chosen? (Russias Parties in the Course of the Two Electoral Cycles, 1993-2000)
No 2, 2009

Misurov D.A.
 Symbolic Modelling in Russia: Transformations of the Imperial-Soviet-Presidential Model
No 3, 2009

Misurov D.A.
 Combinatorics of social development: variants of transformations of symbolic models
No 5, 2009

Mitrofanova A.V.
 Labyrinths and Enigmas of Theocracy
No 1, 2009

Mitrofanova A.V.
 Enigmas of theocracy and their solution
No 5, 2009

Morozov I.L.
 Empirical model of the structure of power in an extremist grouping (on the basis of Eric Berns adapted methods)
No 5, 2009

Morozova E.V.
 Investors of Political Capital: Social Nets in the Political Space of a Region
No 2, 2009


Nikovskaya L.I.
 Complex-compound conflict as instrument of analyzing transformation and crisis
No 6, 2009


Okunev I.Yu.
 The Stanford Model of Development Crisis
No 3, 2009

Oleynov A.G.
 Political Process as Studied through the Prism of the Economic Science: the Complex Approach
No 4, 2009

Ovlashchenko A.V.
 Maritime Policy of the European Union in the Light of Integration Theories
No 2, 2009

Oznobishchev S.K.
 Transformation of Russian-American Relations: Objective Causes and Subjective Motives
No 1, 2009


Panchenko M.Yu.
 The realist paradigm of international order: the past and the present
No 5, 2009

Pantin I.K.
 Russian political thought in historical dimension
No 6, 2009

Pastukhov V.B.
 Medvedev and Putin: double-thinking as an alternative to dual power
No 6, 2009

Patrushev S.V.
 The Modern Worlds Arrangement. What We Have Learned and What We Should Like to Learn in the Epoch of Csisis. Listing One Books Pages
No 3, 2009

Patrushev S.V.
 Civil activity: institutional approach. Prospects for research
No 6, 2009

Peregudov S.P.
 Political System of Russia after the Elections of 2007 to 2008: Factors of Stabilization and of Destabilization. Part I
No 2, 2009

Peregudov S.P.
 Political System of Russia After the Elections of 2007 to 2008: Factors of Stabilization and of Destabilization. Part II.
No 3, 2009

Peregudov S.P.
 Russias political system: experience of social engineering projections (based on the materials of the ISP report)
No 6, 2009

Plyays Ya.A.
 Russian Political Science: Years of the Upgrowth
No 4, 2009

Podvintzev O.B.
 Seventeen Opinions on Putins Stabilization
No 4, 2009

Popova O.V.
 Specific Features of Political Identity in Russia and in European Countries
No 1, 2009

Pshizova S.N.
 From Civil Society to Consumers Community: Political Consumerism in Comparative Perspective. Part I.
No 1, 2009

Pshizova S.N.
 From Civil Society to Consumers Community: Political Consumerism in Comparative Perspective. Part II
No 2, 2009


Rivera D.W.
 Toward an Accurate Assessment of Russian Elite Transformation
No 5, 2009

Round Table Of The Political Science Faculty, Moscow State University
 The crisis in the mirror of political psychology
No 5, 2009

Round Table of the Polis Journal
 Mr. Crisis, How Are You to Be Addressed Now?
No 3, 2009

Round Table of the Polis Journal
 Political science journals in virtual space (presentation of the Polis Journals new Internet-portal). Part I
No 6, 2009

Rozov N.S.
 Global Crisis in the Context of World Development Megatrends and Prospects of the Russian Policy
No 3, 2009

Rutland P.
 Russia and China: Saga of Two Transitions to Market Economy
No 3, 2009


Salmenniemi S.
 The Logic of the Development of Civic Organizations in Modern Russia
No 1, 2009

Semenenko I.S.
 Dilemmas of national identity: political risks and social inputs
No 6, 2009

Sergeev V.M.
 On the Deeper Roots of the Modern Financial Crisis
No 3, 2009

Sevastyanov S.V.
 The New Regionalism of East Asia: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
No 4, 2009

Shestopal A.V.
 The Path to Democracy: Brazilian Experience
No 4, 2009

Shevchenko A.V.
 Stability of political system: homo communicativus vs homo politicus
No 5, 2009

Sheynis V.L.
 Russias national security. Durability trial (Part 1)
No 5, 2009

Smorgunov L.V.
 Comparative Political Science in Search for New Methodological Orientations: Would the Ideas Be Significant for Explanation of Politics?
No 1, 2009

Smorgunov L.V.
 Correlation of Politics and Political Science in the Period of Russian Political Transformations
No 4, 2009

Solovey V.D.
 The Russia Brand
No 4, 2009

Solovey V.D.
 The book on happiness and unhappiness of states
No 5, 2009

Stoletov O.V.
 Trends of the Transformation of Power Relations in the World Politics: Smart Power?
No 4, 2009

Svetlov V.A.
 The Georgian-South-Ossetian Conflict. Reflections of a Conflictologist
No 3, 2009


Timofeev I.N.
 Security Dilemma. Risk of Armed Conflict between the Great Powers
No 4, 2009

Timofeyeva L.N.
 Political communicativistics: problems of the formation
No 5, 2009

Tsipko A.S.
 On the Demand of Reason
No 4, 2009

Turovsky R.F.
 Regional Political Regimes in Russia: to the Methodology of Analysis
No 2, 2009


Vainshtein G.I.
 European Identity: the Desired and the Real
No 4, 2009


Workshop of the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences.
 Russian everyday life under the conditions of the crisis.
No 5, 2009


Zagladin N.V.
 Global Crisis: Reasons, Consequences and Russia (Returning to Whats Been Read)
No 3, 2009

Zamyatin D.N.
 Geocracy. Eurasia as the Image, Symbol and Project of Russian Civilization
No 1, 2009

Zayemsky V.F.
 Contemporary Issues of the United Nations Peacemaking Activity
No 2, 2009

Zheleznyakov A.S.
 Subjects of Modern World Arrangement: the Nomadic Mongolia
No 4, 2009



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
5 2019

Torkunov A.V.
International Studies: Chaos or Pluralism?

 The article text 


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