Polis. Political Studies

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 | 1991 |


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Akhremenko A.S.
 Network vs Message in Protest Diffusion on Social Media: Theoretical and Data Analytics Perspectives
No 2, 2020

Antyukhova E.A.
 Actor Models of Global Educational Policy
No 3, 2020

Arapova E.Ya.
 Regionalization Models in the Asia-Pacific Region
No 5, 2020

Arbatov A.G.
 China and Arms Control: Not Utopia, but a Reality
No 4, 2020


Barsukova S.Yu.
 Political “Investments” by Businesses in Russia, or Why Does Business Finance Election Campaigns?
No 3, 2020

Bederson V.D.
 Civil Associations and Political Regime in Global Non-Democratic Practice: Between Political Control and Social Efficiency
No 2, 2020

Belousov A.B.
 Paradoxes of the Power Vertical: Retrospection, Imagination, Trauma
No 6, 2020

Bugrov K.D.
 Back to Subject: The Theory of Just War in Contemporary Political Thought
No 5, 2020

Busygina I.M.
 Changing Incentives and Strategies of National Governments in Multilevel Governance across the European Union
No 5, 2020

Butler W.E.
 Greater Eurasia: In Search of a Legal Order
No 4, 2020


Chigasheva M.A.
 The National-Cultural Profile of the Political Language of CDU/CSU Leaders
No 4, 2020

Chugrov S.V.
 Rethinking the Results of World War II in Contemporary Japan
No 5, 2020

Chvorostov A.V.
 What is Democracy and How It Can Be Measured?
No 3, 2020


Dinç D.
 On the Shore of the Empire: A Critical Evaluation of Hardt and Negri Based on the Concepts of Imperialism and the People
No 2, 2020


Editorial Introduction
 Presenting this Issue
No 1, 2020

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting this Issue
No 2, 2020

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting this issue
No 3, 2020

Efremova K.A.
 ASEAN as a Potential Actor in Global Governance: Prerequisites, Opportunities, and Prospects
No 3, 2020

Evgenyeva T.V.
 Russia’s Place in the World in the Perception of National Citizens: Identification Dimension
No 4, 2020


Fituni L.L.
 Political Theory of Decolonization: Essentials of Modern Reading
No 6, 2020


Gallarotti G.M.
 How to Measure Soft Power in International Relations
No 1, 2020

Graham T.
 China-Russia-US Relations and Strategic Triangles
No 6, 2020

Grinin L.Ye.
 Revolutions of the 20th Century: A Theoretical-Quantitative Analysis
No 5, 2020

Gudalov N.N.
 Political Practices: Problematising the Issue or Bowing to It?
No 5, 2020

Gutorov V.A.
 Once More about Values and “Capital”
No 3, 2020


Ibragimova K.A.
 The Right for Development: Innovations as the Global Common
No 2, 2020

Ilyin M.V.
 Principles of Evolution Revisited
No 1, 2020

Istomin I.A.
 Alliances at the Service of Hegemony: Deconstruction of the Military Domination Toolbox
No 6, 2020


Kazarinova D.B.
 “Mass Science” at ÅPSA Conference: the Participant Observation Experience
No 1, 2020

Khakhalkina E.V.
 The Institute of Prime Minister and the Future of the Party-Political System of Great Britain
No 3, 2020

Khudaykulova A.V.
 “Quad 2.0”: Quadrilateral Dialogue for Counterbalancing China in the Indo-Pacific
No 3, 2020

Kirichenko E.V.
 Export Controls as a Tool to Maintain U.S. Leadership in a Changing World
No 1, 2020

Kocherov O.S.
 À "Philosophy to Come" in International Relations: Fred Dallmayr's Apophatic Democracy
No 6, 2020

Koktysh K.E.
 The Event of Liberty: the Experience of Deconstruction
No 2, 2020

Konkov A.E.
 Parliamentary Diplomacy: Developing Relations Between Society and State at the Mega-Political Level
No 1, 2020

Konnov V.I.
 Science Policy Programs: a Paradigm-Based Analysis
No 1, 2020

Konyshev V.N.
 Neoclassical Realism in the Theory of International Relations
No 4, 2020

Korybko A.
 Pakistan’s Role In Russia’s Greater Eurasian Partnership
No 3, 2020

Kozyreva P.M.
 The Evolution of Russian Citizens’ Views on the Law: Law Abidance or Justice?
No 5, 2020

Kravchenko S.A.
 COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges to Global Health – is Humanist Globolocal Biopolitics Possible?
No 6, 2020


Lapkin V.V.
 Global Dynamics of Political Institutions in the Context of the Destabilizing World Order (cases of the EU and Russia)
No 4, 2020

Lapkin V.V.
 The State in Times and Spaces: Diversity and Variability
No 6, 2020

Lebedeva M.M.
 New World Order: Parameters and Possible Contours
No 4, 2020

Litvinova T.N.
 The Effectiveness of Regional Power: from Theory to Measurement (Case Study of the North Caucasus Federal District Republics)
No 2, 2020

Lukin A.V.
 Russia and China in Greater Eurasia
No 5, 2020


Malakhov V.S.
 Shimmering Secularism: Religion in Russian Public Space
No 1, 2020

Malakhov V.S.
 The EU’s Migration Dilemma: Legal and Political Dimensions
No 4, 2020

Martynov M.Yu.
 Patriotism as Political Discourse in Contemporary Russia
No 2, 2020

Melville A.Yu.
 “Out of the Ghetto”: On the Contribution of Post-Soviet/Russian Studies to Contemporary Political Science
No 1, 2020

Melville A.Yu.
 “Political Atlas of the Modern World” Revisited
No 6, 2020

Mikhaylenok O.M.
 Public Policy, Development and Institutions: Semantic Conjugation Logic and “Forgotten Things” in a New Being Reality
No 1, 2020

Morozova E.V.
 Identity Policies in Rural Local Community Development in Russia
No 3, 2020


Naumkin V.V.
 Non-West Model: Does the Civilization-State Exist?
No 4, 2020

Naydenko V.N.
 Ethnic Conflict in the Context of Russian National Security
No 1, 2020

Nazukina M.V.
 The Institutionalization of Ethnicity in the Identity Policy of Russian Republics: Conceptual Analysis
No 3, 2020

Neklessa A.I.
 The Privatization of Future. New Semantics, Concept & Practice of the Global Society
No 2, 2020


Oganisyan Yu.S.
 Phenomenon of Totalitarianism: Exit to the Twenty-First Century
No 2, 2020


Pain E.A.
 Intercultural Policies and Practices: Perspectives for Implementation in Russia
No 1, 2020

Palitay I.S.
 The Young Generation of the Russian Political Elite: Status and Personal Characteristics
No 5, 2020

Palmowski T.
 Russian-Polish Borderland: Problems and Prospects for the Development of Cross-Border Relations
No 2, 2020

Petukhov R.V.
 The Request for Change: Political and Value Dimension
No 6, 2020


Sapronova M.A.
 Forming a Scientific Community. A Consolidated Portrait of Researchers of Russian Islam
No 2, 2020

Sardaryan G.T.
 Secularization and Religiousness in the Optics of Constructivism
No 4, 2020

Sarkisyan H.L.
 The Dynamics of Civil Identity Transformation in Modern Armenia: Factors and Subjects
No 2, 2020

Selezneva A.V.
 “Birth of a Citizen”: Political and Psychological Analysis of Russian High School Students’ Civic Consciousness
No 5, 2020

Sergeev V.M.
 Territorial Heterogeneity of Globalization and the New Types of Conflicts
No 1, 2020

Shestopal Ye.B.
 Representations of an “Ideal” as a Factor of the Perception of a Political Leader in Reality
No 4, 2020

Shkel S.N.
 Political Attitudes of Local Elites in Contemporary Russia (Cases of Municipalities of the Perm Territory)
No 6, 2020

Solovyov A.I.
 Power and Politics. Polemic Notes about “Damned Questions” of Political Science
No 6, 2020

Strezhneva M.V.
 Systems Approach in International Research: on the Applicability of the Theoretical Heritage of Alexander Bogdanov
No 4, 2020

Sungurov A.Yu.
 Public Chambers as Institutions for Implementing the Paternalistic Model of Interaction Between Authority and Society: Experience of the Tver Region and St. Petersburg
No 3, 2020


Terin D.F.
 Political Trust, Satisfaction and Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty: the Role of the Normative Aspects of Institutions in the Production of Trust
No 3, 2020

Timofeev I.N.
 “Sanctions for Sanctions Violation”: U.S. Department of Treasury Enforcement Actions against Financial Sector
No 6, 2020

Torkunov A.V.
 Russia’s Pivot to the East: Achievements, Problems, and Prospects.
No 5, 2020

Turchenko M.S.
 Electoral Malpractices around the World
No 5, 2020


Verlaine M.
 Amendments to Russian Constitution and International Institutions Decisions: EAEU Prospective
No 5, 2020


Yadova M.A.
 Generation of Millennials in Russian Society: In Search of Another Youth
No 6, 2020

Yanovsky O.S.
 Political Languages and the Politics of Languages. The Russian Perspective on the Cambridge School
No 1, 2020



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
5 2015

Turchenko M.S.
Why Fair Elections are Worth a Damn

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