Polis. Political Studies

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |
2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 |


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Afanasieva O.V.
 Access to information as institution of a nation state
No 5, 2010

Alekseyeva T.A.
 Political philosophy as Usable knowledge
No 1, 2010

Alekseyeva T.A.
 Reflections on modern world politics
No 3, 2010


Busygina I.M.
 Political modernization of Russia as condition of growth of her international influence
No 5, 2010


Chernikov M.V.
 Capitalism on march. Where is the finish line?
No 2, 2010

Chimiris Ye.S.
 The church and modernization in Russia: in search of new value foundations
No 6, 2010


Evgenyeva T.V.
 Nation-State Identity Formation of the Russian Youth
No , 2010


Fan I.B.
 Theoretical model of the phenomenon of citizen: socio-cultural approach
No 6, 2010

Fyodorov A.V.
 Images of the cold war: projection of the confrontation politics on the screen
No 4, 2010


Gao Shu Qin
 Rebuilding the relations after the end of the cold war
No 6, 2010

Gavrilova M.V.
 Explication of politicians ideological representations: linguistico-cognitive approach
No 3, 2010

Glavachek P.
 Political parties and society in contemporary Belarus
No 2, 2010

Glinchikova A.G.
 Democratic modernization and national culture
No 6, 2010

Glushkova S.I.
 Individual, group, collective and general rights under the conditions of multiculturalism
No 6, 2010

Gnedash A.A.
 In search of a lost subject: feminine and masculine determinants of belonging to the category of subject in modern Russia
No 5, 2010

Golubitzky Yu.A.
 The Thaw on the pages of A.Tvardovskys Novy Mir
No 1, 2010


Habermas J.
 Religion, law and politics. On political justice in a multicultural World-Society
No 2, 2010

Hanna P.
 Coming to middle ages
No 1, 2010


Ilyin M.V.
 Formation of the new states: domestic and external factors of consolidation
No 3, 2010

Ilyin M.V.
 Language of revolution language of the street
No 6, 2010

 Rokkanian prize 2010
No 4, 2010

 Through comparison to cognition (the presentation of journal the comparative politics)
No 4, 2010

 The Sovereignty, the secessions and the fortune of the de facto states
No 4, 2010


Kapustin B.G.
 Theses on political philosophy
No 2, 2010

Kartzov A.S.
 Human rights and tolerance
No 6, 2010

Kazantzev A.A.
 Grammar of Russian Idea, or how to create new ideologies in Russia?
No 3, 2010

Kholodkovskii K.G.
 Access to information as democratic institution
No 5, 2010

Khoros V.G.
 On the causes of the russian revolution
No 5, 2010

Konchalovsky A.S.
 The Russian mentality and the world civilization process
No 5, 2010

Kryshtanovskaya O.V.
 The formats of russian power
No 1, 2010

Kulpin-Gubaydullin E.S.
 Thinking of A.S. Akhiyezer
No 3, 2010


Larin A.Yu.
 The Second Kirghiz Revolution: how authority itself creates a revolutionary situation
No 6, 2010

Lazarev Ye.A.
 Political corruption: investigating the nature of post-soviet transformations
No 2, 2010


Maksimov M.A.
 The problem of subject of anti-system activity in modern philosophical thought
No 4, 2010

Malakhov V.S.
 Immigration regimes in the states of the West and in Russia: the political theory aspects. Part I
No 3, 2010

Malakhov V.S.
 Immigration regimes in Western States and in Russia: the political theory aspects. Part II
No 4, 2010

Malinova O.Yu.
 Symbolic politics and the constructing of macro-political identity in post-soviet Russia
No 2, 2010

Malinova O.Yu.
 Ideas as independent variables in political studies: in search of adequate methodology
No 3, 2010

Martyanov V.S.
 Federalism: political structure or a pact between elites?
No 1, 2010

Martyanov V.S.
 One modernity or a multitude?
No 6, 2010

Matsiyevsky Yu.V.
 Transformations of the political regime in Ukraine before and after the Orange revolution: institutional interpretation
No 5, 2010

Melville A.Yu.
 Postponed and/or failed democratizations: why and how?
No 4, 2010

Menshikov A.S.
 How to theorize politics?
No 1, 2010

Mezhuyev B.V.
 Prospects of political modernization of Russia
No 6, 2010

Mishanova Ye.V.
 Problem of operationalization of the ideological field in content-analytical studies
No 3, 2010

Morozova E.V.
 Control of changes as problem of political management
No 2, 2010


Nedyak I.L.
 Political marketing
No 3, 2010


Palonen K.
 Objectivity as Fair Play. M.WebersrRedefinition of normative notion
No 5, 2010

Pantin I.K.
 Orange pills for russian diseases
No 6, 2010

Pastukhov V.B.
 Ukrainian revolution and Russian counter-revolution
No 5, 2010

Pastukhov V.B.
 Reform of the Ministry of Interior as sublimation of the political reform in Russia
No 6, 2010

Peregudov S.P.
 Chronicle of the lethal outcome (leafing through A.S. Chernyayevs diary)
No 3, 2010

Peregudov S.P.
 Pluralism and corporatism in the USSR and in Russia (what is common and what is particular)
No 5, 2010

Petrovsky V.Ye.
 The rule of the Open Window. On human rights in Russia and in todays world
No 1, 2010

Pishcheva T.N.
 The image of Russia through prisms of political communications
No 4, 2010

Pivovarov Yu.S.
 To study oneself a task with infinite number of outcomes
No 4, 2010

Plyays Ya.A.
 Have the reforms come to an end and what have been their results?
No 5, 2010

Podolianskaya A.O.
 Ethno-political transformation of Belarus and of Ukraine through migration trends
No 2, 2010

Ponamaryova A.M.
 Immigration as problem of national security of the RF
No 4, 2010

Potseluyev S.P.
 Power as a dialogue or dialogue without any power? To actual aspects of G.H.Meads political philosophy
No 1, 2010


Ratz M.V.
 Policy and governance
No 3, 2010

Round Table of the Polis Journal
 Sociopolitical consequences of todays crisis and the problems
No 1, 2010

Round Table of the Polis Journal
 Political science journals in virtual space (presentation of the Polis Journals new Internet-portal). Part II
No 1, 2010

Round Table of the Polis Journal
 Theory and politics of innovative development and the innovations in politics
No 2, 2010

Rozov N.S.
 The imperative of changing russian national mentality
No 4, 2010

Ryabova T.B.
 The real man of russias politics? (to the question of gender discourse as power resource)
No 5, 2010


Sakwa R.
 The dual state in Russia: paraconstitutionalism and parapolitics
No 1, 2010

Selezneva A.V.
 Russian political elite: analysis from the perspective of the human capital concept
No 4, 2010

Semenenko I.S.
 Identity in the system of coordinates of the world development
No 3, 2010

Sheynis V.L.
 Russias national security. durability trial. Part II
No 1, 2010

Sheynis V.L.
 Russias national security. Durability trial. Part III (The end)
No 2, 2010

Smirnov V.V.
 The human rights political science and political rights in Russia
No 6, 2010

Stepanova N.M.
 The state family policy in West European Countries (the 1990s the 2000s)
No 5, 2010

Sudakov S.S.
 Epistemology of political pragmatism
No 1, 2010

Sungurov A.Yu.
 Human rights as subject of political science and as interdisciplinary conception
No 6, 2010

Suvakovic U.
 Political parties as traditional mechanisms of representation in modern societies
No 2, 2010


Tartzan V.N.
 The state youth policy in contemporary Russia
No 3, 2010

Timofeyeva L.N.
 Metamorphoses of the russian reformation as perceived by a philosopher and citizen
No 4, 2010

Toshchenko Zh.T.
 Particularities of modern ochlocracy
No 2, 2010

Trubitzyn D.V.
 Megatrends of world development or Modernization: methodological dilemma
No 6, 2010

Tsipko A.S.
 Axioms of strategic thinking
No 4, 2010


Utkin A.I.
 Energy resources and geopolitics
No 3, 2010


Yefimov N.N.
 Challenges of the 21st century. In new coordinates
No 1, 2010

Yermolin I.V.
 Advocacy coalitions and resource dependency theory
No 1, 2010


Zagladin N.V.
 Crisis of civilization or of humanitarian knowledge?
No 2, 2010

Zamyatin D.N.
 Metageographical axes of Eurasia
No 4, 2010

Zarubina N.N.
 Where to global capitalism?
No 1, 2010

Zavershinskaya N.A.
 Gender structures of the memory of Soviet realias in the disciplinary extent of Russias socium
No 5, 2010

Zevina O.G.
 Some peculiarities of political culture of modern Russia
No 3, 2010

Zorin V.A.
 Models of Russian presidents political leadership
No 4, 2010



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
6 2009

Pantin I.K.
Russian political thought in historical dimension

 The article text


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