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Alekseyeva T.A.
"Quantum-like" Theory of Decision Making in Political ScienceNo 4, 2017Arbatov A.G.
Trump Factor in Russia – US RelationsNo 3, 2017B
Baranovsky V.G.
Transformation of Global World Order: Dynamics of Systemic ChangesNo 3, 2017Bardin A.L.
Integration of Immigrants with Different Cultural Background: the German ExperienceNo 6, 2017Bartenev V.I.
From ‘Failed States’ to ‘States of Fragility’: Logic of Conceptual AcrobaticsNo 2, 2017C
Chugrov S.V.
Post-Truth: Transformation of Political Reality or Self-Destruction of Liberal Democracy?No 2, 2017D
Degterev D.A.
Formal Models in International StudiesNo 4, 2017Dutkiewicz P.
Fear as PoliticsNo 4, 2017E
Efremenko D.V.
Russia Between System Catastrophes and Evolutionary Transformations: Aspects of Political OntologyNo 5, 2017Erofeeva P.A.
Principles vs Interests: Participation of Human Rights Organizations in US Foreign Policy MakingNo 1, 2017F
Farukshin M.Kh.
Institutional Foundations of Ethnic FederationsNo 2, 2017Fishman L.G.
Populism Will Be Long LastingNo 3, 2017G
Glukhova A.V.
Populism as a Political Phenomena and the Challenge of the Modern DemocracyNo 4, 2017Grinin L.Ye.
The Russian Revolution and Modernization TrapsNo 4, 2017Gudalov N.N.
National Identities and International Relations Redux, or Is It Necessary to ‘Reinvent’ Constructivism?No 4, 2017Gutorov V.A.
Terrorism as a Theoretical and Historical Problem: Some Aspects of InterpretationNo 3, 2017I
Ilyin A.N.
The Ability of Consumerism to Absorb Anticonsumer Ideological ContentNo 3, 2017K
Kasatkin P.I.
The Personality of the President as a Factor in Shaping the Foreign Policy Agenda of the United States (the Case of Obama)No 1, 2017Kasatkin P.I.
The Anthropological Aspect of Global Education Models: Problems and SolutionsNo 6, 2017Kazun A.D.
“Rally Around the Flag” Effect. How and Why Support of the Authorities Grows During International Conflicts and Tragedies?No 1, 2017Konyshev V.N.
“The Great Debates”: The Means of Structuring or Periodization of International Relations Theory?No 4, 2017Korotayev A.V.
Correlation between GDP per Capita and Protest Intensity: a Quantitative AnalysisNo 2, 2017Korotayev A.V.
The Global Socio-Political Destabilization Wave of 2011 and the Following Years: A Quantitative AnalysisNo 6, 2017Kozhokin E.M.
On the Defense of the Majority RightsNo 1, 2017Kozhokin E.M.
The End of the Great Russian Revolution?No 6, 2017Kozlov D.V.
Political Behavior in Modern Russia in the Light of the Ressentiment ConceptNo 1, 2017Kozyreva P.M.
Business and the Population: A Lack of Trust – Reasons and ConsequencesNo 1, 2017Krasin Yu.A.
Majesty and Tragedy of the Soviet "Experiment"No 1, 2017Kravchenko S.A.
Sociological Diagnostics by Mikhail Gorshkov: Valid Knowledge of Russian Society, Prognoses of Its FutureNo 2, 2017Kuzin I.V.
About Prospects of Political Logic of the PrivateNo 2, 2017L
Linetsky A.I.
Modernization of Traditional Societies: A Way to Prosperity or a Road to Nowhere?No 4, 2017Litvinova T.N.
The Idea of Mongolian Civilization as a Concept of a Multipolar World OrderNo 5, 2017M
Makarenko B.I.
Conservatives About ConservativesNo 1, 2017Manoylo A.V.
Modern Political Conflicts: The Right for InterferenceNo 6, 2017Marchenya P.P.
Russian Multiparty System: The Cradle of Civil Society or the Tomb of Imperial Statehood?No 1, 2017Mikhailov R.V.
The Russian-French Dialogue on the Crisis of European Civilization (The 5th Berdyaev Readings in Paris)No 3, 2017Miroshnichenko I.V.
Network Public Policy: Outlines of Subject FieldNo 2, 2017Myasnikov A.G.
The Right to Lie as a Trap for FreedomNo 5, 2017N
Nikovskaya L.I.
Civic Participation: Features of Discourse and Actual Trends of DevelopmentNo 6, 2017O
Oganisyan Yu.S.
Hundred Years of Wars and Revolutions. The Epoch Continues?No 1, 2017Ogneva Yu.I.
Expert Opinion: Image of the Ideal Politician in RussiaNo 1, 2017P
Paskhina I.S.
"Party Zero": Russian Elections Through the Prism of the Effective Number of PartiesNo 5, 2017Pavlova E.B.
Normative Power: Some Theory Aspects and Contemporary Practice of Russia and the EUNo 1, 2017Petukhov R.V.
The Russian Society’s Confidence in the Local Governments as a ProblemNo 6, 2017Petukhov V.V.
Democratization of the Russian Society: Is Second Attempt Possible?No 5, 2017Popov M.E.
Sociocultural Integration Policy: Major Theoretical PerspectivesNo 1, 2017Pushkaryova G.V.
Ideas and Values as a Method of Constructing Symbolic Space of the National IdentityNo 5, 2017R
Rozov N.S.
The Vector of Russian 1917 Revolution: Modernization or Counter-Modernization?No 2, 2017Rozov N.S.
Crisis and Revolutions: Fields of Interaction, Actors’ Strategies, and Trajectories of Conflict DynamicsNo 6, 2017S
Sadovaja E.S.
Regulation of Interethnic Relations Through Educational Policy: Experience of EU Member CountriesNo 5, 2017Sakwa R.
One Europe or None: Involution and MultipolarityNo 6, 2017Semenenko I.S.
Between the State and the Nation: Dilemmas of Identity Policy in Post-Soviet SocietiesNo 5, 2017Sergeev V.M.
The Policy of “Mainstream” and Its Alternatives in the Modern Western World: on the Way from the World Economic Crisis to “Impossible Politics?”No 3, 2017Sharkov F.I.
The Convergence of the Elements of Political MediaNo 3, 2017Simonia N.A.
Results of Presidential Elections in the United States and New Prospects for Formation of Multipolar World OrderNo 2, 2017Sirotkina E.V.
Loyalty of Elites and Gubernatorial Elections: the Role of Pre-electoral Conflicts in the
Voting OutcomeNo 6, 2017Smirnov V.A.
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Political Elites’ Institutionalization in the Baltic StatesNo 5, 2017Solovey V.D.
Digital Mythology and Donald Trump Electoral CampaignNo 5, 2017Solovyov A.I.
Political Leader in the Public Administration Environment, or Who Is the Man of the House?No 2, 2017Streltsov D.V.
Dominant Party Systems: Some Approaches to the Methodology of the StudyNo 3, 2017Strezhneva M.V.
Methodological Aspects in the Study of Foreign Policy and Global Role of the European UnionNo 6, 2017Sungurov A.Yu.
Russian Expert Community and Government: Main Forms of InteractionNo 3, 2017T
Tokarev A.A.
Comparative Analysis of the Post-Communist Secessions: The Prognostic Attempt of Quantification of the Factors` Impact on SecessionNo 4, 2017Toshchenko Zh.T.
Trauma Society: Between Evolution and Revolution (The Invitation to Debate)No 1, 2017Tregubov N.A.
Factors of Electoral Choice: The Classification and AnalysisNo 3, 2017Tretyakov V.T.
The U.S. and Russia under Trump and Putin: One Against the Other, Apart, or Together?No 6, 2017Tsapenko I.P.
Integration Capacity of Ethno-Cultural Diversity in European SocietiesNo 4, 2017Turchenko M.S.
Casual Mechanism vs Pile of Facts: How to Evaluate Casual Links in Case Study ResearchNo 2, 2017Tzygankov A.P.
Enlightened Statism (A.D. Bogaturov and Russian International Relations Theory)No 4, 2017V
Vainshtein G.I.
Modern Populism as a Subject of Political ScienceNo 4, 2017Y
Yakunin V.I.
The Phenomenon of Euroscepticism in the Context of Electoral Processes in Modern EuropeNo 5, 2017Yavlinsky G.A.
The Loss of the FutureNo 5, 2017Z
Zheleznyakov A.S.
Civilizational Pillars of Russia’s ModernizationNo 4, 2017Zonova T.V.
‘Kissinger Dilemma’ in Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations:
History and Current State of AffairsNo 2, 2017