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Adiev A.Z.
District vs Region: Race for Power and Self-Government in Nogai District of Dagestan (Event Analysis of the 2017 Election Campaign)No 6, 2018Alekseyeva T.A.
Is It Time for Lottery-Based Authorities?No 6, 2018Arbatov A.G.
Threats to Strategic Stability – Imaginary and RealNo 3, 2018Atanesyan A.V.
“Velvet Revolution” in Armenia: Potential, Gains and Risks of Political Protest ActivityNo 6, 2018B
Baranovsky V.G.
World of Faith and World of Disbelief: Expansion and Reduction of ReligiosityNo 6, 2018Bardin A.L.
Problems of National Development and Consolidation of Political Spaces (the Cases of Moldova and Romania)No 6, 2018Bartenev V.I.
Foreign Aid and Quality of Governance: Shattering Illusory CorrelationsNo 6, 2018D
Dakhin A.V.
Public Organizations: Beyond the WestNo 2, 2018Drobizheva L.M.
Russian Identity: Discussions in the Political Space and Dynamics of Mass ConsciousnessNo 5, 2018Druzhinin A.G.
Prolongation of the “Moscow-Centric” Russian Space: pro et contraNo 5, 2018E
Egorova-Gantman E.V.
Despite the Disbelief. The Story of Russian Political PsychologyNo 4, 2018F
Fadeyeva L.A.
Twists of European IntegrationNo 5, 2018Fedorov G.M.
Russian Federation in the Baltic Region: Political Relations and Economic Development in 1992-2017No 3, 2018Fedotova V.G.
Culture, Institutions, PoliticsNo 1, 2018Fomin I.V.
Armenian Nationalism vs. Armenian State: Cleavages and Coalitions in the Discourses on Sasna TsrerNo 3, 2018G
Gadzhiev K.S.
Russian Federation: National State or a State of Nations?No 3, 2018Gaivoronsky Yu.O.
Factors of Party System Nationalization in Contemporary RussiaNo 1, 2018Grishin N.V.
The Phenomenon of Constituency Boundaries Commissions: Development and ProspectsNo 4, 2018Gutorov V.A.
Post-Communism in Institutional, Ideological and Communicative Dimensions: Critical Notes. Part I.No 3, 2018Gutorov V.A.
Post-Communism in Institutional, Ideological and Communicative Dimensions: Critical Notes. Part IINo 4, 2018I
Istomin I.A.
Assessment of Scientific Productivity and Social Utility of Scientific Studies: The Lessons from the U.S. RecordNo 6, 2018K
Kazarinova D.B.
Cold War and Peace: “Russia Against the Rest” and Four World Orders of R. SakwaNo 4, 2018Khenkin S.M.
Separatism against the State: the Case of CataloniaNo 3, 2018Kholodkovskii K.G.
Complex Problems of Modern Public ConsciousnessNo 3, 2018Khoros V.G.
The Principle of Historicity and the A Priori Knowledge: Politico-Analytical Retrospective of the Russian RevolutionNo 6, 2018Klemeshev A.P.
National-Conservative “Turn” of Poland in Geopolitical ContextNo 5, 2018Kokoshin A.A.
Strategic Stability in a Deteriorating International EnvironmentNo 4, 2018Kolosov V.A.
Russia’s Post-Soviet Borderzone in Between East and West: Looking West (Analysis of Political Discourse)No 3, 2018Kolosov V.A.
Russia’s Post-Soviet Borderzone in Between East and West (Analysis of Political Discourse). Part II: Looking EastNo 5, 2018Kravchenko S.A.
International Cooperation in the Field of Combating Glocalized CorruptionNo 1, 2018Kravchenko S.A.
Why Innovative Knowledge About Russian Society Is in Such a DemandNo 4, 2018Krylov A.V.
The Ideology of Hamas: From Radical Islamism to Rational Practicality?No 4, 2018L
Lapkin V.V.
Nation vs Empire in the Modern World OrderNo 4, 2018Latov Yu.V.
Paradoxes of Memory of the Recent Past: USSR Under Brezhnev, Russia Under Yeltsin and Putin in Perception of the Current Generation of RussiansNo 5, 2018Letnyakov D.E.
Politico-Ideological Trends of Post-Soviet Societies: An Attempt of GeneralizationNo 1, 2018Linetsky A.I.
The Moment of Truth: Archaic Behavior Patterns in Russian Political LifeNo 1, 2018Litvak N.V.
Modern Diplomatic Service as a Reflexive InstitutionNo 2, 2018Lukin V.P.
Russia in the World of the 21st Century: Accomplishments and HopesNo 6, 2018M
Malinova O.Yu.
The Commemoration in Russia of the Centenary of the 1917 Revolution(s): Analysis of Strategies of the Key Mnemonic ActorsNo 1, 2018Malinova O.Yu.
The Commemoration in Russia of the Centenary of the 1917 Revolution(s): Comparative Analysis of Rival NarrativesNo 2, 2018Matsiyevsky Yu.V.
Trapped in Hybridity: Ukraine’s Regime Transformations after the 2014 RevolutionNo 1, 2018Matveychev O.A.
Russian Market of Political Technologies: Stages of Formation and Prospects of DevelopmentNo 2, 2018Melnikov K.V.
Neopatrimonialism: Classification as a Way of Overcoming the Conceptual StretchingNo 2, 2018Melnikov S.S.
In-Group and Out-Group in Russian Political Cartoons: Research of the Latent Meanings of Narrative Conflict between Russia and the WestNo 2, 2018Mizin V.I.
Modern Concepts of Strategic StabilityNo 5, 2018N
Neklessa A.I.
The Crises of History. The World as an Unfinished ProjectNo 1, 2018Nikitin A.I.
Modern World Order, Its Crisis and ProspectsNo 6, 2018O
Okunev I.Yu.
Incorporation of Russian Federation Regions: Institutional and Social ConsequencesNo 2, 2018P
Pakhalyuk K.A.
Discourse Critique: Research Programs and Protest PracticesNo 1, 2018Palitay I.S.
Transformation of Images of Power and Political Leaders of Great Britain Under the Influence of Brexit (on
Materials of European and American Media, 2014-2017)No 2, 2018Pantin V.I.
Transforming of Political Spaces: Toward Polycentric World OrderNo 6, 2018Pechatnov V.O.
“…And yet It Keeps Revolving”: Reading Victor Kuvaldin’s “The Global World”No 1, 2018Pechatnov V.O.
Bilderberg Coming of Age (1950s-1970s)No 5, 2018Puzanova Zh.V.
Contexts of Intercultural Interaction in the High SchoolNo 4, 2018R
Radina N.K.
Digital Political Mobilization of Online Commenters on Publications about Politics and International RelationsNo 2, 2018S
Samarkina I.V.
Perception of Europe by Young Generation in the Context of New Reality of World Politics (The Case of Krasnodar)No 3, 2018Semenenko I.S.
Nationalism, Separatism, and Democracy. New Patterns of National Identity in “Old” EuropeNo 5, 2018Sergeev V.M.
The Crisis of Contemporary U.S. and EU Party Systems: Causes and CharacteristicsNo 2, 2018Shestopal Ye.B.
Factors of Political Perception of Post-Soviet Countries in Contemporary Russian SocietyNo 1, 2018Shestopal Ye.B.
Notes of a Political Psychologist on the Book “Identity: the Individual, Society, and Politics”No 4, 2018Shishkov V.V.
Empire as a Notion and Concept of Modern Political Science: The Problems of InterpretationNo 4, 2018Shmeleva E.V.
The Gifted Youth, and Development of New Educational Technologies as a Political ProblemNo 2, 2018Smorgunov L.V.
Blockchain as Institution of Procedural JusticeNo 5, 2018Sungurov A.Yu.
Expert Community and Power: Models of Interaction and Problems of Civil ResponsibilityNo 4, 2018T
Talagayeva D.A.
European Research Area in Action: Horizon 2020No 1, 2018Teslya A.A.
Orthodox Radicalism: Political Doctrine of the Christian Brotherhood of StruggleNo 5, 2018Tikhonova N.E.
Balance of State Interests and Human Rights in Perception of Russians: Empirical AnalysisNo 5, 2018Timofeev I.N.
The U.S. Sanctions Against Iran: Experience and Eventual ImplicationsNo 4, 2018Torkunov A.V.
Challenges to Social and Human Sciences in RussiaNo 5, 2018Tsapenko I.P.
Cultural Diversity and the Destiny of NationsNo 2, 2018V
Vodopyanov K.G.
Suffering Leviathan: What Will Save the Modern State (About the Book by N. Noonan and V. Nadkarni)No 3, 2018Voevoda E.V.
Axiology of Education in the Discourse of Contemporary PolicyNo 6, 2018Y
Yerokhov I.A.
New Framework of Political Knowledge: Labor, Control and Vision of the FutureNo 4, 2018Z
Zamyatin D.N.
Post-City: Space and Ontological Models of ImaginationNo 3, 2018Zaykov K.S.
Ethnosocial Situation in Arctic Regions of Russia and the State National PolicyNo 2, 2018Zolyan S.T.
"Doublethink" and Semiotics Of Political Discourse.No 3, 2018