Polis. Political Studies

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |
2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 |


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Akhremenko A.S.
 The Logic of Protest Campaigns: From Empirical Data to Dynamic Models (and Back)
No 3, 2021

Alekseyeva T.A.
 Dilemmas of the Modern Theory of Political Elites: What’s Next?
No 5, 2021

Antyukhova E.A.
 NATO in the Ñrosshairs of COVID-19
No 3, 2021

Arbatov A.G.
 The Ten Aporias of Our Time. The Theory and Practice of Nuclear Deterrence
No 4, 2021

Arbatova N.K.
 EU Security: Micro-Aggression with Macro-Consequences
No 5, 2021

Artamonova Yu.D.
 Modern Personalization of Politics: New Approaches to Its Analysis
No 6, 2021

Artyushkin V.F.
 Balance of Power Between the G-20 States: Analysis with Multidimensional Scaling Method
No 2, 2021

Aseev S.Yu.
 Innovation and Leadership Potential in the Structure of Political Attitudes of Youth (On the Case Study of Altai Krai and Novosibirsk Oblast)
No 2, 2021


Bardin A.L.
 Digital Divide in the Modern Megapolis: Political Aspects
No 6, 2021


Chebankova E.A.
 Covid-19 Pandemic and the World Order
No 2, 2021

Chebankova E.A.
 Ideology and Civilizational Discourse
No 4, 2021

Chernysh M.F.
 Discourses of Social Justice In The Chinese and Russian Cultural Contexts
No 3, 2021

Chikharev I.A.
 The Great Mediterranean as a Multi-Dimensional Object of Political Research
No 3, 2021

Chirikova A.Ye.
 Leadership in Local Communities: Who Is Needed in the Municipal Government in Russia
No 2, 2021

Chugrov S.V.
 The Strategic Empathy in the World Politics: Is It Possible to Overcome the Rashomon Effect and Fundamental Attribution Error?
No 5, 2021

Crowley-Vigneau A.
 Transnational Policy Networks and Change Through Internationalization (The Record of Project 5-100)
No 5, 2021


De Landtsheer C.
 Brexit and Political Personality: The Psychological Profiles of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn
No 6, 2021


Editorial Introduction
 Presenting the Issue
No 4, 2021

Editorial Introduction
 INTRODUCTION by Co-editors and Contributors of the Special Section Elena Chebankova and Piotr Dutkiewicz
No 4, 2021

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting this Issue
No 5, 2021

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting this Issue
No 6, 2021

Efremenko D.V.
 Skeletons in a Slavic Closet. Controversies of Historical Memory and Nation-Building in Serbia and Croatia after the Collapse of the SFRY
No 5, 2021

Entin M.L.
 The Imperative of Transition to a New Model of Socioeconomic Development
No 6, 2021


Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
 Discursive Identity Construction in Messages to the Regional Parliament. Case of the Republic of Tatarstan
No 5, 2021

Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
 Interface Between Political Science and Political Discourse: Conflict Dimension
No 2, 2021

Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
 France’s New Political Elite Against the Old Recruitment System
No 6, 2021

Grigoriev I.S.
 Multilevel Governance and Resource Exchange: Votes, Budgets, Information
No 1, 2021


Kazun A.D.
 Professional Taboos in Russian Political Consultancy
No 1, 2021

Koktysh K.E.
 Belarus: A New Geopolitical Reality?
No 3, 2021

Koltsova O.Yu.
 Coverage of Presidential Elections in Kazakhstan and Ukraine by Russian Media
No 6, 2021

Kostyrev A.G.
 Post-politics in the Nets of Post-truth
No 2, 2021


Lane D.
 Civilisation and the Globalisation of Capitalism
No 4, 2021

Latov Yu.V.
 Institutional Trust as a Social Capital in Modern Russia (on the Results of Monitoring)
No 5, 2021

Lebedeva M.M.
 Humanitarization of World Politics
No 4, 2021

Lukin A.L.
 Russia and the Korean Peninsula: Political Realism and Empathy
No 3, 2021


Malakhov V.S.
 Religious Politics of Post-Soviet States: Between Path Dependence and Governmentality
No 4, 2021

Malinova O.Yu.
 Amending the Russian Constitution as Symbolic Politics: 1993-2020
No 3, 2021

Martyanov V.S.
 In Search of Another Mainstream
No 4, 2021

Mchedlova M.M.
 COVID-19 Pandemic Challenge and Religion: Ontology vs Politics
No 4, 2021

Melnikov K.V.
 Clientelism and Informal Networks of Regional Elites in Russia: Network Analysis of the Case of Sverdlovsk Oblast
No 6, 2021

Meshcheryakova N.N.
 Theory and Practice of Modern Criticism (About the Book “A Time for Critique”)
No 2, 2021

Mochalov A.N.
 In Search of the Origins of Multinational Federalism
No 1, 2021


Naumkin V.V.
 Modern Convergent Arab Nationalism in the Mirror of Historic Memory
No 6, 2021

Neklessa A.I.
 Civilization as a Process: Multiplied Subjects of Postmodernity
No 5, 2021

Nikovskaya L.I.
 Municipal Public Policy: The Viability of its Institutions and Subjects (The Cases of Kostroma and Yaroslavl)
No 3, 2021


Obichkina E.O.
 Russia’s Global Position as Reflected in French Studies: the Observations of the Observers
No 2, 2021

Oznobishchev S.K.
 Policy and Arms Control
No 6, 2021


Pabst A.
 Civilization and Liberal Democracy
No 4, 2021

Pomiguev I.A.
 Resetting Bills: Discontinuity as a Political Technology for Blocking Policy Decision
No 4, 2021


Radina N.K.
 “Imagined Geopolitics” in the Russian Media Discourse on Coronavirus
No 1, 2021

Romanov D.M.
 The Share of Youth in the Total Population as a Factor of Intensity of Non-Violent Protests: A Quantitative Analysis
No 3, 2021

Ryazantsev S.V.
 Is the Fight Against Illegal Immigration Effective (Experience of the USA, European Union and Russia)?
No 2, 2021


Safranchuk I.A.
 The Modern World Order: Structural Realities and Great Power Rivalries
No 3, 2021

Safranchuk I.A.
 The Contemporary World Order: The Adaptation of Actors to Structural Realities
No 4, 2021

Samarkina I.V.
 Local Identity and Mechanisms of its Conversion into Constructive Socio-Political Practices of Youth
No 2, 2021

Sardaryan G.T.
 The Political Philosophy of Freedom in the Christian Axiology of Republicanism
No 4, 2021

Semenenko I.S.
 Rethinking Development in Social Sciences: on the Threshold of an Ethical Turn
No 2, 2021

Semenenko I.S.
 Social Cleavages and Political Divides in a Theoretical Perspective: Criteria for Assessment and Classification
No 5, 2021

Shakleina T.A.
 Donald Trump and “New Populism” in America
No 5, 2021

Shchipkov V.A.
 Max Weber’s Dialectical Rationalism and the Foundations of Social Sciences
No 1, 2021

Silaev N.Yu.
 À Test of Russian Geopolitics: Russia's Foreign Policy in the Perspective of Geopolitical Theories
No 1, 2021

Simonov Yu.P.
 Conceptualizing the Common European Home: a French Vision
No 1, 2021

Sokolshchik L.M.
 American Conservatism and the Callenge of Contemporary Populism: Theoretical and Ideological Aspects
No 1, 2021

Sushentsov A.A.
 “Vocation Crisis” in the State Department: Problems of Converting US Foreign Policy Potential into Influence
No 2, 2021


Telin K.O.
 Replacing the Myth: “Moment of Truth” for the State
No 5, 2021

Tikhonova N.E.
 Russians’ Perceptions of the Relationship between the Individual and State Interests: an Empirical Analysis of Dynamics
No 6, 2021

Tokarev A.A.
 Chinese Foreign Policy Reflected in Images of the Present and the Future: Psychographic Method
No 1, 2021

Torkunov A.V.
 On the Eternal and the New In the Current Context of World Politics (on the 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Nevsky)
No 3, 2021

Torosyan T.S.
 Conceptualising a Methodology for a Comparative Analysis of the Success of Secessions
No 1, 2021

Trofimova I.N.
 Russian Educational Policy and the Conflicts of Interests in the Field of Innovation
No 5, 2021

Tumskiy S.V.
 Political Provocations in the Electoral Debates of U.S. Presidential Candidates
No 6, 2021


Zaznaev O.I.
 Ethnic Conflict and Forms of Government: Contemporary Discussions
No 1, 2021

Zulyar Yu.A.
 A Guide to Virtual Reality
No 1, 2021



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
1 2014

Khoros V.G.
Ideas living in the time

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