Polis. Political Studies

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 | 1991 |


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Akhremenko A.S.
 Internet shutdown as a theoretical problem of political science, or what we do (not) understand about network protest mobilization
No 2, 2024

Andreyev A.L.
 Division and consolidation in Russian society resulting from the Russian special military operation
No 1, 2024

Axenov K.E.
 Symbolic geopolitical capital and urban space
No 1, 2024


Babich N.S.
 The effect of “falsification of preferences”: the rise and fall of mass support for M.S. Gorbachev
No 2, 2024

Borovsky Yu.V.
 The view of offensive realism and liberalism on U.S. foreign policy
No 1, 2024


Editorial Introduction
 Presenting the issue
No 1, 2024

Editorial Introduction
 Presenting the issue
No 2, 2024

Entin M.L.
 Theoretical and methodological aspects of the Western sanctions policy research
No 1, 2024


Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
 The concept of identity: movement from the abstract to the concrete
No 3, 2024

Glukhova A.V.
 Populism in power: political consequences
No 1, 2024


Ilyin M.V.
 A fundamental challenge. Are the affordances of political science being wasted?
No 2, 2024


Kapustin B.G.
 On the metaphor “revolutions are the locomotives of history”
No 3, 2024

Kharkevich M.V.
 Overcoming the apocalypse in the pluralistic space of poetics and politics
No 2, 2024

Klinova M.V.
 Politics of France for obtaining European strategic autonomy in outer-space exploration
No 2, 2024

Koktysh K.E.
 The birth of the deep state
No 1, 2024

Kravchenko S.A.
 The emergence of the synergistically complex power in digital era: challenges to human capital
No 2, 2024

Kulaev M.A.
 The notion of transformism in Gramscian theories and its application to social movements studies
No 2, 2024

Kyrchanoff M.V.
 Image of China as an anti-Muslim “Other” in the Indonesian media
No 1, 2024


Lapkin V.V.
 The transformation of the world order: the evolutionary aspect
No 4, 2024

Lebedeva M.M.
 Theory of world politics: assessing the potential for transfer
No 2, 2024

Levytskyy V.S.
 The philosophy of politics – political philosophy – political science: articulation of the problem area
No 1, 2024


Malov A.V.
 Political and ecological aspects of the food miles concept
No 1, 2024

Mchedlova M.M.
 Religion in modern projects: between alarmism, political expediency and utopia
No 2, 2024

Moskalenko O.A.
 Hubris syndrome and technologies of delegitimation of power
No 1, 2024


Obichkina E.O.
 “Our false friend America”, or nostalgia for Gaullism
No 4, 2024


Smorgunov L.V.
 Justifying political choice: from probability and institutions to communication
No 2, 2024

Solovyov A.I.
 Agents and mechanisms of political domination, or how a “winning coalition” rules
No 2, 2024

Strezhneva M.V.
 Make-up of fiscal integration in the European Union
No 2, 2024


Tarasenko G.K.
 Dynamics of political electoral preferences among residents of closed cities in Russia (1995-2003)
No 1, 2024


Voynikov V.V.
 The reform of the Common European Asylum System in the context of the implementation the EU principle of solidarity
No 1, 2024


Zabella A.A.
 Belt and Road Initiative and the African continental free trade area
No 1, 2024



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
1 2003

Krasin Yu.A.
Russia's Political Self-Determination: Problems of Option

 The article text (ýëåêòðîííàÿ âåðñèÿ)


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