Polis. Political Studies
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Abdeeva D.P.
A decisive factor? Pro-government external interventions in civil warsNo 6, 2024Airapetov O.R.
In search of a predictable pastNo 5, 2024Akhremenko A.S.
Internet shutdown as a theoretical problem of political science, or what we do (not) understand about network protest mobilizationNo 2, 2024Alekseyenkova Ye.S.
The decline of populism? Crisis of trust and parties of political alternative in modern ItalyNo 4, 2024Andreyev A.L.
Division and consolidation in Russian society resulting from the Russian special military operationNo 1, 2024Arbatov A.G.
Disarmament in history and at present: theory vs practiceNo 5, 2024Arbatova N.K.
Relations of the European Union with the United States and NATO: dilemmas of euro-atlanticismNo 4, 2024Avksentyev V.A.
Official discourse of nation-building in the post-Soviet space: the cases of Russia, Kazakhstan and BelarusNo 4, 2024Axenov K.E.
Symbolic geopolitical capital and urban spaceNo 1, 2024B
Babich N.S.
The effect of “falsification of preferences”: the rise and fall of mass support for M.S. Gorbachev
No 2, 2024Balakina J.V.
Media, culture and popular geopolitics: how imagined spaces and identities are forgedNo 6, 2024Bardin A.L.
Responsible urban development policy: criteria, subjects, prospectsNo 5, 2024Bocharova A. P.
Using social networks to study the political culture of modern ChinaNo 3, 2024Borovsky Yu.V.
The view of offensive realism and liberalism on U.S. foreign policyNo 1, 2024C
Chernyshov Yu.G.
Image of regions and index of historical and cultural heritage: Altai Territory and the Altai RepublicNo 6, 2024Chikhachev A.Yu.
Defence and political integration in the EU: France's particular roleNo 6, 2024Chistikov M.N.
Party-political dynamics in Norway as a factor in Russian-Norwegian relationsNo 4, 2024Chugrov S.V.
How national political culture shapes international relations: the case of JapanNo 3, 2024D
Dynkin A.A.
World order transformation: economy, ideology, technologyNo 5, 2024E
Editorial Introduction
Presenting the issueNo 1, 2024Editorial Introduction
Presenting the issueNo 2, 2024Entin M.L.
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the Western sanctions policy researchNo 1, 2024G
Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
The concept of identity: movement from the abstract to the concreteNo 3, 2024Glukhova A.V.
Populism in power: political consequencesNo 1, 2024Gromyko Al. A.
The world of polycentrism: the role of values in major powers' competitionNo 6, 2024I
Ilyin M.V.
A fundamental challenge. Are the affordances of political science being wasted?No 2, 2024Ilyin M.V.
Cleavages and identities in the changing landscape of world politicsNo 5, 2024K
Kapustin B.G.
On the metaphor “revolutions are the locomotives of history”No 3, 2024Kharkevich M.V.
Overcoming the apocalypse in the pluralistic space of poetics and politicsNo 2, 2024Klinova M.V.
Politics of France for obtaining European strategic autonomy in outer-space explorationNo 2, 2024Kochetkov A.P.
Digital elite: trends of formation and developmentNo 4, 2024Koktysh K.E.
The birth of the deep stateNo 1, 2024Kravchenko S.A.
The emergence of the synergistically complex power in digital era: challenges to human capital
No 2, 2024Kulaev M.A.
The notion of transformism in Gramscian theories and its application to social movements studiesNo 2, 2024Kyrchanoff M.V.
Image of China as an anti-Muslim “Other” in the Indonesian mediaNo 1, 2024L
Lapkin V.V.
The transformation of the world order: the evolutionary aspectNo 4, 2024Lebedeva M.M.
Theory of world politics: assessing the potential for transferNo 2, 2024Lebedeva M.M.
Practice of international relations: potential for transfer to other spheresNo 5, 2024Levytskyy V.S.
The philosophy of politics – political philosophy – political science: articulation of the problem areaNo 1, 2024Loshkariov I.D.
Security market in Africa: the place of Russia and new opportunitiesNo 4, 2024M
Maleshevich A.V.
Balkanization vs Europeanization: conceptual deconstructionNo 5, 2024Malov A.V.
Political and ecological aspects of the food miles conceptNo 1, 2024Martyanov V.S.
The good intentions of federalismNo 3, 2024Mchedlova M.M.
Religion in modern projects: between alarmism, political expediency and utopiaNo 2, 2024Moskalenko O.A.
Hubris syndrome and technologies of delegitimation of powerNo 1, 2024N
Nikolskaya M.V.
An integrated East Africa: a resilience perspective (In English)No 4, 2024O
Obichkina E.O.
“Our false friend America”, or nostalgia for GaullismNo 4, 2024Oznobishchev S.K.
The military space race: unrealized fantasies?No 6, 2024P
Pavlov V.V.
Assembly line for ideas in US foreign policy and the issue of international relations actors’ trust hereinunderNo 4, 2024R
Rozov N.S.
Political (de)modernization of Russia in the 1990s: turning events and models of conflict dynamicsNo 3, 2024Rykov S.Yu.
The concept of humanitarian intervention in ancient Chinese philosophy and contemporary Chinese discourseNo 6, 2024S
Samarkina I.V.
The future image as a component of political subjective space: testing the conceptual modelNo 5, 2024Semenenko I.S.
Social and political development: out of conceptual mazes and into political agenda-settingNo 6, 2024Sevostyanov P.I.
Climate, nuclear weapons control and cyber threats: three problems or one?
No 3, 2024Sidorenko E.L.
Merging the interests of governments and Western monopolies in the field of ICT: modern geopolitical modelsNo 6, 2024Smorgunov L.V.
Justifying political choice: from probability and institutions to communicationNo 2, 2024Smorgunov L.V.
GR-management and public policyNo 6, 2024Snarski Ya.A.
Two tales of Kushtau Hill movement: ethnic environmental mobilisation and perceived costs of neopatrimonialismNo 3, 2024Sokolshchik L.M.
Discursive strategies for legitimizing U.S. sanctions policy towards Russia (2021-2023)No 3, 2024Solovyov A.I.
Agents and mechanisms of political domination, or how a “winning coalition” rules
No 2, 2024Stoianov R.R.
Political realism between American republicanism and German elitismNo 4, 2024Strezhneva M.V.
Make-up of fiscal integration in the European Union
No 2, 2024Suchkov M.A.
Foreign interference as a form of interstate competition: types and motives No 3, 2024Sushentsov A.A.
National schools of diplomatic training: divergences in the global epistemology of international relationsNo 5, 2024T
Tarasenko G.K.
Dynamics of political electoral preferences among residents of closed cities in Russia (1995-2003)No 1, 2024Tikhonova N.E.
Ideological segmentation of mass strata of the population under conditions of aggravated confrontation with the West (empirical analysis)No 5, 2024Tokarev A.A.
Mass consciousness of Russian youth: image of the futureNo 6, 2024Turonok S.G.
Oikophobia and the crisis of modern Western civilization
No 3, 2024V
Voynikov V.V.
The reform of the Common European Asylum System in the context of the implementation the EU principle of solidarityNo 1, 2024Z
Zabella A.A.
Belt and Road Initiative and the African continental free trade areaNo 1, 2024Zolyan S.T.
The history of post-Soviet Armenia through its political myths and symbolsNo 5, 2024Zubarev N.S.
Subjective wellbeing and the national pride of Russians: causal analysisNo 4, 2024Zvyagelskaya I.D.
Religious nationalists in Palestine and Israel. Back to the start?No 6, 2024