The reform of the Common European Asylum System in the context of the implementation the EU principle of solidarity

The reform of the Common European Asylum System in the context of the implementation the EU principle of solidarity

Voynikov V.V.,

MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia,

elibrary_id: 289726 | ORCID: 0000-0003-1495-3227 | RESEARCHER_ID: E-4806-2018

Article received: 2023.01.26. Accepted: 2023.06.28

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2024.01.11

For citation:

Voynikov V.V. The reform of the Common European Asylum System in the context of the implementation the EU principle of solidarity. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No. 1. EDN: OWUYAW


The polycrisis in the European Union has a great influence on the issue of solidarity. The events of recent years demonstrate a significant lack of solidarity within the EU. At the same time, solidarity is one of the principles of the Union’s immigration and asylum policy, as well as one of its key value. For a long time, it was assumed that all member states act in the spirit of mutual solidarity, which should flow from the very fact of a country’s membership in the EU. In other words, international solidarity within the Union is based on voluntariness, which does not require any special mechanism for its implementation. However, in recent years, this presumption has shown its inconsistency, and as a result, the idea has arisen to create a special solidarity mechanism. The migration crisis of 2015 forced the institutions of the Union to start reforming the Common European Asylum System, a key element of which is the creation of an effective solidarity mechanism within the Union. This article is devoted to the study of the transformation of the solidarity principle in the framework of the reform of the Common European Asylum System. The article highlights the main stages of the protracted reform of asylum legislation, reveals the key features of each stage from a solidarity perspective. The author comes to the conclusion that the proposed asylum system in the EU will not become fairer and will not ensure the implementation of the principle of solidarity. At the same time, the reform of the asylum policy could lead to an increase in the centralization of this policy and the expansion of the powers of the Union bodies, which will not make it possible to resolve the current problems and provide solidarity. Thus, solidarity will turn out to be only a tool in the hands of the institutions of the Union for carrying out planned reforms. According to the author, at the moment one can observe the transformation of solidarity within the EU into collectivism, when the interests of the Union are put above the interests of the member states, and the latter are forced to follow a common policy against their will. 

solidarity, European Union, migration, asylum, immigration crisis, Schengen area, Pact on Migration and Asylum, Dublin Regulation.


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Content No. 1, 2024

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