The Gifted Youth, and Development of New Educational Technologies as a Political Problem

The Gifted Youth, and Development of New Educational Technologies as a Political Problem

Shmeleva E.V.,

Head, Educational Foundation “Talent and Success”,

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2018.02.03

For citation:

Shmeleva E.V. The Gifted Youth, and Development of New Educational Technologies as a Political Problem. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No. 2.


The article substantiates the necessity of studying the interdisciplinary field during the research of the range of social and ethical issues arising from the development of new technologies and modernization of scientific and technological education. The paper describes basic methods of the value orientation translation when discussing the role of science in achieving socially useful results. Their role is defined in the organization of sustainable communities for the interpretation of the medium- and long-term development prospects for new technologies in the case of selection, taking into account the need for socially significant results, priorities of personal growth of such community members – school and university students. The article specifies the educational features of the basic and further educational system in the context of new priorities for scientific and technological development in the Russian Federation. The paper provides the comparative analysis of the norms and values produced by the leading educational centers for gifted children in the leading countries in the field of scientific and technological development, an attempt to describe the value-oriented model of work with the gifted students within the framework of scientific and technological education. The role of public-private partnership in this process is demonstrated.

giftedness; gifted children; strategy of scientific and technological development; project activity; value of technology; ethical grounds of education.


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Content No. 2, 2018

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